View Full Version : Sprawls of a Lunatic III

11-16-08, 10:53 AM
Been a while, huh? (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=705)

Apparently, my memory here long outlasted my presence, and ol' Torin dug me up for a third shot at Torin. That guy changes face more than Bogg. So, what better way to start off another spree of express art than with what seemed to be the last guy done before slipping away from things?

Torin, Take 3 (http://madgoblin.deviantart.com/art/Torin-Take-2-103752069)

But, really, does anyone care about that? I don't think so. No, we all know why people came here. They remembered, remembered the eggs!

Or, more likely, not.

[[ Requests, Back Open for Business ]]

Torin Reahkari
11-16-08, 11:28 AM
Best. Picture. Ever.

I Am Zee
11-16-08, 09:56 PM
He's back! I can honestly say I missed seeing your work. You've done six of my characters so far. Care to make it lucky number seven? =D

Edward Judorne
11-17-08, 10:33 AM
You are back!!! um. care to do Edward?

11-19-08, 06:16 AM
Eegad, it's been, like, three days? I must be getting rusty.

Anyhoo, I got half of Zee done. That being the Egg, the important part. I actually have the real image all scanned and ready but ran out of time to process it appropriately. So, there's this until then.

And I'm working on getting Edward Jones, too. Seven? Geez, man, someone's got an addiction.

Avatar Appropriate Egg Zee (http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a371/MadGoblin/althanas/aveggzee.gif) and regular style:

Edward Judorne
11-19-08, 09:31 AM
Seven? Geez, man, someone's got an addiction.

You think that's bad? I have 16 usernames, 2 of which include 2 characters, so that's a total of 18 characters... And that's just my on site Characters. Actually, I remember you doing one of my characters before. Remember Shell? that was me.

And I'm working on getting Edward Jones, too.
Actually, It's Edward Judorne, but, W/E. I know you just made a mistake with the name.

I Am Zee
11-20-08, 07:09 PM
Glorious. This has me excited to see the full sized non-eggy version. [=

I Am Zee Egg Man.

Torin Reahkari
11-21-08, 01:20 AM
ROFLcopter cl3v3rZ.


11-21-08, 06:31 AM
It was clever wording, yes.

Zee 'n' Grim (http://madgoblin.deviantart.com/art/Althanas-Zee-104185927), a little skinnier and more zomboid than prolly shoulds be.

Edward Jones, even tho' I know that ain't his real name, is on the way. Until then, bad egg!

(( Also, for future reference, I'm just chuckin' avatar sized versions of pics, regardless of request, in this directory (http://s15.photobucket.com/albums/a371/MadGoblin/althanas/) ))

I Am Zee
11-21-08, 06:20 PM
I can dig it. -high five-

11-21-08, 06:27 PM
Yee dawgies. Ill take one!

11-22-08, 03:01 PM
Popple for Eddy. (http://madgoblin.deviantart.com/art/Althanas-Edward-Judorne-104312450)

I could say something else, but, really, I'm pretty tired. No buns in the oven, so... that's it. I guess Fairfield is next.

Kially Gaith
11-22-08, 07:07 PM
O shi-, original style, sort of surreal with a strange...Historic edge? I don't know, I'm no art critic, but I like, have a shot at Kially? A child would be interesting to see done in your very unique definitive style.

Crystal Suncrest
11-26-08, 12:56 AM
God, I'm not sure which Edward to use as his Avvy.

Say, how about an egg of Crystal while you are at it? (You can do a full pic too, if you want, but it's not neccessary.)

12-05-08, 08:26 PM
Would you mind doing Shisui? He's full of ninja fun. With a mask.

12-06-08, 09:52 AM
Ack. Fell behind. Excuses abound. Don't care to repeat them.

Giddy up, doggie. Fairfield's gunner is taking aim. (http://madgoblin.deviantart.com/art/Althanas-Drag-Harlan-105573353)

Angel boy, faerie, and ninja-matic to follow.

Kially Gaith
12-06-08, 01:52 PM
Wow. That picture is full of 'Rugged' and 'Man'.

It's also pretty awesome. But that doesn't detract from the masculinity right there.

12-11-08, 06:39 AM
The Geomag 'imself. (http://madgoblin.deviantart.com/art/Althanas-Kially-Gaith-106027634)

In other news, there is no other news, but there are two eggs since I forgot last time.

That li'l boy egg gives me nightmares, he does.

Kially Gaith
12-11-08, 11:56 AM
LOL. Epic egg. I look like one of those toys you can push it'll just keep wobbling for AGES.

As for the picture, thanks! You nailed the clothing pretty much on the head!

Nice work. Keep it up. ^_^ <3

Nevar Flat Notes
01-04-09, 05:31 AM
May I have one? Please? I won't eat you ^^

01-11-09, 06:11 AM
I currently have the old Ramirez pic you drew in my user profile. Just out of pride from the comment it got on your DevArt, haha.

You think you could make an egg for the pirate here, Gobbo?

01-19-09, 06:02 AM
Well, that sure was a long absence. A mixture of holidays and road-block requests never add up well. But, once I found out that Shushi was not an original character and just some Naruto scum, that cleared things up.

So, I jumped all the way up to Rosy Not Donald (http://madgoblin.deviantart.com/art/Althanas-Alice-Von-Rosenhart-109982895).

As always, I bank a pool of avatars at a-here (http://s15.photobucket.com/albums/a371/MadGoblin/althanas/).

The fairy, whatever her name be, was skipped over, if wondering, since she had nothing describing her outside of being a fairy with blond hair. Oh, and a dress.

Wrapping up, the ever increasingly creepy requisite Egg!

Crystal Suncrest
01-23-09, 09:32 AM
The fairy, whatever her name be, was skipped over, if wondering, since she had nothing describing her outside of being a fairy with blond hair. Oh, and a dress.

Ok. I can understand that. She is a happy-go-lucky soul with mid to long length blonde hair, white skin, blue eyes rainbow wings, and in her original design, she wore a dress made of a leaf, though in later designs she got more a more normal dress. She wears nothing on her feet and brandishes a fork. (In her original design, her weapon was a spoon, but for Althanas I made it a fork)

Need any more information regarding her, or does that cover it?

Raven, Setontalf
01-25-09, 12:32 PM
*poke* Could you do Crusoe too? He's very average in appearance, but It'd be cool if you drew him surrounded by the Pattern. The Pattern can be drawn however you desire, but I always imagine it in tribal tattoo-style.