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Judas Iscariot
09-15-08, 12:36 AM
There exists, in the world of roleplayers, five types of people. People who roleplay for fun only, people who roleplay to write a story, people who roleplay to act out a personal fantasy, and of course, people who roleplay to interact with other people. And then there is me. I am the fifth type, the person who joins a site and creates a character with the intent and purpose of making whomever the hell's life I target miserable to such a degree (ICly) that they kill themselves (Either is fine, in many cases). This is what I do, and if I haven't rusted, I am very good at it.

Ninety-percent of my existence revolves around the human mind. I am a psychological enthusiast, and while I hold neither a masters, bachelors, or doctorate in Psychology, I am very good at the basics. While I can neither identify the sections of the brain used, nor list the myriad of terrible mental diseases that all your character's have, I can list the one's that I know, and cover them with writing that is vague enough to get by. Basically, I'm very good at covering up my crap, just like Richard Nixon (Note to self, do NOT record confession).

I'm getting lazy, and refuse to type any more. It's 1:40 in the morning, and I want either coffee, sleep, or death, or all of the above (perhaps none of the below). The voices tell me to stop, so I am. Besides, these three paragraphs should pretty much explain everything about me that you'll ever need to know, ever.

God I hate doing introduction threads...

09-15-08, 01:08 AM
Then why did you do one?

Anyway, hi, welcome, try not to get your limbs gnawed off too fast.

Judas Iscariot
09-15-08, 01:31 AM
Because I was bored, and probably a bit high or something. Damn....2:30....must sleep now...

09-15-08, 04:28 AM
hi, Judas! I find your reference to a historical figure rather interesting. Would you care to be followed around by a puppeteer and a certain entity that shouldn't exist? ^^

09-15-08, 10:48 AM
I bet you don't have any sympathy for the devil.

Welcome to Althanas, Jude! It's the perfect place to subject your characters to unparalleled psychological turmoil. Heck, as far as I know, it's the rule of thumb here.

Terminus Mortis
09-15-08, 04:24 PM
Iscariot Priest.

Just throwing that out there, seeing if it rings any bells...

Judas Iscariot
09-15-08, 05:52 PM
hi, Judas! I find your reference to a historical figure rather interesting. Would you care to be followed around by a puppeteer and a certain entity that shouldn't exist? ^^

First off, someone code Multiquote in here, or make it apparent! The lack of such a convenient feature is filling me with RAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEG!!

Just kidding. Anywho, I'm indifferent as to who follows me around, just so long as they benefit me in some way. Not my psychology, it be my characters.

I bet you don't have any sympathy for the devil.

Welcome to Althanas, Jude! It's the perfect place to subject your characters to unparalleled psychological turmoil. Heck, as far as I know, it's the rule of thumb here.

Rolling Stones are old.

And I highly doubt (yes, I'm an arrogant bastard) that any of the characters here (except the most advanced, naturally) will be able to match my character in psychological torment. Not turmoil, torment (Torment is a fun word, much like smock. Oh, on an off note, I'm not right in the head, so if my OOC posts appear incoherent to a degree, just ignore it. This site seems to have the brain power to piece together some of my drunken ramblings). Either way, this is going to be fun, or at the very least, amusing. I just hope nobody decides to give up during a fight (it happens far too often).

Whatever the kid right above me said

It doesn't ring any bells, unless viewing text sends a command to your computer to activate a device to ring a bell, or series of bells. Otherwise, the amount of mass of that name is not NEARLY enough to cause even the smallest bell to ring, so even with a special device, the name Iscariot Priest can only ring bells either indirectly, or metaphorically. Of course, the same metaphorical bells would be bound by metaphorical physics (as opposed to Similien physics, which are more closely related to Quantum physics), and so would once again have to set off a metaphorical device, etc.

09-15-08, 07:41 PM
Rolling Stones are old.

Funny you should say that! I mean, Alighieri's so much older.

Iscariot Priest? Is that like the Australian Pink Floyd? Otherwise, doesn't ring a bell, but it did make me switch on Diamonds and Rust.

In any case, I'll look forward to your spin on mental iron maidens or, well, judas chairs, fittingly enough.

Terminus Mortis
09-15-08, 08:05 PM
Obviously it didn't ring any metaphorical bells, and no, it isn't a band.

Or perhaps the Judas Strain bacterium? Good book.

Tainted Bushido
09-15-08, 11:14 PM
The band's name was Judas Priest. Not Iscariot priest, for those playing along.

Welcome to Althanas, may you match the torment I put my characters through with equal verve and vigor.