View Full Version : Apparently I Sorta Kinda Died Last Month...

11-28-08, 10:52 AM
Sorry for disappearing off the face of Althanas for an entire month. Health complications did me in.

While there's no conclusive diagnosis, it's possible that I may have a heart condition. But it's only speculation from external symptoms, since I really can't afford having a thorough coronary checkup. Too expensive.

I'll try to log in more often and continue working as a Mod as long as I still have access to the Internet (thanks to Sets who finally figured out how to bypass the block) and so long as health holds up. Speed may not be as good as I once was, but I'll be around.

Oh, yes. Hello and welcome to all you new kids in the sandbox. Drop by the Bazaar if you have some time and coins to spare. I'll be around to help you put together your own legendary gears if you're patient enough. ;)

Kially Gaith
11-28-08, 11:17 AM
Is it can be auction house tiem nao plz?

I miss that feature REAL bad.

I'll even make you a deal. Bring it back now and I'll help you every other month to come up with items for it (Being that I'd like to buy stuff too!)

In other news: Dude. Heart stuff. I hope you'll be okay buddy, you can always rant to me if ya wanna get anything off your chest.

11-28-08, 11:39 AM
AH, yes... That thing...

...IM me, Dannyboi. *Wary glance*

Uukan Kimari
11-28-08, 12:13 PM
Welcome back and stuff. I hope you find out what is wrong with your heart.

Viola Conda
11-28-08, 07:54 PM
My Kitty friend! NO! Dun die on me, plz! You makes me sad if ya did.... :(

11-28-08, 10:39 PM
How you're feeling better Advent, I finally came back and I was wondering where you went. I hope you feel better soon mate.