View Full Version : Vandal Violence

11-22-08, 05:51 PM
This is a soloquest, and it takes place some time after Vandal Valiance (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=8661). It also occurs at the same time as Magnolia in the Mold (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17503).

Travis Leone was a scoundrel, even as a youth, despite being the son of a rural aristocrat in Scara Brae. It was baffling to think of how ineffective his learning was, and how wasted his cultured upbring had been. He was always hanging around with urchins and low-life scum, but nothing that his father had done was particularly effective. No punishment, no sanction, no curfew, nor any other form of discipline had done anything to deter the ruffian behavior that his son had exhibited. One night, a city guard had brought Travis to his doorstep, having caught him red-handed trying to pickpocket someone while in Thurman Osgood's General Store.

But in the end, it was sort of ironic as to how Travis was actually innocent of the crime that had him exiled from home. His little brother, Choran, had followed in his footsteps, much to the dismay of their father. However, he was very delicately walking the line, hoping to keep their father happy, as well as impress his sibling. He was treading tendencies between an aristocrat's child, and a scamp's apprentice.

It was no secret that the Leone and Vitarelli families had a longstanding history of rivalry. A few generations back, they had been wedded together by their two heirs - Ballori Leone and Caspar Vitarelli. But that romance ended in divorce, only a year after their union. It had been very stressful on everybody, and instead of uniting the two families, it had instead drove the wedge further between them, resulting in the hostilities that were still strong and present today. And it was due to this antagonism that Choran Leone had been dared to aggravate.

One of the most treasured items of the Leone family - a locket, dating several generations back, had been lost to the Vitarellis during the divorce of Ballori and Caspar. Since then, they had held the item, though it was on occasion brought up during sour discussions about the Vitarellis. It was after overhearing such a conversation that Travis decided to test his younger brother, who had been eagerly seeking his brother's approval, alongside membership in his brother's little local gang.

When the locket went missing, it was only a matter of time before it was found. And, of course, it was. Travis, however, did nothing to sway the allegations that he was the one who had stolen it, and when it was discovered on his person, he accepted the responsibility and punishment. To him, it was a way out of the family and the life that was constricting him. He didn't want wealth or influence - nothing compared to the excitement that he craved, day in and day out, and to him, it was equivalent to being in Hell, to be stuck in a suit, living the pompous, lazy life that had been laid out for him. So, he took the fall for Choran's crime and was cast out.

He hopped over a few baronies and made his way towards the city of Scara Brae, where he fell in with a few different crowds until deciding on who he really wanted to be a part of. Looking around, he found the graffiti of someone he only had come to know as "Math," from the signature tags on whatever messages the vandal had left around the city. It was impressive to him, how much emotion that guy could evoke with a few thought-out sentences in well-placed locations, and how he could do it with only a bit of paint.

Not to mention the fact that the Scara Scourge that he belonged to had a long-standing history of being the most notorious criminal group in Scara Brae for years. To him, it was a dream and an ultimate goal to be a member of one of the top classes of criminal in the city. It was a disappointment, though, to find that they had been waning in power over the last couple of months, especially with the arrival of the foreign group calling themselves the Blackhood Syndicate. Their standards had fallen since then, and it was perhaps lucky for Travis that they had. With their desperate need for fresh recruits, it may have been the only reason that he was allowed to join them, and even meet, face to face, his idol.

Math was known as Vandal to the group that he belonged to. People rarely knew eachother's names in the Scourge - only insofar as much as one had to. Names were a sign of trust, and often only used out of necessity. And so, Math was only a signature for the people of Scara Brae to know. But Vandal was a lot unlike Travis had imagined him. He was a young man... probably not much older than Travis himself, and a bit shorter. He seemed kind of meek, scrawny, and very reserved. He'd imagined a wild, brash, and unpredictable sort of guy to be behind the graffiti that he'd often admired while walking down the back alleys of the city.

Regardless, Travis had found his home among the Scara Scourge... only to have it crushed when Chapter, the lead of their group, betrayed them to the Blackhood Syndicate. Most of them escaped, but they had lost both Matches and Vandal. They ended up regrouping later and retreated to the town of Elvaline. It was an immense surprise, however, when a few months later, they raided a caravan belonging to the Syndicate, and discovered Vandal, bound and chained, and being escorted back to Scara Brae.

