View Full Version : Out In The Woods Tonight

10-30-08, 08:51 PM

It was this day of full moon that ancients had attributed to the good harvest and the high rise of the sea. But the beautiful silver sphere had a more vile effect on the criminals, mentally insane, beasts, dogs, cats, birds and perverts alike. It was the night in which lunatics roamed about to do mischief, where the power of the full moon filled their heads with precious little plots of realized fantasy. It was difficult to believe the queen on the night sky held such a contract with the malign.

Fatina had already been knocked off her right mind a couple hours ago when night set. She sat atop an old tree overseeing a road. Across from her laid large parcels of land where wheat was still being harvested this late into autumn. The grains shone silver in the moonlight, moving with the cool breeze, making the spectacle come alive as the sea. Fatina licked her lip in anticipation of what laid behind the small hill where the road disappeared from sight under a row of long, sickly trees. From there, a soft, almost invisible orange aura tainted the black sky.

The breeze blew once again, cutting her skin like cold stones. Yet she felt nothing, or could not bring herself to; the excitement alone captivated her mind entirely.

"Back to the days of raid" Fatina whispered to herself, her eyes not moving, nor blinking or closing for moisture even a second, they watered profusely.

It was probably not more than thirty years ago when she was summoned to war against an isolated nation due west. For her, there had never been such a thing as war, only petty play. With this nation's poor resources their army, if you could call it an army, had proven to be no match against the mage squadrons that took the capital city in two days. She had been shipped there with her own group, a journey that took a week. By the time she had arrived the nation had already surrendered, there was nothing else to do than secure the capital until Alerar had proved a new government in. In the mean time she would entertain herself by raiding small towns deep into foreign territory, taking whatever and whomever she wished.

It had been this crime of war that had helped her acquire a countless number of reagents for spells, many of which where considered necromancy she had tried to reproduce from Xem'zûnd. Fatina, one of the highest mages of her council would later be discovered and trialed for treason, stripping her of her rank and powers that could easily match those of her top former superiors. It was a fall from grace she did not like to remember too much, but if there was something she detested where the rules of alchemy set by the academy. Arts such as forging souls fascinated her, but in their eyes it was the highest, and most vile kind of blasphemy.

10-30-08, 09:17 PM
Once more did the wind rise, now hauling like a beast upon the fields. Dry brown leaves danced in it, making a rattling sound that shattered any sign of peace the wind hadn't already erased. With a leap from the sturdy branch she fell into the rubble. A couple meters to her right the woods had already been swallowed by the darkness, regardless how bright the moon shone she could not see what hid there. For a time now she had felt its presence, but she ignored it hoping it would not notice she was the one doing the prowling now. But whatever was targeting her from a distance immediately became a secondary issue, right now she wanted to do some mischief.

Her bones cracked, as her muscles collapsed into a mass, tearing skin and breaking ligaments. It was all hidden under a dash of light, and although illuminated the premises incredibly, drowned upon completion of the spell. Patches of beautiful black fur adorned the new body of her creation. Rows or ivory fangs decorated her meek snout, and a set of intense amber eyes peered from the black creature, intimidating anyone who dared run into this berserk wolf-like creature.

Like this she made her move, walking through the tall dry grasses fitting her body through rasp surfaces of dry bark. Her enhanced scene of smell directed her, filling her with the sweet aroma of rushing blood, young and aged meat.

It didn't take her long to reach the sleepy roadside village, sitting on a strip of land, cut by a small river that ran across the province, as far north as west of the capital. This region situated as south as one would imagine the invisible border of Salvar to lay. The road crossed cut right through it, so a bridge had to be constructed at the other end of town. This side's entrance, however, was guarded by two wooden structures made to serve as watch towers, each holding a young lad to set an eye upon the road, everything coming or leaving.

Or that was the idea.

10-31-08, 12:36 AM
Only one of the towers was illuminated, and the light was so dim that even the most keen of eyes would have trouble noticing it. Fatina suspected that such deception was intentional to lure creepers to enter the village, just to be ambushed by whomever lurked inside the towers. Fatina could easily enter the village without being noticed, however, if she where to make a mistake once inside, bells rang or people shouted, she would surely be stopped there as she tried to escape. They had to be disabled.

