View Full Version : I guess you could call it reregistering...

10-16-08, 09:24 PM
First off, I'd like to say I don't think I did a very good job of explaining my character my first time around. I left a lot of loose ends untied so to speak and I’d now like to tie them up. Also, I’d like to make a few...err a lot of changes to my overall character and add some new things and also take some away. I think now, I have a better idea of what I want to do with Rith and not to mention now that I look at my profile, I was approved with a magical item I was not supposed to have. Both the moderator and I overlooked it and didn't write it out of the post. I also know that I have a LOT of items and such, but they are necessary to use for my character's other abilities.

I PROMISE not to use Rith's father's axe to powergame at a low level. I don't really plan on doing a quest for it anytime soon at that anyways and that probably will be around the end of level 3. I pretty much laid myself out to learn control each of his magical abilites one thread at a time, then afterwards either by level or thread those abilities become more powerful. I added all of this in mainly for the reason of giving myself a personal secondary objective to complete during a thread. I do NOT plan on being at level 2 with the ability to use all of the spells, my fathers axe and all that with even an average effenciey. I do plan on learning control over spells yet I promise to write in fair restrictions for them. And lastly, can I just keep my current exp/gold opposed to resetting them?

Name: Rith Crosis-Treva Darigaaz

Age: 117

Race: Dwarf-Human

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Blue

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 187lbs

Complexion: Leather-like Tan Skin

Languages: Common, Dwarvern, Basic Elf

Occupation: Blacksmith/Fighter/Adventurer

-Steel Battleaxe
-Iron Dagger
-Steel Knife
-Yew shortbow
-His Father’s Delyn Battleaxe* (See History)

-Iron Chainmail shirt
-Studded-Leather Leggings
-Hard-Leather boots
-Padded shoes

Combatant Skills:


Battleaxes/Hatchets/War-Hammers – He is an above average fighter with these weapons due to his heritage

Swords – A very below average wielder of these styled weapons, he will only use this as a last result

Daggers – An average user with this styled weapon

Archery – Rith is a below average archer. At 15 feet he can hit his mark about 95% of the time; 30 feet 75%; 60 feet 50%; 100 feet or more 15% and below

Other Skills

Sneak – Rith can sneak around a little better than a normal person. As in he has a softer touch with his foot to the ground as long as he is wearing his padded shoes and a slightly heightened awareness about his surroundings so he doesn’t knock things over or make as much noise.

Explosives – He can make small explosives that are roughly the size of a tennis ball. If you are hit directly by the explosive it can cause burns equivalent to sunburn and the shrapnel inside can cause bruises and scrapes to any exposed area of the body (more discomforting than lethal). If you are within a 5 foot range of the explosive going off, it can stun his opponent between 3-5 seconds mainly due to the loud bang and flash that the explosive makes, also the shrapnel may still cause bruises and scrapes to an exposed area of the body.

Forging – Rith knows how to make many items from different metals. He has the ability to craft above average weapons and armor from Copper and Bronze, average items with Iron and Steel, below average weapons and armor from Plynt, cheap from Damascus, and awful from Delhar. Rith can also make items from Silver and Gold which usually include pendants or things for decoration on other items, the quality depends on how complex and the size of the decorative item. A pendant that was in the shape of a 5-pointed star that was the size of a large fist will probably be of better quality opposed to one that is the size of your thumbnail because it is easier to work with. Silver and Gold qualities can range anywhere from cheap to average.

Wood and Bone – Given efficient time, Rith has the knowledge to craft makeshift weapons from wood and bones. Spears, knives, daggers, arrow heads and arrow shafts are the only things he can craft without his forge. All of these weapons are of an average quality when made in his home. But, since a forge or any specialized tools are not needed to construct these items from these materials, during a thread if they are made, these items are considered to be of a below average or cheap quality.

