View Full Version : Mass Destuction

10-05-08, 09:45 PM
If i can persuade mods to like Silas without losing too much abilities to start with and being patient when i'm leveling to get new abilities, maybe i can get his skill back of 'Boulder Cannon'...

Got a door that needs opening? bash it with rocks

Got a stone wall that you want a rock removed so we can continue? launch the rock into some area that looks to be populated by opponents.

Yeah not very accurate so useless in a duel, but terrifying in it's own regard i suppose.

Given what i've started with (note my first post will soon be swapped with my second, so the original is down the page and the new at the top) what additional 'advances' can you imagine being totally out of place coming from a relatively moderate sized flightless bird that talks without lips?

I'm interested to see what you folk can think up for my little guy for future :)

I also need a forest large enough without too many predators that he can have lived the last say, 300 years without being noticed, any realm have a venue suiting that description?

Oh and Hello new world.

10-06-08, 08:09 AM
I would advise looking into Concordia Forest in Corone. Corone is a mix of all types of terrain, and a very nice island. Infact, it seems to be the ideal forest for him to have lived in. I advise you go to the marked "Corone" and read up on Concordia forest. If Letho gets on later he can tell you all about it, seeing as he's the brilliant mind behind the Corone region, unless I'm mistaken.

Another suitable forest is in Dheathain, near a swamp. It's called Fiorair. It too would make an ideal forest, and probably the most ideal. Seeing as how none of us have heard of you ICly, and much of Dheathain is an unexplored mystery inhabited by Fae and Draconians, you can probably make up a real nice history. For Dheathain related questions, I advise hunting down the ever elusive poster known as Witchblade and asking her questions about it, as Dheathain is her brainchild.

But remember, regardless of where you choose, welcome to Althy.

Also, others can also answer your questions too, if you have them, in some cases, even better than the original masterminds who made the place.

As for what I can think up for him for the future, well, that remains to be seen. It's not fair to challenge someone to do something they plainly cannot do, and so until you have a finalized profile, I will remain silent on that issue, but there will be possibilities, oh yes, many, many possibilities.


Xos, self-appointed newbie guide.

Terminus Mortis
10-06-08, 05:49 PM
Bah, bird liver is useless to me.

10-07-08, 01:40 AM
Letho or Witchblade eh? I'll have to put them into a notepad to keep an eye open.

The latter forest doesn't seem much Silas other than the isolation, Fae aren't bad but Silas and draconians i've been imadgining as having a slight beef... draconians having traditional characters a bit more aggressive and the sort, the kind of characters that Silas doesn't abide by.

I'll keep them in mind.

As for abilities, just because you have an idea doesn't mean you have to use it :p

Silas won't branch out into other realms, but his bio potions will be excellent if he can get a 'humanoid' to help him make them.

His key elemental spells of lightning and earth are specializations, and while normally i'd rather remove specialization for a more 'balanced' critter, it's very VERY characterful to keep him as is.

10-07-08, 07:42 AM
Well, if you want a bit more, interaction, then Concordia is your place. You can also shoot them a PM, and eventually, after Hell freezes over, they'll respond. (Response time may be exaggerated)

I'm waiting for an approved profile, because if I challenge someone to do something, I try to challenge every aspect of their character. As of yet, I have not done that, so there are no witnesses to testify. But fear not, I will indeed have a challenge for you.

10-07-08, 09:35 AM
lol, ever exclusive poster?

Don't need to keep too big of an eye out for me, I'm usually on at least once a day. And yeah, Fiorair would make a good setting, however Fiorair is a swamp, even if it is filled with trees. Luthmor may be more to your liking. It is a huge rain forest that has a variety of ruins in it one could hide in for many a year, if they were careful enough to avoid the occasional archeaologist.

Besides that, welcome to Althanas!

Please keep your arms and legs inside the forum at all times or they may be removed by rabid, zombified characters. Do not feed the following people; Tainted Bushido, Serilliant, Max Dirks, Atzar Kellon, Taskmienster, Caden Law, Christoph, Xos and Saxon for they may become dependant on you afterwards and are hard to get rid of. Any screams you may now be experiencing are the sounds of dying characters. Do not be alarmed for they shall be revived in new and inventive ways the following quest. Have a nice day. ^^

*offers Fotiadis cookies*

10-07-08, 06:02 PM
*Steals witchy's cookies*


*Gets all clingy to witchy*

10-08-08, 08:39 AM

But the cookies were for the new guy!

*prepares to smack Nightstalker for his insolence, then realizes how cute he is and huggle attacks him instead*

10-08-08, 05:37 PM
*Grins foolishly after being huggled*
*Ninja's up a plate of Ninja cookies.*
What's so special about a Ninja cookie? Sooner or later they sneak attack...

*Offers Ninja cookies to everyone.*

10-08-08, 06:25 PM
there is such a thing as confusing topography, meaning no man has been able to GET here because they keep thinking they are going in circles and endeavor to escape, possibly being caught in tar pits/by tigers and the like, and generally giving the place a bad name.

However Silas having a couple hundred years of experience living where he is has no problems....

does that sound right?

Anyway i'm worried for silas, he's soft, he's a bird, and either takes bad damage or avoids a blow.

It's called the glass cannon effect.
Rather than put it in as an ability (which people will try to exploit, being human) i'd rather keep it quiet...

Mind you as a terrestrial bird he can have stronger bones than flying birds...
Problem is though, if badly injured Silas would be hunted by most folks -_-

Basically I need to make my first or second quest to take out a weak monster or creature thats been causing serious terror in a nearby town. Silas has strong fear instincts but he himself doesn't get frightened, 2000 years of experience does that.