They freed him, and he told them that he'd been experimented on by a necromancer, and that he had been forced into becoming an assassin for Count Vernanon Merix. He had grown very cold and distant to everyone, keeping to himself much of the time. But he was very clear and concise in his plan as he slowly started to find himself in a position of leadership among them. They trusted in him and the plan that he had - a plan to fight back against both the corrupt forces of law that had been constricting their growth, as well as their foreigner rivals who had destroyed what little respect people had for the criminal underworld.

So it was only a matter of time that he was unanimously selected as their new Chapter. And it became apparent how correct that decision was to Travis, when his first order was to share their names with eachother. It was at that moment, that fateful night, that he knew that Mathias was every bit the young man that he wanted to emulate.

12-15-08, 05:54 PM
All of them sat in silence, eating their meal while ignoring the tension as best they could. At the head of the table was an empty seat and the source of everyone's solitude. Logo was the most visibly distressed individual, while Cleric and Lady were rather unnerved themselves. Knuckles looked like he always did; stoic and stone-faced. Fingers was trying not to think about it.

"It's been two days," said Logo, splitting the quietness with his declaration. Mathias had been missing for two days, following his first bout in the Dajas Pagoda. The whole crew had reservations about allowing their commanding member to be used as bait for the Blackhood Syndicate - especially after having been the ones to rescue him from their grasp the first time. But it was the only option available to the Scara Scourge aside from a full-scale war in the slums, alleys, and backways of the city. But that choice would destroy the Scourge entirely. What had once been the reigning criminal organization in Scara Brae had slowly been declining, and the strength and tenacity of the foreign Syndicate had done a great deal to quicken that stagnation.

Mathias, however, had been one of the new recruits who had injected renewed vigor in the Scourge, and he had been doing as much as he could in order to turn the tides against the Blackhoods. It was through his relentless efforts in violence, vandalism, and thievery, that he had attracted attention and interest in the Scourge's re-ascension. But because of his ferocity, he was a target for his enemies' wrath. And among his adversaries, he counted the former commander of the chapter of Scourge members that he led - a man named Cruz.

Much like Logo looked up to Mathias, the planeswalker idolized Cruz, the previous Chapter. But Cruz had betrayed the entire Scourge to the Syndicate, for reasons they could only guess at. Although he had his own misgivings about fighting in the Pagoda, it didn't take much to convince the young vandal that it was his chance to get revenge - not just against the Syndicate - but to start on a blazing trail that would lead his crusade all the way to Cruz himself and give him the righteous fury he so deserved.

But then, Mathias disappeared. The crew had no contact from the higher tiers of the Scourge, nor had they seen their own Chapter in the past two days. It was quite possible the Syndicate had caught them off-guard, but Logo had a much worse feeling, deep in his gut.

Since the Syndicate's arrival on the shores of Scara Brae, the Scourge and several of the other elder crime organizations had waned in power and influence. The new group was much more reckless, rewarding, and had no concern or respect for anyone or anything. To them, it was all about gold and power, and that appealed to the sweet-tooth rogues that littered the island. The old ways were quickly getting let go of, while the youth and more ambitious scoundrels turned towards the Blackhoods.

And now, with the planeswalker's disappearance, it was starting to look like they were fighting a losing battle.


Logo took a step up the stairs, looking at the old house, framed by the dim light of the afternoon sun. He took in a deep breath as he prepared himself to enter. Upon turning the knob and swinging the door open lightly, he was greeted by a view of true antiquity. Everything was dusty - especially the windows, which were so filthy they probably didn't allow any light through. The shutters were hanging loosely off their hinges and the old, knotted, rotten wood creaked ever so slightly in the smooth, salty ocean breeze that breathed in from the eastern sea. It was a large, abandoned manor in the middle of an old, run-down slum neighborhood - a perfect, if rather clichéd location for the hideout of the Scara Scourge's leader.

