View Full Version : Who Left The Gate Open?!

11-24-08, 10:32 AM
Now that my character's been approved I'd like to introduce myself... Hi! I've been writing all my life, and this seems like a very good community of creative people. I've read the rules and a few Judge's Choices so I have an idea of how things are run.

I have a quest that I'm working on an intro to. It's set in Alerar given that's the only reasonably peaceful place I send into chaos lol. It'll have a reasonable amount of action. Let me know if you're interested.

Other than that I may have the time for like two more threads, maybe like one quest and one battle. If you're up for it I'm willing to jump in, no matter the level or the situation.

11-24-08, 11:02 AM
Hey there Chan-man, welcome to Althanas!

You've got a nice character and an interesting style, so I'm looking forward to reading your work!

11-24-08, 11:07 AM
Thank you! I would enjoy writing along side you sometime. Any tips for a newbie?

11-24-08, 12:08 PM
Tips... tips... hmm... well, I might as well just go into my regular speech!

Welcome to Althanas!

Please keep your arms and legs inside the forum at all times or they may be removed by rabid, zombified characters. Do not feed the following people: Slayer of the Rot, Tainted Bushido, Viola Conda, Serilliant, Christoph, Ataraxis, and Taskmienster for they may become dependant on you afterwards and are hard to get rid of. Any screams you may now be experiencing are the sounds of dying characters. Do not be alarmed for they shall be revived in new and inventive ways the following thread. Have a nice day. ^^

*offers cookies*

Just enjoy Althanas and have as much fun as possible, if you take everything too seriously, including scores and judgings, you'll stop enjoying writing. We're just here to help people improve, not to endlessly criticize them.

Viola Conda
11-24-08, 01:10 PM
STAY AWAY FROM THE COOKIES! They give you bad gas!

Hello, and welcome. my biggest newbie tip I can give you is to simply go back and read your story before you submit it. That way you can catch the grammatical errors you will be dinged on. Nothing upsets me more when I realize i wrote the wrong to/too or where/wear.

Look both ways before crossing the street, and you'll be fine.

11-24-08, 01:38 PM
Thanks for the tips, but why should I stay away from the....


I see. Witchblade needs some baking lessons. Were these your attempts at a ginger snap?

11-24-08, 04:13 PM
Never touch Witchblade's cookies. Even if she says they're not poisoned... you never know. >.>

Welcome to Althanas. If you're ever interested in doing something with a slightly angsty teenage planeswalker, I'd be up for it. =) Just hit me up in a message or on AIM: my SN is VegasExie.

I hope you enjoy your time here. You're in good hands...

For the most part. =P

11-24-08, 04:50 PM
Hmm... nope. These aren't poisoned, but I do consider bad taste a form of poisoning. (Of course I'm only joking. I've never tasted Witchblade's cookies.)

Thank you for the invitation. If you have any threads in which you need an androgynous half elf adoptee Alerarian mercenary, I'm your man.

11-24-08, 08:59 PM
Yeh. I once found a purple hairy mushroom in one of them cookies.

It was a bad trip.

Welcome to Althanas nonetheless.

11-25-08, 10:01 AM
Thank you Fatina