Basically I need to befriend a place for me to hang out in order to really integrate a previously 'lost in history' character back into the world.

Otherwise a broken leg will spell death by dog/tiger/medium predator of your choice.

as for cookies...

*Gets changed*

*uses internet spam to make chocolate chip cookies with rat bait in them*
*makes identical cookies without the rat bait*
*eats a cookie himself and asks Witchblade if they would like one*
*takes cloak off*

Terminus Mortis
10-08-08, 06:31 PM
*nuclear implosion*

10-08-08, 09:23 PM
no no, not nuclear implosion...

just at level 5 I will be spending half my gold to allow Silas to summon his staff, which he hasn't had in his possession for centuries.

He crafted it out of a wood that for the sake of simplicity is pretty much the same as Sapient Pearwood, magical, virtually invulnerable and will last as long as the owner, and is the proof against the axiom 'you can't take it with you'. Ultimately though Silas's has been lost and he has forgotten how to summon it to him again. once he DOES he will get a good little boost of power plus get a familiar of a wooden staff that follows him around and beats on things that get close :P.

Is such a weapon allowed? if not i'll have to wait to level 7-8 or maybe 10 but that could take too long.

10-08-08, 09:43 PM
Unless you plan on doing a ton of threads and can write practically daily or do a bunch of solos. Even level 5 is hard to get to... I like to write but eh, if I'm not interested I get bored easily in it pretty quickly and find something new to do. But maybe you're not like me, I just have a short attention span.

10-08-08, 09:54 PM
my attention varies from devoted and hardworking to somewhat distracted to *sitting in other room playing computer games*

Today i am devoted, and i plan to continue being.

so if level 5 is hard to obtain that should be when i get my staff which will have a character of it's own, and possess an interesting background.

I can tell what i've thought up if you'd like :)

10-08-08, 10:00 PM
Well, it's 5am here for me at the moment (I live in Germany) and I've done about 20x more reading than I'd like for the day. And considering that though I can't sleep, I'm tired as hell, you COULD type it if up you wanted but either

a) I'll find something else to do in the next 5 minutes
b) Fall asleep
c) Start signing songs on my myspace page and forget about this
d) Read part of what you wirte (if its long) and get distracted by the movie I'm still trying to watch

10-08-08, 10:13 PM

that ought to distract you long enough.

Anyway: the basic story that Silas knows is he lost his staff, and he beleives it remains lost.

Unfortunately it has been found and while it can't be used by anyone else (Silas tied the staff to his soul, which is a bit hard to 'copy') It does still 'leach' magic off it, pulling in power from the surrounding world, and when a staff is full it starts leaking out of it, staffs do so by perhaps bending the nature of the world in an area, or discharge all at once blowing up a castle built on top or whatever. Silas's staff leaks magic in managable quantities into it's immediate vicinity. This means that Silas's staff is very VERY useful to have nearby other mages because they can use that concentrated magic themselves or 'tap into' it with their staffs themselves.

It is because of this inherent ability that Silas's staff is protected by wards, and locked behind a nigh invulnerable glass cabinet inside a leading magical institution as useful training device, helping weak mages of the current era 'learn' how to tap the magic of the world around them, and generally enhancing the abilities of the lead mages.

To put it simply, there is an entire school of magic that will recognize the staff on sight, and when Silas 'recalls' it will be noticed as missing (not to mention the mess the return spell will cause) and in turn they will probably set out to seek it.

10-08-08, 10:26 PM
Also, don't forget the mess it's going to make when the staff breaks the glass cabinet ^_^

10-08-08, 10:35 PM
actually, more the rocks in the walls around the cabenet will fall out of the walls, meaning a roof or 2 might collapse.

The glass cabinet has been so fortified by spells it won't leave that way, unless the lightning evaporated hole through the top of the glass is enough to shatter it, but that i doubt.

It's going to teleport using a combination of the wills of lightning and rock

10-08-08, 10:43 PM
But the glass is probably only insulated from the outside and the wards and enchantments are made to protect it from escaping the cabinet. Surely they didnt expect things to happen inside of it and go KAZOOIEBOOIEBOOMIE *POOF* which OF COURSE make the glass shatter. Then when they are all searching through the debris of the collaposed roof they see broken glass are are like "ZOMG HOWD IT BREAK" and they forget the staff is missing which buys you more time to go hide agian :)

Wow I need to seriously turn my computer off and go to bed lol

10-08-08, 11:03 PM
perhaps that could work, but if anything happened in it's room they would suspect a lot of things the first would be trying to ensure their 'possessions' were protected.

The real fun is that Silas would at first harness the wands 'leaking' power, before level by level, battle by battle learn enough control again to use the staff correctly :)

Silas + staff = max power, every level after he wields it is just tweaks of spells.

10-08-08, 11:20 PM
Just say yes, the room asplodes along with the glass case. :)

10-08-08, 11:26 PM
i thought it would be weird to have the room in chaos, but the glass case other than a small hole, completely intact... the hole being too small for the staff :p

10-08-08, 11:29 PM

Seriously, goodnight. Hopefuly they approve your character.

10-08-08, 11:30 PM
when i'm ready to have it approved i hope <_<

10-09-08, 07:30 AM
Heh, just be a little more patience. Sometimes when we get new people from other sites, we have to slowly integrate them into the way we do character profiles, otherwise they can be too strong for their level.

10-10-08, 04:20 PM
Ultimately my character is being developed and i would hate for him to be finalized before i am finished 'sorting him out' and adapting him to suit this particular world.

As such I am delaying his acceptance slightly so i will be satisfied.