View Full Version : Hooray! Another intro thread!

11-25-08, 02:12 AM
(Posting my own introduction before my character is approved - I can do that, right?)

Hello, Althanas! I'm Florian, and I will be your newb for today. Exits are to your right and left, and--Wait, wrong speech.

Anyway, I'm not completely new to the idea of Post-by-post role playing, but it's been so long since I've done anything of the sort that the tiny iota of writing skill that I've gained has gotten itself misplaced. I was directed here by a friend of mine - Kially Gaith, If I remember right - and decided that I might as well join and try to get back and improve my writing skills.

Please bear with me if I don't post very well for now, because I'll hopefully grow out of it with enough practice. Part of me feels that I have a hard time starting things, like I believe that I can write adequately about something once I get going, but I can never find a suitable something to start off on everything that I want to say.

Anyone have any advice for that sort of thing?

11-25-08, 02:50 AM
Ha, for once I won't be the last person to greet someone.

Welcome to Althy!

Eh, I would be the worst person to ask advice, since I too am in the same predicament, most of the time at least.

Don't anything funky.

11-25-08, 07:56 AM
I dunno, I just sit down with the open word file and start writing. After all, I can always delete/edit what I don't like and change it to sound more eloquent.

Anyway, on to the speech!

Welcome to Althanas!

Please keep your arms and legs inside the forum at all times or they may be removed by rabid, zombified characters. Do not feed the following people: Letho, Serilliant, Christoph, Arsene, Viola Conda, Ataraxis, Slayer of the Rot, Bloodrose and Taskmienster for they may become dependant on you afterwards and are hard to get rid of. All the screams you may now be experiencing are the sounds of dying characters. Do not be alarmed for they shall be revived in new and inventive ways the following thread. Have a nice day. ^^

*offers cookies*

Artifex Felicis
11-25-08, 08:07 AM
Output, then the culling.

It's better, for me at least, to just write a post in all its terrible glory, then change and cut out all the actually bad parts later. Keep in mind it's been a while since I wrote for Althy, but it should still work.

also welcome to Althanas, I hop you have a great time here.

Kially Gaith
11-25-08, 09:37 AM
Good to have you with us, little buddy! *Has replaced Witchblades cookies with untainted ones.* <3

I look forward to writing with you! I may not be a kickass writer, but if you ever want any ideas for plot/character development, you're free to drop me a PM or MSN me! (And that goes for anyone. ^_^)

Be good! <3

Danny~ ^_^

11-25-08, 09:53 AM
Welcome to Althanas, man. You'll be in good company with all these new people coming in.

Viola Conda
11-25-08, 10:12 AM
Welcome to Althanas! The best advice one can give is what I give to any new peeps to the site. Go back and read your story when your done. You'll be surprised how all those ideas you wrote yesterday suddenly don't sound so great today.

*Takes tainted cookies and puts them in a hazmat containment box.* As for these...I'll take them to where the others go.

11-25-08, 04:32 PM

Darn it... everyone's on to my cookies these days. :(

11-25-08, 04:43 PM
Don't worry, I'm sure they'll get better!

...At least, as long as they're not poisoned or anything. >_>

11-25-08, 04:47 PM
Well, that's why they keep taking them before the newbies can get to them... because they are poisoned.


11-25-08, 04:54 PM
Oh. <.<;
Well, I can't really help you there.

Tainted Bushido
11-25-08, 07:18 PM
Welcome to Althanas, watch what you eat, or you may end up with a Collar on you.