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View Full Version : Generic Anime Crap

Death The Kid
11-21-08, 08:02 AM
Well, it’s actually been a while since I have drawn anything and last night i suddenly got the urge to do it. I intend to Photoshop a few of these, and draw more but I don’t exactly know what to draw so I’m willing to take requests, but not too many at once, maybe 3... Especially since my drawing ability is inconsistent so one day I’m good the next I’m well... not, anyhow, that’s enough from me and here are the pictured. (These are not full size or full quality.)

Death The Kid, My character for this account in his normal attire, holding his mask and custom scythe.

Xzia Chaosblade, Another character on this site but also being used in a separate story I’m writing. I don’t like this one too much.

Angel Zero, The base for one of my character on this site, the one on here has major differences. He is the main character for the latter mentioned story.

Xenorath, The Secondary character from previously said story... I designed him oh so long ago, I thought it would be fun to draw him again now I’m a bit better.

Demented Slave, I haven’t thought of a name for her yet but am rather pleased with how it turned out, I draw females once every equinox and rare of me, I had no reference to use, so I am proud of this, even if it’s not that good.
(Stupid image tag limit.)

So, if you have a request, Like PM me with any information I may need and I will see what I can do, also tell me what you think, just make sure it’s constructive.

11-21-08, 10:25 AM
That's some pretty kickass stuff. I don't really think it's generic at all, mate.

I especially like Angel Zero and Xenorath I love the clothing and the patterns you use. The folds are also in all the right places.

Kind of reminds me, slightly, of a cross between Star Ocean 3 and Kingdom Hearts, as far as inspiration goes.

Death The Kid
11-21-08, 02:44 PM
2 Requests so only one place is open the now, I intend to do them all similar to this one that I just finished for my own profile. Of course, for me to continue to be creative i need to keep my creativeishnuss going but RPing, so if anyone has any offers...even if it does make me biesed to compleating theres first.



Another one of the previously scanned images, I can't decide on a colourr scheme or a name for this one, so I wonder if you can help me.


Kially Gaith
11-21-08, 06:22 PM
Fancy taking a shot at Kially? Would be interesting to see what you come up with!

Nice work by the way. I really like the outlining on them, very clean and sharp with correct proportions. I don't, however, much like the expression on the image of 'Death The Kid', something about it seems off to me, but that's just personal opinion.

Keep it up.

Kially~ <3

I Am Zee
11-21-08, 06:32 PM
I wouldn't mind seeing what you can come up with for Zee. But don't consider this a 4th request. Don't wanna get ya all stressed out er anything. Just keep me in mind for the future. Wown.

Torin Reahkari
12-03-08, 05:07 PM
What's the word on the coloring of the Torin picture?