View Full Version : Quine

11-24-08, 07:18 PM
Name: Quine
Age: Unknown, probably in his thirties
Race: Indeterminate
Hair Color: Probably black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 170 lbs.
Occupation: Doctor and philosopher, sometimes alchemist
Personality: He is acerbic, opinionated, and witty. Not particularly violent.
Appearance: A wide-brimmed black hat that shields him from infection and black scarves obscure whether or not the tarnished white mask like a hyperbolic crow's skull is in fact only a mask or instead grafted to his face in some hideous fashion. As Quine never removes it, this is unclear. He also wears a large, dirty black overcoat. Black gloves and boots complete his attire.
History: His father a wine merchant and his mother a schoolteacher, Quine received at the age of twenty his undergraduate education in mathematics and philosophy from the University of Radasanth. He is currently working on his doctoral thesis, which allows him to travel extensively. He has been working on this thesis for the past six years. Nothing provides any particularly grand motivation for his behavior, and he neither has demons nor believes in them.
Skills: In addition to his talent for both deciphering and producing difficult, esoteric texts, he has some talent for medicine. Due to his dislike of the supernatural, however, he avoids healing magic. He is interested in alchemy, as well.
Equipment: A black ash cane, assorted pouches and flasks, a portable library in a box of holding

11-25-08, 07:48 AM
Hi there and welcome to Althanas. ^^ I'm just going to need you to make some small changes to your profile before you can be approved.

Skills - I need you to list just how competent he is with medicine, Average? Above Average? Below Average? Also give a brief description of what he can do.

Equipment - what is in his 'assorted pouches and flasks'? I need you to list them please. If they're just healing herbs, you can put down an assortment of healing herbs. Also, I noticed in your appearance you said 'a wide-brimmed black hat that shields from infection'. The hat shields him from infections? Is it enchanted? If it's special in some way, make sure to list it in his equipment.

11-27-08, 10:24 PM
He is average with traditional medicine, like any young doctor.

In the assorted pouches and flasks are a variety of mundane objects and items (like a smoking pipe with tobacco, pens, ink, etc.).

His hat is not enchanted, but in tandem with his mask and scarves helps to prevent him from taking in bacteria and harmful pathogens.

11-28-08, 07:04 AM
I need you to edit that into your original post and then you should be good to go.