View Full Version : hello!

11-18-08, 01:04 PM
Hi everyone! *waves*

I am completely new to any sort of role playing, let alone post by post creative writing role playing! I got introduced to Althanas through my brother (Sorahn). I enjoy writing for fun, but probably havent written since high school, so any advice for the new girl would be really helpful!


11-18-08, 01:47 PM
Sorahn? Crazy.

Well welcome, if you need anything to do you can hit me up anytime, I'm always down for writing. Or you could hop in the clan, <.< >.>, haha.

Max Dirks
11-18-08, 02:44 PM
I feel as though half of Althanas' population is related to Sorahn.

Welcome to the site, hope you stick around (my sister played for two weeks and disappeared, you must show her up)!

11-18-08, 02:57 PM
Lol, yeah... my sister lasted a registration, like making a sign on name. Didn't even register a character. So, you're already doing better...

11-18-08, 02:59 PM
thanks guys! Oh and Mark is my actual brother and, as far as I know Im his only sister who is on here. haha He, for some reason (and hes going to get mad at me for this), refuses to help me get started! So Im just going to steal all his friends! bwahaha! SO...its nice to meet you both! Feel free to IM me anytime! My screen name is on my profile? I think? anyway, thanks!

Max Dirks
11-18-08, 03:40 PM
We also know your cousin, Zieg. I guess that's only three family members, but its more than most. In any event, feel free to send me, Task, or Witchblade a PM if you have questions on registration.

11-18-08, 04:02 PM
Isn't Zieg like Valkyrie's brother?

Anyways, welcome new person. Hopefully you'll stick around at least as long as Sorahn did. And he's like an old fart in Althanas years.

Max Dirks
11-18-08, 04:13 PM
Jesus, you're right!

The family keeps growing...

11-18-08, 05:14 PM
MWAHAHAHA! I shall get ALL my kin to play this game!

Yes, this is my sister. The fact that I refuse to help her get started is an outright fabrication and total lie. I just have yet to post up our first battle thread. I'm going to title it: "Sorahn's Bloodstain" :D lol jk

Yeah Hatter's my sister, Zieg is my cousin, and Valkyrie is his sister, also my cousin. I should get like an Althy award for most relatives on Althanas.... <.<

So... welcome to Althanas, sister!

I suppose Witchy will be along any minute now with the traditional newbie cookies... you got about a 50/50 shot of those being poisoned.

Hopefully you'll stick around at least as long as Sorahn did. And he's like an old fart in Althanas years.

*waves his cane* Bah! Ye lil whipper-snappers dun no teh first thing bout no roleplayin'. Why, back in my day we had teh walk fer miles uphill bof ways in teh snow jus teh post! Meh! *rocks in squeaky rocking chair*

11-18-08, 06:55 PM
Mark, do Vicki and Matt still play? Thats awesome! we have got to get meg on here and almost our whole family will be on here! lol

Slayer of the Rot
11-18-08, 08:37 PM
sen d piktures of brests 2 me

11-19-08, 03:16 AM
Mark, do Vicki and Matt still play? Thats awesome! we have got to get meg on here and almost our whole family will be on here! lol

I know Vickie posts on occasion but hasn't been active in the community. SO you'd have to talk to her. Matt has been kinda hit or miss and is in one of his MIA cycles.

Hi, I'm Dissinger, I've been around as long as Letho, so Sorahn is what we call a Vet's Vet. If we're supposed to be old, then he's WAY over the hill.

Torin Reahkari
11-19-08, 08:32 AM
Sorahn is the hill.

Welcome to Althanas!

11-19-08, 08:57 AM
You're related to Sorahn? I feel... dirty posting in this thread. >.> But, I have to do my duty.

*clears throat*

Welcome to Althanas! even if you are Sorahn's sister...

