View Full Version : Marion

Marion Spenser
10-10-08, 03:15 PM
Name: Marion Raven Spencer

Age: ageless, appears 23

Race: vampire

Hair Color: silver

Eye Color: emerald(normal), crimson(thirsty)

Height: 5'6

Weight: 110

Occupation: none

Personality: cocky, sweet, smart, loves people...too much...

Appearance: Stands elegant and strong. Very graceful and enchanting. Her beauty attracks her prey and takes the form of a 23 year old woman. Her smile is sweet and very bright, showing fangs is she smiles to far or wide. Her eyes are bright and are also used for attracking humans for blood. Very slinder and fascinating with the way she says words.
Her light dress is royal blue while her cloak is grey. Her hair is very long, to her stomach or lower back, showing silver. She wears a lace, black headband.

History: She was created by a powerful and caotic vampire lord, to become a beautiful apprentace to lure humans to him. She was also made to follow him her intire life and become as a daughter to him, but when he was overthrown by other vampiric experiments gone wrong, she left her humble beginnings to find a better life on her own.

Skills: empathy, to understands and feel ones strong emotions. She can since what one is feeling or if he/ she is telling the truth by their nervousness. Being able to know what someone's feeling.
telepathy, to communicate in anothers mind. Also hear what they think, if she focuses on only one's thoughts at a time. She may be able to hear more than one person's thought at a time, but can not truley understand unless singles one out.

Equipment: If she goes to battle or war she will wear a metal breastplate and metal helment. She had a iron sword on hand at all times and is able to inflict serious wounds with a powerful side blow she learned from her master.
Skill level: above average.

10-13-08, 09:20 AM
You may want to give her a skill with her Iron Sword, at this level and considering your other skills she can be Above Average. Also, let's put some more description into your other skills. Just remember with your telepathy that if someone has a mental block/resistence she might not be able to communicate or read their thoughts.

Marion Spenser
10-13-08, 07:42 PM
I'm not exactally sure what to do about the sword skills, but I modified it.

10-14-08, 07:32 AM
In Althanas we have a universal rating system for skills which makes it easy to see how strong a character is with it. The ratings go like this: Below Average, Average, Above Average, Advanced, Mastered, Legendary.

Because you're level 0 right now, you can be Below Average, Average or Above Average. Considering your other skills aren't too powerful, you can be Above with your sword. So, just edit that into your skill listing and you should be good to go.

Marion Spenser
10-16-08, 06:56 PM

10-16-08, 08:35 PM
Since Witchy's afk for the weekend, I'm going to go ahead and jump in. The brestplate and helmet need to be of iron or steel and that's all that I see left.