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Rayse Valentino
10-05-08, 01:21 AM
Anyone want to do anything?

10-05-08, 07:55 AM
I'm always willing to let people in on my Dark Man storylines, though I admit, they may not be for everyone. I'll PM you the entire outline of what I have planned for the next 4-5 threads later. If your interested, then may we weave an even better story together.

Rayse Valentino
10-08-08, 08:11 PM
Sure thing. Anyone else?

10-08-08, 09:12 PM
I have something that might interest you? I know it does for me on the "I want to get rich" level. I'm trying to get back into writing but I'd rather not get into PMs for now considering my internet and computer are really slow, so the less things I have to click on the better, ya feel me :).

If the character you are using now Rayse Valentino I'm assuming this would work well. I want to improve my character's forging ability, and well I need someone to sell my wares to or at least have someone sell them for me. Understand? I don't know much background of your character or whatnot but I'm curious, do you own a "shop"? So to speak or are you one of those people who opens their trench coat and shows people what you have to offer? Arms Deal is't too specific so I'm just making assumptions.

I don't want this to be some lame I make you sell it thread, I want a bit of action (not between you and I obviously because you'd kick my ass) but a bit of adventureish. It would also be a great way for me to establish where my chraracter actually lives in the mountains, as your expierence could tell me where I'm at and what not. I'm currently doing a solo right now, editing it of course but if you're interested in any sort of storyline let me know.

I'm not too great at coming up with things, I mean we could always just go with the "hey I met you at a bar scene" and see where it goes? Hell, that actually might be fun considering you don't really have any plans for anything and neither do I. It might be a challenge to get a small adventure in there and at the same time make a few things for you to sell?

10-08-08, 10:39 PM
ultimately i haven't been accepted yet (partly because of stalling on my part to try to get my history to be integrated alongside the commonly agreed history of the realms, partly to make it seem to be part of the greater scheme of things.

Finally a BIRD will have little or no use for cash other than to repay people who do favors who are likely to be uninterested in repayment in the first place...

Well other than paying the wizard/druid/magicuserofmychoice to help me get my staff back <_<

Rayse Valentino
10-09-08, 03:41 PM
Rith: I really have no idea what you're trying to say. I want to do stuff as Kylin Rouge, which would be incompatible with your idea I suppose.

Silas: A note from your profile...

Height: 70cm
Length: 100 cm (without beak), 140 (with)

This is an ENORMOUS bird. Like half the height of a fully grown human. If it was like 15-20cm, it would be inconspicuous and even sneaky, able to perch on shoulders, have some interesting combat, but an enormous bird is almost the same as some sort of bird-man, and you disregard any size advantages.

Other than that, I would be up for any ideas you got. Seems easy enough to get into.

Terminus Mortis
10-09-08, 04:00 PM
Except Emus. Those things'll fuck you up.

10-10-08, 04:37 PM
yes Silas won't be mistaken for a badger any time soon. However given what i know of the Kiwi, Silas will flatten down LOW, and be able to be mistaken for a broken piece of log, that plus the natural camoflage on his back, a natural sence, and knowing a HEAP of skills (which will be added to time and again when i eventually level...) Silas is a ranger/magician with no hands.

Having no hands is a HUGE disadvantage i can't grapple nor crawl with broken legs among other things, so why can't he have bonus spells :/