View Full Version : Lighthearted adventure needs adventurers!

11-17-08, 05:43 PM
Hey, so I'm thinking I want to start a pretty lighthearted (though not satirical or snarky) adventure story. Short but sweet, and hopefully still high quality writing. Just because we have a simple premise doesn't mean it can't be a lot of fun, you know?

Probably need two or three other people; I'm not the most frequent poster, but I think like twice a week is pretty realistic >.>

I don't have any specific ideas, but we (whoever we are) can come up with something awesome, no doubt. Course if nobody responds to this I'll probably give it a try with an actual story suggestion... but first things first!

11-20-08, 09:32 AM
Hi! I'm interested, so do you have any ideas in mind?

If you have aim or msn messenger, contact me! ^^

11-20-08, 08:58 PM
I guess I am interested too as long as its not something crazy like hunting purple flying hippos.

11-20-08, 10:41 PM
Oh yeah, nothing like that. The idea isn't something wacky or "silly", just... We aren't talking huge massacres or a morbid necromancer who keeps the pickled body of his entire family in barrels in his back room where he pulls them out to talk to them while they plead for him to let them die, you know?

I don't have any details, though I have some ideas, and I'll definitely watch out for you on aim (my aim is in my profile). A big question is where we would be. Rûn is in Concordia right now and hasn't really gone anywhere yet, but it wouldn't be too tough to run him somewhere else.

Melancor, from your profile, your characters kind of...abrasive? How do you think he should get roped into this sort of adventure? I think there could be some interesting interactions between him and Rûn too... he might notice something of Rûn's not-quite-human heritage. Dunno if that sort of thing would be interesting to him. We should talk though. At the very least, having two Adonis characters should be amusing.

The most meta idea is that we go on a high-flying adventure to save group x from monster y.

Hmm, what do you guys think? I'm seeing a solitary mountain reaching into the sky, a peaceful village nestled at it's base next to a river; the SEA* visible in the horizon. It's winter, and the land is quiet waiting for spring, but up in the mountain there's a spirit (or magical entity, "demon", whatever) that's taken a physical form and is upto mischief.

S'what I got.

*edit ^^;

Torin Reahkari
11-21-08, 01:07 AM
I'm in if you want one more.

11-21-08, 02:52 AM
Sounds good to me, but we should probably call it there. I think more than 4 people would get a bit unwieldy if we don't want this to run for toooo long.

So, this is me making arbitrary decisions (which can be overruled or discussed by people with real opinions). We've got a village we'll call... Caern, about half a days walk from the sea. The village is at the base of a decent sized mountain we'll also call Caern (the village is named after the mountain, naturally). If no one objects, I'm gonna put this little landscape in Corone for my own selfish convenience.

Caern's problem is that somewhere up in the mountain lives a vicious ogre (or something) that's terrorizing the town and making life suck for everyone. And that's where we come in! We get to climb the mountain, slay the ogre, and save the village. Possibly there could be some chicks or treasure in it for us or something. Seems pretty likely. Everyone knows "adventurer" is a synonym of "mercenary" after all =P

I actually already wrote out an intro post for Rûn. I'll wait a bit to post it and hopefully hear back from you folks, especially in case someone has an objection of some kind (though nothing of major significance happens, so that shouldn't be too big a deal).

Edit: Oh yeah. Someone needs to come up with a kick ass thread title for our quest.

11-21-08, 07:09 PM
Just make it up.

For the sake of staying simple I don't think there is a need to elaborate more on the plot. Unless anyone thinks we should, but I personally don't have anything to add.

11-21-08, 07:22 PM
Quest's up.
The Caern Mountain Ogre (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=133844#post133844)
Knock yourselves out

11-21-08, 11:46 PM
K am posting I'll edit stuff in.

Edit: Done! who's next?

11-27-08, 08:54 PM
AH-! I hope I'm not too late! ><;

Is this still opened for participation?

(update) well, I went ahead and posted. I hope I'm not intruding on anything... ^^;

If I am, please note me and I will remove my post from the thread... ^^;

11-29-08, 02:15 PM
Nah, you're totally fine, it's good to have you ^^
Still expecting a post from Torin, but I'm really busy this weekend so I doubt I would follow up with anything till a little later in the week. If anyone really wants to do a second post a move a bit further that'd be fine, just don't all get together and run off without me =P

12-11-08, 06:32 AM
.....um, is this thread still active?

I wonder where Torin is. It would be nice to have him with our group, seeing as he has the most able-bodied character for taking on large monsters...... ^^;

12-11-08, 01:09 PM
Hi. I'm sorry I haven't posted anything, I've had finals and tests this past week and it has been really crazy for me. I'm almost done though, and I should be able to post either this weekend or next wednesday, if people are still interested? Sorry.

12-12-08, 03:30 AM
Welcome back, Archaon~ ^^

I understand how finals are a problem. One of the people I know has been complaining all morning about how one of his class is taking exams three days ahead of other people. I'm preparing for a few of my own as well, but I still have five more days. Heehee.

I think you can neglect Althanas for a little while for real life instances, from what I hear.