Please keep your arms and legs inside the forum at all times or they may be removed by rabid, zombified characters. Do not feed the following people" Max Dirks, Godhand, Letho, Serilliant, Taskmienster, Dissinger/Tainted Bushido, Bloodrose and Ataraxis for they may become dependent on you afterwards and are hard to get rid of. Any screams you may now be experiencing are the sounds of dying characters. Do not be alarmed for they shall be revived in new and inventive ways the following thread. Have a nice day. ^^

*offers Mad_Hatter a plate of cookies*

11-19-08, 09:53 AM
I was warned about the cookies, but Ill take my chances *takes and eats cookies* Thanks to everyone who welcomed me! Everyone seems so nice! ^^ I feel all warm and fuzzy....although that could be the cookies. >.>

Jack Lancer
11-19-08, 10:44 AM
Actually, the cookies only have a 10% chance of being poisoned nowadays. I think Witchblade stopped poisoning the cookies, but... Well, who knows?

11-19-08, 11:19 AM
I stopped poisoning them, but every now and again you may find an odd ingredient hidden inside. Like a frog, or the skull of a mouse. Someone complained to me about a toe once. ^^

11-19-08, 11:23 AM
LOL I like you, Wictchblade! you're funny! Oh and please dont hold it against me that Sorahn's my brother. We're only related on my parents side! Plus Im much cooler, and more awesome than he is. haha

11-19-08, 12:49 PM
Teehee, well if you're female you're already one step above poor Sorahn.

11-19-08, 02:02 PM
I still can't tell if this thread is honoring me because of my veteran status or just making fun of me in general... meh whatever.

BTW sis, we all know that I'm the coolest one in this family...

Tainted Bushido
11-19-08, 06:41 PM
I still can't tell if this thread is honoring me because of my veteran status or just making fun of me in general... meh whatever.

BTW sis, we all know that I'm the coolest one in this family...

Yes, because if you weren't worth it we wouldn't torment you so.

11-19-08, 10:16 PM
Very true.. you remember that whole thing boys did to girls they liked in pre school? They'd torture them to death. Well, we only want to drive you to insanity so that you finish yourself off. ^^

11-20-08, 12:41 AM
I'm just mocking you... though that's nothing new for me... look at your football team.

J/k, low blow, hahaha. Can't help it though when I have the gators about 10 mins from me.. lol

11-20-08, 08:56 AM
umm...... hi and welcome to Althanas! ^^

It's nice to know that relatives actually roleplay together in the same site.

Oh, I didn't mean it that way...


11-20-08, 10:41 AM
Thanks Raimeiken! Im actually battling him right now adn he will probably kick my butt, which is ok becasue I can still kick his in real life! ^^

11-20-08, 10:44 AM
J/k, low blow, hahaha. Can't help it though when I have the gators about 10 mins from me.. lol

Taskmienster You're a gator?! *sings the FSU war chant* hahaha

11-20-08, 12:39 PM
<.< >.> You are no longer allowed to be my friend. Official. Though since FSU went to the ACC with Miami they haven't really been much competition. lol. Leave the SEC and you're not even worth watching, unless its the Big Ten with Penn and Ohio State (poor ohio state, getting trounced by UF and the LSU back to back...)

11-20-08, 01:18 PM
hey its a re-buliding year for FSU! LOL ok, ok so they arent really all that good anymore and yes, you gators have the incredible heisman trophy winner, Tim Tebow. I have to admit, I really enjoyed watching those Gators Completely DESTROY South Carolina. LOL It was the best!! I really cant stand Steve Spurrier. haha

11-20-08, 09:49 PM
whooooa, Steve Spurrier? He's still loved here, but he had his chance to come back, and chose wrong, went to go play with the game'cocks'. lol. dumb ass. And FSU has been rebuilding for years.. <.< >.>

11-20-08, 10:16 PM
Very true.. you remember that whole thing boys did to girls they liked in pre school? They'd torture them to death. Well, we only want to drive you to insanity so that you finish yourself off. ^^

*sniff* You like me. You really like me..... I think.

Also, since I attend Clemson University I'm legally obligated to dislike FSU and despise the USC chickens and their a-hole coach Spurrier. Got no real prob with the Gators, though. So we can still be friends Task.

11-21-08, 11:19 AM
LOL! I was kidding about rebulding. I know they havent had a decent quarterback since Weinke. It is a sad story really. So, Im off to a great start on the friend front...>.> What can I do to redeem myself?