Persuasion – Considering that Rith’s primary trade is being a blacksmith, he must deal with many different people and convince merchants to buy his wares and to sell him metals that he cannot make himself. Rith has the ability to sell an item, whatever the quality for an extra 5-10% more than what it is actually worth. He also has the ability to buy things at a discounted price of 5-10% despite the quality and its actual worth.

Spell-Casting Abilities

Fire – While extremely frustrated and angry trying to dig out the enterance to his collapsed home he had tightened his grip around the wood and continued digging. another moment later he dropped the stick and was amazed to see that it was on fire. He didn't understand what had happened until he thought about it, his body had magic running through him, this must have been an ability he did not know about. Rith has tried many times to recreate the fire but it has always ended in failure. He still does not know how to control or use this ability.

Water/Ice – When he severely burns himself instead of a blister showing up, instead a small very thin layer of ice covers the wound essentially cooling it down. This usually eliminates about 75% of the burning sensation brought on by the burn. Rith has also noticed after a long period of time with a few major burns and a few of these ice patches on his hands and arms that he can become dehydrated. He also has no control over this ability aside from intentionally burning himself.

-A medium sized backpack
-A Small black-powder pouch he has tied to him like his coin pouch (enough for making two explosives)
-20 Iron-tipped-oak-shaft arrows
-20 feet of rope
-50 feet of strong, thin string
-40 iron arrowheads
-Steel Knife used for whittling wood (same knife that is listed in weapons)
-A Hammer
-Eating and cooking utensils
-A small pot

Having all of his immediate kin killed in an explosion in the mountains when he was a young child, Rith has become a very self-sufficient being. Rith usually welcomes strangers with open arms and is generally friendly. After the loss of his parents, he has come to respect life and the love of the ones close to him much more than he could have imagined. He welcomes friendly people and is pretty easy going. Usually in control of his temper, he has learned that when things do start going the wrong way to take a deep breath and reevaluate the situation. Though on occasion Rith my lose control of his temper and when done so, he usually tends to act upon impulse instead of rationally thinking things through.

Rith can be your best friend or your worst enemy, he cannot stand backstabbers, cheats, and liars and tends to deal with them accordingly if they feel the need to mess with him or any of his close friends. If you do wind up on Rith’s bad side and you have done something to significantly insult his beliefs, well he holds grudges and sooner or later, will get even.

Rith being a very trustworthy person, he usually has no problems with welcoming strangers into his home in the mountainside. He is always willing to make friends and a little cash with the temptation of his wares. With his personal smithy inside his mountain-side home, he forges his own weapons and also sells them to make his honest living.

Growing up in the mountains with his family Rith was one of a half-breed between his mother, a Human and his father, a Dwarf. Shunned by many dwarfs and some humans he learned to accept his stance in society. While learning to hunt, the basics of crafting weapons and armor as a child, he was out one day gathering firewood for the furnace for his father when he heard an explosion. He turned and saw a large cloud of dust and black smoke coming from his home. He ran back to his home and found that the entrance was collapsed. For days he tried digging out the entrance to the cave but he had no luck. He was unable to get to his family and give them a proper burial. The only thing he managed to recover was his father’s Delyn battleaxe and he discovered his other magical abilities.

*His father’s battleaxe was enchanted to make its wielder capable of unknown things, but what Rith know about it was that it had four protective wards woven into the metal that all activated after the wielder was more than 5 feet from the weapon. Afterwards the user must speak the words to deactivate the wards to be able to again touch the weapon. These wards prevented anyone from being able to hold the weapon for it would seem as if weighted over 10,000 pounds though it actually only weighed around 20, another caused the wielder to have their ears (even the deaf) bombarded with intense piercing screams, their eyes filled with complete and utter blindness (including the blind), and their mind to be overwhelmed with the persons most extreme emotions they have experienced since birth; it makes even the strongest collapse. It was basically a sensory overload and it caused the body of the intruder to let go of the weapon. His father used to tell him, “In time Rith, you will learn the words and I will pass my weapon to you.” Rith's father had enlightened Rith with the spell-breaking power only a few days prior to the collapse. He has since forgotten the words soon after he completed his home in the cave, all he knows is that his home reminded him of the past and he blacked out for a period he does not know and when he awoke he had forgotten the words that were needed to use the axe. Now that his father is dead, there is only one other person who knows the words that must be spoken to break the wards and it is the sorcerer who embedded them. Rith will never part with this weapon as it is the only memory he has left of his parents.

