View Full Version : VII (Seven)

09-30-08, 07:48 AM
Name: VII (seven)
Age: 21
Race: Human
Hair Color: Dull White
Eye Color: Grey
Height: 5’10
Weight: 10 stone
Occupation: Assassin

Personality: VII is a very outgoing person; he strives for success and will fight to the end. Although he is an assassin, he is rarely found hiding in plain sight. He will hide and wait for his mark to appear, but due to his fighting style he will often reveal himself and fight with the target.

Appearance: VII doesn’t look like a normal person, this is due to his clothing and the weapons that he cannon conceal. Many people will assume him to be a fighter, but they will challenge this assumption due to the fact that he is rather thin. He wears black leather clothing and has a long black scarf; the scarf wraps around his neck and can be used to cover his face, the remainder of the scarf drapes down his back. The weapons he has are two crescent shaped blades that are attached to vambraces, with the inside of the crescent facing towards his hands.

History: VII was abandoned by his family in the early years of his life. During an assassin raid on his home his parents fled and left him behind, they used him as a distraction so save their own lives. His parents were quite high up on the assassination list, his father being the captain of the city’s guard squad, taking him out would give the assassin’s ample opportunities to strike the town and seize control. However, each attempt, his father managed to flee and maintain the city’s control. On the night that VII was abandoned the assassins ransacked the house and found the child, the guilds leader had attended the assassination as the guild seemed incapable as they had a record of 14 failed attempts to kill his father. The leader found the child and saw him as an opportunity, she took the child now known as VII and raised him in the guild, training him to become an assassin.

During his life at the guild he was trained to use various weapons, these ranged from simple daggers to kunai with chain based weapons. The guild had raided a cultist group, who were also trying to control the city, the guilds aim was to kill as many members and try to take out their leader. The assassination went well apart from the fact that the leader could not be found, instead they found a weapon stash and decided to take a few back to their guild. These weapons were stored in the vault along with the other normal weapons as they were seen as normal, unusual looking, but still normal. In one of VII’s training sessions he was asked to get a weapon of choice from the vault, he had not noticed the new stock until now and decided to have a look at them. He instantly noticed a pair of vambraces, these had crescent shaped blades attached to them, the blades had a small grip and a short loop of chains leading from the grip to the inside of the vambraces. He thought that it was odd how he couldn’t see where the chains lead to inside the vambrace and why it was so short. He put them on to see how you would fight with them. As soon as they were both placed on his wrists, they began to tighten. He felt an immense pain as the vambraces appeared to be merging with his skin. After a few minutes the pain had stoped and the vambraces were now attached to him, he couldn’t remove them at all and managed to poke himself with the edges of the blades several times. He decided to train with these and soon learnt that the blades could be removed from the vambrace and held as normal weapons. The chain connecting the blade to the vambrace was some what strange, he learnt that he could extend the length of the chain which allowed the blades to be thrown, the only problem was that he couldn’t control the length of the chain nor could he retract the chain upon will.

When VII reached his 20th birthday he was able to take the guilds test to become one of their qualified assassins. The test was a simple assassination, he was to kill one of the city’s rich business men. This seemed like an easy task as he had been training for most of his life inside the guild. However, he still could not control the chains of his weapon, the simple assassination turned into a fiasco and he failed the task 7 times before he threw his right blade and it managed to pin the targets neck to the wall, both closing his air passage and cutting the throat. He was given VII as an alias due to his 7 fail record, he was unofficially removed of his previous name and is now known as VII.

He left the guild a few months after his graduation, the guild leader told him of her plan to use him to kill his own parents. He was outraged that he had been living and training in the guild for that one reason and fled from the guild and the city. He has lived for 1 year outside the guild and has not been attacked or seen any of his previous “friends” from the guild. He believes that the guild has lost track of him and will not come to bring him back dead or alive. Only time will tell.

He now wonders from town to town, looking for work… or a suitable target.

Detach Blades - Can detach the crescent blades from the vambraces and wield them as normal hand weapons

Throw Blades – Using the chains to his advantage he can throw the blades at a target, however he cannot control the length of the chains or retract them at will.

Right in sight – He has the ability to hide himself in plain sight of the target, however he tends not to hide for long. As soon as he sees the target and a clear path to it he will reveal himself and engage in combat.

Clothing – Wears Black leather chest and pants. Has a long black scarf that is wrapped loosely around his neck, the remainder is draped down his back. The scarf can be used to cover his mouth and nose to try and hide recognizable features.

Crescent Brace – Has two crescent shaped blades attached to vambraces. The Blades have a small handle on the outer edge and has a short loop of chain running from the blade to the inside of the vambrace. It is unknown how the chain can change length but it is suspected that it is linked to the cultist group that the weapon was retrieved from. The blades are double edged and located on the underside of the vambraces. The vambraces are made of a strong steel like metal and can be used to block some attacks.

09-30-08, 08:41 AM