View Full Version : Jillian Dawn

Jillian Dawn
09-23-08, 07:54 PM
Name: Jillian Silia Dawn
Age: 22
Race: Vampire
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Silver (normal), red(if drank blood), black/grey(thirsty)
Weight: 103
Occupation: Assassin /Adventurer

Personality: Shes very quiet, doesn't like crowds, doesn't trust people easily. She doesn't stay in one place to long.
Appearance: Ivory skin, its almost transparent and very alluring. She looks very small and lean, most people underestimate, which is good in fighting. She is very mysterious and loves deep.

History: A vampire came and attacked her family one night. He killed her mother, father, and he nearly killed Jillian if it wasn't for travelers that heard the screams, came running and saved her. She was only six at the time. She doesn't remember much about it but has a long scar on her left arm from the vampyre attacking her. She was taken to an orphanage and lived their until she ran away at the age of 14. She lived on the streets while gaining money from quests by travelers and became an assassin at the age of 17. she has become a master of assassination until her dear friend, her master, was assassinated hisself. She quit the job but takes up special offers for a large amount of money. She spends most of her time now roaming around.

Weapons: small steel daggar with black handle. Jillian uses it for murdering and feeding. It was given to her by her leader and master.
She also has her teeth (duh) and claws that can be extinded for fighting.
She makes the occasional poison apple if requested for money. It will kill its victoms within half a day.

Armour: Not much heavy armor. She has a black cloak that is good for blending into the environment, it has a hood that also benefits in speech craft, cloak is good for stealth. She has a red, silk shirt with black chain link vest on over. Black leggings and pants for stealth, hiding, and blending in.

Black magic:
Can cast a spell to quiet magic use on others. (cause them not to use any magic or any spells of any kind for up to 10 min.)
Paralysis - using this spell, Jillian can touch someone and either slow down their movements slightly or paralyze the specific area she has touched for up to one minute. (believe it or not but in a battle a minute can be two or three posts)
can also mute creatures. (take away the ability to speak for 5 min.)

Vampire attributes:
Will kill others from feeding. (usually from blood loss though.) She can also turn other races into vampires if she choses instead of killing.
Can run up to 30 miles.
Can see up to 4 miles if needed.
Jump up to 4 feet.

Ok. I fixed it. If you have anything else, just.....yeah....

09-24-08, 08:58 AM
Weapons - Silver is a softer metal on Althanas, below the strength of Steel. Unless there is a purpose to the dagger being silver, you may want to change it to steel. Also, 'high rank' doesn't exactly describe how our skill ratings work on Althanas, plus you're only level zero which means your skills can only be Below Average, Average and Above Average. The poison apple she makes cannot kill it's victims within the first few seconds, at this point in time the poison on it takes up to half a day.

Skills/Abilities - once again, no high rank please. The muting of magic users and muting creatures is relatively the same. Both of them will only last for roughly 2 minutes and only has a high success rate on lower level characters. Higher level characters may not be effected. At this point in time, she can either cause a person's body to become lower and less responsive with her paralysis, or she can touch a specific area on them (their forearm or hand) that will cause paralysis only in that spot. Is not always guaranteed to work. Also, can you please list exactly what dark spells she has? Please keep in mind your level when creating them.

Vampire Attributes - vampire venom has a 15% chance of killing the victim it's introduced to. For a level zero she's too fast and too strong and only one can be modified to an above average state, please pick one. She can jump up to four feet right now, which is still pretty high.

Make those changes and I'll look at it again.

Jillian Dawn
09-24-08, 07:22 PM
Ok, so like about the poison apple thing......really? Half a day? Ever play Oblivion.lol. Jk.

Oh, and the um....dark magic thing. What do you mean by list other dark spells she has? Do I have to create more or something... I also added some more though.
- and the part where i put "can also mute creatures" well, I didn't really mean anything by the word "creatures" I just used that word. -sorry.

Also about the venom, will the percentage increase after she is another level higher? Or will it stay the same? .....just wondering.

-thank you. :)

09-25-08, 07:08 AM
You will always have the chance to increase the percentage/strength of your skills and add new ones as you level up. Trust me, Witchy did not start off with all those skills and their strengths. As for the Oblivion remark, no I haven't played it and even if I had, it wouldn't matter. Althanas is not a videogame and as harsh as this may sound, you need to learn that fast or role-playing here won't be very much fun.

You added in more skills which was not really what I wanted you to do. You mentioned her casting 'darkness' all I really needed was for you to describe the skill better. I need you to remove the skin healing, manifold and shock or charm as you have plenty of skills already. I need you to add in the stipulations for the other skills I already gave you, the limits on muting and paralysis. They need to be in there in a format similar to this:

Paralysis - using this spell, Jillian can touch someone and either slow down their movements slightly or paralyze the specific area she has touched for up to one minute. (believe it or not but in a battle a minute can be two or three posts)

With the vampire attributes you can only pick either speed or strength to be heightened, not both of them.

Jillian Dawn
09-25-08, 07:07 PM
Ok, well first off sorry about the Oblivion remark. I didn't mean to hit a nerve. I was joking, I'm sorry.

second, i fixed the skill things. I think this is what you want me to do. Now, if you want me to be even more specific, just say so.

third, i cut out strength and skin healing.

09-26-08, 07:24 AM
No worries about the Oblivion mark, just wanted to make sure you understand this site isn't run like a video game.
