View Full Version : New To Rping (on an organized website)

11-11-08, 09:08 PM
I have RPed before in the past but not on an actual web site(on msn with friends) so I don’t really know if it counts but ... I have a few questions to the mods or admins willing to help me out :)

1) Are you aloud to post on more the one running thread at once?
If so ----- Is there a limit to how many Threads you can post on?
And ------ how many do you suggest as a max?

2) I want to change something about my Characters personality, how would i go about that?

3) in the quest I’m currently in, My Character tore his T-shirt off, I am willing to buy a new one, but can I do that wile I’m in "said quest", or should I wait till after its over and been rated?

4) (Sorry for so many questions, this is the last one) I understand you are busy and that is fine with me, but what would you say the average wait time for a judging to be?

11-11-08, 09:17 PM
I'm not a mod but...

1) If you're asking if you can participate in multiple quests and battles at once, yes you can. The only max is how much writing you think you can handle, me personally I'm writing a solo outside of the forums though it is linked in my profile, it's the very old and first version which has been overhauled. One other quest and another battle is about it for me. Not that I'm pressed for time or anything, I just try to put out the best quality post I can to my ability.

2) You can always do a mid-level update (I have) but I wouldn't do too many of them because... well... it can be a pain for the mods.

3) Can't you just go steal one from a random house ;)

4) I couldn't tell you as I don't judge them, but naturally the longer the thread, the longer it'll take them.

And also, I was reading over the quest you are in and it still seems as if you are writing as if you were in MSN, not that it's a bad thing or anything. You should try to make posts longer than a few sentences or a paragraph or two. I mean, of course yea sometimes there's just not much to say or do, but I like going through and reading the different threads people post up and when there's not much to read it's just ehhhhhh. Maybe that's just me, who knows.

11-11-08, 09:25 PM
Ok thanks Rith that really helped :), Question 4 is still open for an answer from anyone that would know

And ill keep that in mind Rith Thank you for all your help :)

Oh yah sorry I’m new here so I’m not sure ... but how would I go about doing a mid-level update (and yes I would be planning on keeping them to a very minimal, I understand there must be allot of work go into this site)

11-11-08, 09:34 PM
Mid level update wif diz butten clicky clicky (http://www.althanas.com/world/forumdisplay.php?f=8)

When your threads are judged remember these people are like your evil English teacher in school, they knock points off for every little thing. So the more carefree you write, the less of a score you get, and with the less of a score, the less exp/gold you get, which in turn makes it harder to level up and be granted spoils at the end of a thread.

11-11-08, 09:41 PM
1) Are you aloud to post on more the one running thread at once?

If so ----- Is there a limit to how many Threads you can post on?

And ------ how many do you suggest as a max?
Just so long as you can keep yourself afloat. Don't overwhelm yourself and burn out.

2) I want to change something about my Characters personality, how would i go about that?
Since it's a new character, just shape him in the way you want to shape him. So long as your guy is consistent with himself, judges won't take off. Besides, new characters turn out so different from the personality you put up in the profile so often that it's a pretty normal thing.

Don't do a midlevel update just for a minor thing like personality, it's a real pain in the butt.

3) in the quest I’m currently in, My Character tore his T-shirt off, I am willing to buy a new one, but can I do that wile I’m in "said quest", or should I wait till after its over and been rated?
You could do either, just buy a shirt in thread. A cotton/linen/ordinary cloth one won't be too expensive. I'd recommend that, since it'd be faster. If you want to go buy it at the Bazaar, you can do that, too.

4) (Sorry for so many questions, this is the last one) I understand you are busy and that is fine with me, but what would you say the average wait time for a judging to be?
Well, that depends on a multitude of things, but I can honestly say that the judging staff tries to get things judged as expediently as possible. Sometimes there's just a lot back there to judge.

11-12-08, 11:05 AM
Thanks Karuka :), and yes i understand they get backed up thats fine i wouldn't want to take the fun out of this for them >.<