View Full Version : Althanas is hiring!

Max Dirks
09-24-08, 12:21 PM
Greeting everyone! I'm the new staffing administrator for Althanas and I am please to announce that the site is currently looking for new judges and moderators. We're looking for a few good men and women to devote approximately an hour to Althanas a day to keep the site fresh and new. All styles of writing are welcome, but we do weigh heavily on writing experience. There is no vB or other forum knowledge required, though you will have to go through a short tutorial based on the position you receive.

Here is a list of available positions (and what they do):

Judge (Grades all submitted threads using the Althanas rubric)
Moderator RoG (Helps players through the character approval process)
Moderator Features (Develops, runs, and grades features)
Moderator OOC News (Keeps players informed of what's happening on Althanas VIA the news forum)
Moderator Alerar (Develops content and grades threads in Alerar)
Moderator Corone (Develops content and grades threads in Corone)
Moderator Fallien (Develops content and grades threads in Fallien)

Please note: we are looking for qualified applicants, so it is possible that these positions will not be immediately filled. Also, Raiaera and Salvar might be opened up following the conclusion of the FQ. You might also be asked to perform a trial judgment based on your experience.

If you are interested in applying, please PM me an application. The application information can be found here (http://althanas.com/world/newthread.php?do=application). Please be advised that the submission system is current down. If you click submit, we will not be able to review your application. Do not forget to let us know what positions you are applying for. I also advise you to put some effort into the application because it might be the only impression a current moderator will receive of you. You may include any additional information (writing samples, references, etc.) along with the application.

We look forward to some fresh blood on the team. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.