View Full Version : An Apology and other such stuff.

10-16-08, 02:59 PM
First off, I want to apologize to Ataraxis for defaulting on our Pagoda battle, which I was thoroughly enjoying, and for flaking on Christoph after I promised not to.

Long story short; My brother had a mental breakdown, then got kicked out of my family's house over a bunch of bullshit like drugs and debts, and then moved back in, then got kicked out again. That was through August and September. Things have settled down now, so I might start writing again, but Iunno, really.

I guess I left this without a notice for too long, so I thought I'd say something.

10-16-08, 03:57 PM
Damn, I'm sorry you went through such a rough time.

And get back to writing whenever you feel like it. Plus, I think the default can be ignored if both parties agree, so I'd be thrilled to continue the battle whenever you want, no problem.

Take it easy, take it slow, and glad to have you back!

Tainted Bushido
10-16-08, 05:50 PM
Hey, Owen...


Welcome back ;)

10-19-08, 01:50 PM
Welcome back eh, hope things get better.