View Full Version : To the ruins we go (closed to Oren, Hiryuujin, Tenmatsu Tenimi and Taren Solther.

Tenmatsu Tenimi
10-31-08, 03:54 PM
Standing 7'5, very muscular due to his age and profession. his clothing is torn and battered, The shirt itself is black leather with red blotches all over it, torn and ripped. The pants themselves are same material with red blotches down to the knee then they somehow stop. the pants are of a cargo jean type yet made of leather. Along with the clothes there he also wears a chameleon cloak to help him blend in with the environment. The cloak is jet black yet in certain light it looks blue, in others red. The cloak can button down all the way the front of it, it has sleeves for his arms.

The time of day is midday; birds are flying, animals are awake, people are out and about talking, buying things; but this is an odd day to be exact; For Tenamtsu Tenimi was out and about. See what makes it odd is the fact that Tenmatsu never comes out in the sunlight unless he is ordered and he has been ordered out by the Council of the Fae. Tenamtsu had ventured to them in search of a weapon; a more powerful scythe.

The Fae, a council of Elders; specializing in arifacts related to the Ancients chose to see Tenmatsu about the quest to get the artifacts.

The room The Council Of Fae reside in is a large dome-shaped room with only enough light for the entree (in this case Tenamtsu) to see the door and the Council. The room itself is 45 feet wide and 45 feet high from the floor. The floor itself is pure concrete with strange ancient markings in the floor. The Council themself sit in an arched table; like if you see it from above it looks like a crescent moon.The giant cedar doors stand 15 feet high 5 feet thick and 10 feet from side to side.

"Tenmatsu, are you sure you can do this for us? If you succeed, we will pay you for any and all artifacts you retrive." Tenmatsu then grins and smirks and eyes the council "Sure? No, but I am positive I will succeed in ths mission. Now all I will need is a good nights rest and I shall be on my way at first dawn.." Tenmatsu says content and proud of this. The Council of the Fae all bow their heads as Tenmatsu bows in return and steps backwards towards the giant cedar doors and exits them.

As Tenmatsu walks out of the Councilroom he decides to go to the local hotel to get a good night sleep.

On his way to the hotel, He sees someone standing outside the building; Being an ass Tenmatsu walks over to him. Just as he gets so close he sees that the person is shirtless but is wearing some kind of 'pendant' around his neck. The man looks shoeless as well which raises Tenmatsu's curiousness. He steps to the man, scythe in his right hand and quietly taps the man on the right shoulder with his left and free hand. Tenmatsu gets a bad feeling as he places his ahnd on the man's shoulder... like a feeling he has not felt in ages; as if death was right there in front of him