View Full Version : Something Random

09-23-08, 12:59 PM
Hello, I joined this site quite a while ago and have other characters on it but I haven't really been here in a while, so im basicly re-joining. The reason I never really stayed was that I coulden't find an RP that I could join, however because of the specific way I want my character to enter, I can't really create my own RP.

Please, dont make me leave again, be nice and play with me. ^_^


A few things about me in general, I'm 17, I live in the U.K, I am an artist (though not that great) Im in collage and am interested in too many things to really list here.

I love to RP though im not the best, I tend to get streight to the point but I can change that if I really try, Though I like to RP and play games, im not good at sociliseing online but i hope this helps, anyway, get back to me...um....yea.

Jade Margery
09-23-08, 03:17 PM
Hi! I'm looking for a new RP at the moment. If you would like to play with me, just drop me a PM about how you want your character entered/introduced and I'll see what I can do. :3

Jack Lancer
09-24-08, 12:47 PM
I'll RP with any and all of your Characters. I have quite a few (17) usernames myself, all of which are listed in my Sig. If interested, Please PM Crystal Suncrest (The username I'm on the most) and I'll figure out a quest for us to do.

I Am Zee
09-24-08, 01:38 PM
Welcome Back...and if you leave us again you shall suffer the consequences. o.O

09-24-08, 01:47 PM
That sounds fun. =P

Terminus Mortis
09-24-08, 05:19 PM
It's not. Hopefully I won't forget the ice chest this time, because I need your liver on ice or it won't last long enough.

09-24-08, 08:19 PM
Welcome back.

09-24-08, 08:23 PM
Good to have you back.

09-25-08, 09:30 PM
Welcome back, Nyan~!

If you have any questions, us Mods are on the line. :)

*But for this kitty... Sneak-sneak. Catch me on PM*