Taking in a deep breath, Logo ascended another step and grasped the rusted brass doorknob and turned. The dim afternoon sun lit up the threshold of the doorway as he opened it, revealing a rather empty parlor. The only inhabitants of it were a crusty old couch and an ancient fireplace, both covered in cobwebs. The air inside was thick and musty. What light that was able to filter through the windows lay a beam of it, strewn across the floor - visible clouds of dust floated up from the floorboards as they groaned under the weight of the young man's boots.

Crossing the room, Logo exited the parlor and found himself in a hall. The walls were empty - no decorations, no hung-up paintings or shelves of little trinkets. At the far end was a door, cracked open just by an inch. A dim candlelight flickered from behind it and threw itself across the darkened floor, reaching out from underneath the thin cracks in the wood and the space between door and ground. The young vandal opened it cautiously, the ancient hinges groaning as they met the use for the first time in what was probably ages.

A sword was instantly brought up to meet his nose, and Logo almost jumped out of his skin. The man holding it was clad in a dark brown duster and baggy pants. His mouth was covered by a black scarf and he had messy black hair that draped his face lazily. His eyes were a deep rosewood brownish red, and the intent in them was all but friendly. Beyond him sat a woman, sitting comfortably behind a large desk with her legs knee-crossed.

"You're not supposed to use that door," said Leader, smiling her mischievous, toothy grin.

01-22-09, 03:38 PM
"I know it's been two days," said Leader, biting her lower lip. The traces of her self confidence and assurance had melted away as soon as Logo mentioned Mathias. Shadow stood against the wall, his arms crossed. His eyes scrutinized the young vandal with an intensity that Logo could almost swear was burning a hole through his soul. Leader sat with her forehead resting in her hands, her arms propped up on her desk. She let out a deep sigh as she ran her fingers through her blond hair, absentmindedly. "He was with that girl he fought. After their bout... they just walked around. The Syndicate followed them. Mathias dealt with them easy enough - seems they were peons. From there, we can only guess what the fuck happened."

"What do you mean?" Logo asked, his voice full of frustration. He knew he was being haughty, especially in the presence someone far superior to him - the woman who commanded the Scara Scourge, no less. But he couldn't help but feel enraged that the worries of Mathias were starting to come to actual fruition. He had wondered what would await when he accepted the position in the Dajas Pagoda... their goal was to draw out the Blackhood Syndicate, who had been laying a bit low since the Scourge's all out assault against them. Mathias had wanted to make sure he'd have a chance at finding the former Chapter, but at the same time, he was worried about his safety, or atleast, the subsequent safety of his whole outfit. By putting himself out there in such a public fashion, he was endangering all of his friends.

"Something... it couldn't have possibly been Human... by the Sway, kid... our lookouts were ripped apart. Dismembered and chunks of their body just completely taken out. Whatever the Syndicate sent, it got both Mathias and the girl. And now, they're gone. Completely off the map... we haven't been able to find any clue as to where they were taken to," she explained, her voice shaking, despite her earnest attempt to keep it as steady as possible.

What Mathias represented in the Scourge was a resurgence of hope and a completely reckless audacity that bordered on ballsy stupidity. And although that might not have been the most flattering description of the attention he warranted, it was attention that the Scourge sorely needed as their numbers dwindled and their influence on the criminal underworld started to wane in the twilight of the age. Things were changing around Scara Brae, around Althanas... and the Blackhood Syndicate's arrival on the island's shores had proven that the winds of alteration were starting to blow in their direction.

Logo took in a deep breath and then let it out in a sigh. "What are we going to do?" he asked, dejected and clearly void of hope.

"We haven't been able to find Cruz. Anytime there's a trace, he ends up gone quicker than the wind. Sometimes he fights in the Zirnden, but that's neutral ground among all of us. When we attempt to follow him, he disappears. Tonight, he has a bout. We're going to try to track him again. We want you to go against him," Leader said.

Logo cocked his head to the side and stared at the woman for a long while. "Why me?" he asked, cautiously.

"Because it's what Mathias would have done. You're the one stepping up to his plate, right?" she retorted. With that, the vandal grinned cockily. That was all the motivation he needed.