The same sorcerer who enchanted his father’s axe, also cast a spell on Rith which let his body age only at a twentieth of the rate it normally would. In doing so, the sorcerer told him that his soul was now linked with another being and in time he would find that being and it would in become an actual part of him and that he would know when it was upon him. To this day, Rith still has no idea who or what the creature is, but he remembers the words from the old man and has never forgotten them.

Soon following his parents death, troubled and confused, Rith entered into a life of crime for only a few years of early adulthood. He became involved with the dark elves, some drow, changelings, demons and goblins. He became one of an uncommon breed, he was able to maintain his stealth while still having the ability to carry a battleaxe while thanks to elves and goblins that taught him. As he became older, he left these groups realizing the wrong of his ways and began wandering the mountains and just surviving for the next three quarter century. After wandering the mountains for so long he finally decided to go back to his roots and found a smithy of his own.

Wandering through the forests near the mountains, he found a suitable location that could start the foundations of his home, and forge. It was an old cave which was probably used by bears for hibernation or for other animals a suitable hiding place. The cave ran deep into the side of a mountain but Rith has only explored back a few hundred feet. There are multiple entrances to the cave but Rith only knows of the one he uses. The reason he knows there are multiple entrances is because of the draft which is felt as soon as you move within the mountain, he has gone back and blocked off 3 separations about 100 feet back with debris, stones, wood and dirt; though the seals still have many small pipes embedded between them that extend through the other side this way there is still ventilation for his smithy yet no one can intrude into his new home. For the past 70 years, Rith has been forging weapons and armor for local tribesmen. His weapons created include anything from small throwing daggers, to broad swords, to hatchets, to his favorite – the battleaxe. He was accustomed to battleaxes due to his dwarven roots but he was also made a handy with a dagger and bow due to his life of crime and skills learned from the elves in his early years.

As known by many as a half-breed, Rith is one that has befriended many and all different races of people because of his personality. Many dwarfs and humans that despised the half-breeds even call Rith a friend.

Rith is a short human, but a tall dwarf. He stands 5 foot 3 inches tall, has a muscular build and he weighs in around 187lbs. With a scruff beard, he also has long dark brown hair that drapes over his shoulders just above his shoulderblades. Rith usually wears a light set of armor for his own protection to thieves, bandits and other wild animals. His tan leathery skin gives him an advantage for living in the woods and swiftly able to move about the forest. Considering his skin is nearly three times as thick as an average human’s, he cuts rarely due to twigs, thorns, and braches.

10-17-08, 03:55 PM
Need to remove one of the fighting skills; 2 spell casting abilities; the explosive you have; and make sure that you make each explosive in a thread and is approved by a moderator for use before you use them in any other thread.

10-18-08, 05:20 AM
Done, done and done.

For the persuasion ability, do I need to mention this at the end of a thread where I plan on selling something to a NPC at the end so the judge knows to give the bonus? And also at the bazaar?

10-18-08, 01:28 PM
I have an ability just like that one, and I would suggest that you tell the moderator in the spoils, as well as the bazaar mod in an OOC note at the beginning of your thread.

The axe, with your promise, is allowed though in order to get it all approved in the future you will need to complete that quest and have the specifics of the wards approved by the judge and the update mod.

Good to see you back man. If you want to get stuff going with the Gol'Bron again get a hold of me or Sorahn, whoever is on at the time.
