View Full Version : The Black Sails Armada

Torin Reahkari
11-11-08, 03:07 AM
Now all this was written Pre-Pre-Crash, so it'll need clarification from someone who's been around since then, such as Dissinger or INDK, or something.

Name: The Black Sails Armada

Leaders: Torin Reahkari , Sarah Dahlios (Lavinian Pride


To collect money through any means necessary, legitimate, or not.

Background/History (Revised):

The Black Sails Armada began simply as band of misfits looking for something to do. Among those members were Matthias Vinkuzri and Torin Reahkari. They quickly took the idea behind the BSA to the leader of the Red Hand, Ithermoss, asking for funds to really get the clan going and progress. Ithermoss granted the clan 10,000gp to build a ship and buy some land. Collaborating with Ithermoss himself, they constructed the Snowbourne, a warship named after the Red Hand titan's wife. Matthias and Torin sailed off from Radansath with the blessing of the clan to the Western Coast of Alerar, where they proceeded to purchase and set up Etheria Port. With several promising members, two strong leaders, and business underway, the sky seemed to be the limit.

Until one of the leaders seemingly ceased to exist. The Planeswalker, Matthias, just up and disappeared. Torin held much resentment towards him, thinking he turned his back on the Armada, but nevertheless continued to lead the slowly waining forces of the BSA. Torin went off to fight the Rangir yet again with the helps of Thoracis Rakarth, and Etheria receeded further, turning into a wasteland. Now, Torin returns from his city to bring the BSA back to it's former glory.

Regimental Information:

The leaders of the BSA are called the Scourge of Storms.

The Black Sails Armada is split into factions, each with an Admiral, a Captain, First Mate, Crew, and Squat. Squats are new initiates into the BSA.

PC's may be placed into a faction by Torin or Sarah, or can ask to be placed in a certain faction. Promotions will occur through hard work.

Leadership Structure:
Torin Reahkari and Sarah Dahlios are the Scourge of Storms, and the leaders of the Black Sails Armada. All long term and medium term decisions are made by either, including enlistment requirements, purchasing of food and water supplies, furthering of diplomatic negotiations and overall military command. General faction command and administration tasks are passed down the chain of command.


The primary source of income for the Black Sails Armada is trade coming in from trade coming in through Etheria Port and through pillaging other docks and cities.

Divisions and leaders:

Snowbourne Faction:

Torin Reahkari - Scourge of Storms / Captain

Sarah Dahlios - Scourge of Storms / First mate

Aust Liadon (Dark Elf NPC) - Crew

Cade Leagallow (Human NPC) - Crew

Tordek Ulfgan (Dwarf NPC) - Crew

Purpose and History:

The Snowbourne Faction has been around since Torin and Matthias originally took the reigns over the BSA. The Snowbourne itself is an 8 cannon warship built by the Red Hand, Torin, and Matthias.

11-11-08, 07:05 AM
No need to get clarification, I've been around long enough to remember this Powergroup.


100 GP registration taken from Torin's account.