View Full Version : *Crawls back from the Grave*

10-04-08, 02:30 AM
Heya, peeps. The Kitty's back in the house.

Final Exams are done for this term and I'm working on the finishing touches for a manga production I'm doing for my local comic group. Fear not, for Bazaar, Judging and RP will resume shortly within the week as well as IM accessibility.

Also, I demand brainz to recharge the one I asploded...

*Latches onto the nearest member with his teeth*

10-04-08, 03:16 AM
Kitty! My kitty! *huggle, squeeze* I've missed you!

I Am Zee
10-04-08, 04:19 AM
Welcome back. It's too bad your brains exploded....too bad.....brains.....*shuffle shuffle moan*

10-04-08, 07:12 AM
Woohoo, you're back! Now it won't be inappropriate to mention the Black Market! :P

Just kidding. I can actually feel your relief of being done with finals. It's ecstatic. Never forget the feeling. Let it pleasure you for all time to come.

10-04-08, 07:48 AM
Zombies on Althanas? I knew this day would come. Someone fetch me a chainsaw and a convenience store to hide in!

10-04-08, 08:08 AM
*Hands Raven a fresh supply of brains. Gives Zee some too.*

There, now all is right with the world.

10-04-08, 08:08 AM
Zombies on Althanas? I knew this day would come. Someone fetch me a chainsaw and a convenience store to hide in!

I'm afraid the most convenient convenience store is infested already, but we might be able to swing a helicopter your way...

re: thread's original purpose. Woohoo finals! I have several months before mine are done. :( Enjoy your hard-earned freedom!

I Am Zee
10-04-08, 06:12 PM

Yeah finals suck. mine are coming up. woo.

10-06-08, 12:26 PM
Yay! Welcome Back!

10-06-08, 02:46 PM
I've always loved finals. It's really odd. Maybe it's because I know that even if I'm lazy all semester, I can do well on the finals and bring my final averages up. >.>

I Am Zee
10-06-08, 06:31 PM
*high five to Christoph* We are the same person.