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10-03-08, 05:17 PM
Closed to Orison and/or his cohorts (if he has any).

"This must certainly be some book to be worth three-hundred gold crowns." Pembleton commented dryly as he skimmed over the short letter Teric had penned earlier that day. The parchment was neatly folded into thirds, bearing a paragraph of text at the top and two rough sketches on the bottom of the page. One of the sketches was a crude map of Donnalaich, while the other was of a book cover.

"I'd gladly pay five-hundred if it meant not setting foot in Dheathain." Teric replied, managing the words around a mouthful of eggs and grits. It was early morning at the Starlight, and was day two of Teric and Pembleton's hiring drive. They'd spent the night at the inn after hiring a couple of mercenaries to acquire a land deed, and now the duo was hoping to hire someone else over breakfast.

"Have some memories there?" Pembleton quipped, folding the letter and setting it down next to his own breakfast. The accountant's eggs were untouched, and he'd only nibbled at a piece of toast. "Anything I should know about?"

"Nothing that would influence any of our dealings." Teric quickly wolfed down another fork-full of his meal. "Ancient history."

The accountant seemed content to leave the conversation at that, relaxing back in his chair and watching the front door of the inn expectantly. Last night their contacts had shown up over an hour late, so it was already in the back of both men's minds that they might be waiting for a little while.

"Three-hundred crowns." Pembleton shook his head thoughtfully. "Must be some book!"

10-06-08, 03:10 PM
It might have startled Pembleton when a man sleek and heavy of shoulder sat himself down across from the accountant and his employer a moment later. This man was a fighter and a bold one apparently, because his backside scarcely touched his chair before he was drawing Pembleton’s largely untouched breakfast across the table. It might have taken a number-cruncher a moment to figure that their perspective lackey might not come from the front door. It was probable that Teric Bloodrose, however, considered the possibility their prospective partner could come from upstairs as well.

Orison was amused at how disturbing that might seem - that he could have been sleeping in the next room over.

“Thanks for the eggs,” Orison said, already lightly dusting salt over top of them. He set the shaker down again, and then offered a lopsided smile and a handshake to Teric across the table. “Davian’s the name, and it’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Bloodrose. I saw you fight a half-giant in the Pagoda some time ago. I’ve been something of a fan ever since.”

There was something false in his friendliness, but his respect for the mercenary was sincere enough. “Now, I don’t mean to be rude by mixing mealtime and money but I understand you gentlemen are interested in some business over-seas.”

10-13-08, 12:47 PM
Bold. That was about the only word Teric could find to describe the broad-shouldered young man that sat down opposite the mercenary and his companion. Pembleton's eggs were quickly commandeered; a rude gesture that might not have gone over so smoothly had the accountant not been so obviously disinterested. Brusque, too, another descriptive word that applied well. It adequately described the brisk man's nature - that of a man accustomed to getting right down to business...

"I have a certain item I'd like acquired for me." Teric launched right into the heart of his pitch. If the mercenary before him was ready to get things started, then there was no need to waste time with idle banter. "In Donnalaich there is a Fae excavation where the city folk there are reclaiming the lost ruins. All manner of artifacts and items are being pulled from the debris, but I am interested in only one."

At that, Teric slid the folded letter Pembleton had been examining early across the table. "The item I seek is a book - probably no larger than any average tome. I'm told the cover is black leather with a silver silhouette of a tower. I've sketched you a rough copy to help you try and identify it. Let it be understood right now that I care not how the book is acquired. I simply require that the book arrive to me in one piece."

A second pause, and Teric tossed a small bag containing one-hundred and fifty gold crowns onto the table. "Half now. Half on delivery."