She checked twice before taking the already silent steps. Using the tall grass as a cover she passed the long wooden tower legs, and after checking no one was watching she began climbing the wooden ramp that coiled up the structure. Inside rested the guard, that although young, had already succumbed to the soothing effects of night and fallen asleep. The interior was covered with pelts and coverts the man used to shield himself at night, the floor was littered with food spares, dirty tin plates, stained forks and a beaten canteen. The man had been drinking, the smell of hard liquor filled the open room each time he exhaled. Sure enough the canteen had been filled with whiskey.

"The hell?"Fatina could only but laugh at the measure of caution she's taken to enter, for a moment blaming herself for giving humans too much credit.

Now that she was here, and in the mood of a rampage, why not play a little before killing the bastard, that no matter how drunk, would hinder her one way or another if he awakened at any time of night. She set her warm body atop the man, placing her gnarling snout before his face. With a flash the spell was disabled. The fur disappeared to be replaced by her light armor, the gold returned to her hair, the rest of her anatomy quickly recovered.

10-31-08, 01:59 AM
It was either the intense flash of light or the pressure on his crotch that awakened the drunken lad. He opened his eyes with a smile as he saw the fair woman on him.
"So that Berman bloke finally sent me a broad."

Fatina lowered her body onto his, pressing her breasts against his built chest. Then she drew her lips across the side of his face and onto his ear where she whispered, "Just you watch who you call a broad."

Now she could feel an erection building in his pants. She'd had to hurry before the blood rush sobered him up enough to a point of able self-defense. The man smiled, as he slipped a hand to her rear and the other on her breast. She could feel the heat of his breath sinking into her skin. Humans where truly disgusting.

"Tell me what's your fantasy and it might just come true tonight." Fatina whispered again, this time forcing her voice into a suggestive tone not many where prone to resist.

"Just keep doing what you are, and you'll make me happy" he said as he forced his pelvis up into her. He held his smile, and his inexperienced caresses grew bolder.

"Hmmm, I guess I was never really good at granting last wishes" Fatina sat up, straightening her back. The man still didn't think much of what she said, taking the comment as an awkward way to phrase she'd do something more 'special' than the norm.

She placed her hand on the mans neck, and with a flick of the wrist she stung him in the throat, releasing a plasma needle unto his body. His limbs fell numb, releasing his grasp on her anatomy. She reached for her belt and held a knife she drew across his exposed belly. His eyes where opened wide, and although he felt everything, his lips could not move to release the scream that erupted from his throat. She drew the kife deep enough to feel the blade cutting organs. Fatina glanced at the man for a second, with a smirk on her face she tapped his cheek quickly, "Poor guy."

She removed the knife quickly and through the opening she forced her hand into his body pushing, flesh and organs aside as she moved up towards his heart. Tears ran down his face, his skin fell pale and it shook. The pain was already gearing him to unconsciousness. He felt him give in, just before she zapped his heart with yet another plasma needle, and all function the trail through his biology hadn't already disrupted, seized.

01-03-09, 09:37 PM
Slowly she extracted her hand from the handsome body, and with a flick wiped two drops of sweat from he forehead, blotching it with red. An almost innaudible sigh escaped her mouth as she contemplated the dead man. It was such a hassle that the art she loved the most required that kind of ingredients, when had she become so reckless, and so damn cold-blooded? It was not by nature that killing was such a thoughtless process, but by duty that she had been accustomed. It didn't matter now anyway, her love for the vile arts was far greater than any remorse she could feel from killing any pathetic living creature unable to fend her off. It was all ok now, killing was not an issue. Killing was not an issue.

Her blood again began to boil as the thick blood began to pool under her kees. She placed her palms on each side of the body. Left and right. She drew her fingers across the rugged, wooden floor drawing with them beautiful scenes of death that came alive ever so vividly in her head.

Again she grasped the bloody blade, and drew the blade across the meat. closed-fist she held the tool tightly and pushed it into his chest, then dropped it to grab onto the opening and spread it open with a tearing blow.

"Light" She said, anxious to see the mechanism of God's contraption.

She pinched off a piece of intestine and after reading a spell on her head she blew on it and it brought forth Alaster. His body was a whisp of fire that hovered in the air and illuminated the dark, gaunt room.

Throughout the night she would work hard to dismember the body and take everything useful. She leave the body made a bloody mass cut to the pulp and enter the city, after all, there was still much hacking to do.

09-28-10, 12:02 AM
Exp and Gp added via the workshop. Since it was in the unresolved and I'm not sure where it was originally, I'm putting it in the Other Regions area for the Crystal Ball.