View Full Version : Adrian Spelvin, Spoony Bard

Sunset Theatre Co.
11-19-08, 11:03 PM
NAME: Adrian J. Spelvin
AGE: 28
RACE: Human
SEX: Male
HAIR COLOR: Prematurely white
EYE COLOR: Baby blue
HEIGHT: 5'9"
WEIGHT: 147 lbs.
OCCUPATIONS: Owner of the Sunset Theatre Company, writer, actor, and musician.

The rest is in bullets for your convenience out of my sheer laziness.


Shoulder-length white hair
Attractive, sharp, mature facial features and a killer smile.
Has a build somewhere between your average starving inner-city peasant and a farmhand
A touch on the pale side
Usually seen in public wearing a black top hat, a black gabardine topcoat, black slacks, shiny black shoes, white leather gloves, a monocle over his left eye, and a red vest over a white shirt


In good spirits 99% of the time--people sometimes think that he's either high or a ticking time bomb
A little bit of a trickster; also has a bit of a dark sense of humor
Can talk his way out of most situations
Very friendly; tries not to hold grudges
An all-around good guy...
...but might have a small ego problem


His father's hand-me-down 5" steel dagger, with the letters G.S. engraved in the handle; usually used as a letter opener
An ordinary hickory cane painted black


Six-string acoustic guitar and hardshell case
Three leather-bound notebooks and six graphite pencils
Deck o' cards
Four smoke bombs
650 seat theatre house in Radasanth's market district


Fifth-generation performer - In order to keep his great-grandfather's hopes and dreams alive, George Spelvin forced young Adrian to learn the family trade before predictably dying when Adrian was a teenager. Because of the sometimes harsh lessons, he became a fine actor, one of considerable ability. Has an easy time of sliding into whatever role he plays--even a female role, should the script call for it. Specializes in jerks and villains.
Six-string wizard - sho' plays a mean guitar.
Chemistry - sometimes, the special effects girl can't blow shit up because she's on stage right now. Adrian steps in as a back-up here, and with his basic knowledge of creating explosives and smoke screens, knows enough to not blow himself up right before his scene.
Fake swordplay - Due to the necessity of climactic battle scenes in nearly every stage play he pens, Adrian knows the basics of real swordfighting. Most real warriors would say he has a below average skill level.


Born and raised in the mean streets of Radasanth's North side
His father George, with his last dying breath after being crushed by a safety curtain, passed the Sunset Theatre Company onto him
Decided to start from scratch, hiring new actors and stagehands
Set out to write and perform new plays based on the random happenings in and the old legends of Althanas


Victor Eeves

27 year old male with short brown hair and brown eyes, very average-looking all-around
Usually plays the heroic roles
Specializes in set design

Nadia D'Aroth

24 year old female with crimson red hair that falls to her butt and bright green eyes. A bit on the slinky side, and very childish.
Plays psychopaths and villainesses quite well--both on stage and off stage
Resident special effects girl; has above-average skill in chemistry and pyrotechnics

Diggery "Diggs" Jennings

37 year old male who is bald and has blue eyes. Rather out of shape, and wears thick glasses.
The comic relief; has a sense of humor that rivals Adrian's own.
Costume designer extraordinaire.
The only member Adrian kept on board after he inherited STC.

Alexandria Merryweather

27 year old female with curly golden locks that go halfway down her back and bright blue eyes. Almost textbook pin-up girl material.
Plays the submissive, air-headed damsel in distress. Probably the most intelligent one of the bunch when not in character, however.
Due to her, shall we say, assets; she's the PR person.

11-20-08, 12:37 AM
Just can't sell the theater, that's it. If you want it as a subforum or an HQ you can always earn that through threads and dedicated writing, which has happened for a number of people.

Good to see you back and you are...