View Full Version : When in doubt, send minions...

11-29-08, 04:25 PM
But unfortunately I sold my last minions on E-bay, or tried to. Then these nice people in suits got onto me about selling magical beings into slavery. So I fed them to the ogres. On the plus side, no more people in suits, on the negative side, I keep having to move my base of operations. Maybe I could have handled it better.

Ignoring the above statement, the following statement is absolutely true.

Hello, I'm new to the board, in case you hadn't guessed. Not much one for talking, but I figured it would be polite to say hello. I am an old hand at play-by-post. However, it has been quite some time since I last frequented a forum as a player instead of being the weird guy in the background intermittently cackling as he integrated some new idea into the world space. Oh yes, I'm one of THEM. The world builders who go off for days on end making an entirely new world with boundless energy...and then crashing at the end with a gigantic "meh" that has apathy enough to challenge divine apathy. Perhaps I won't make a total fool of myself, no?

Oh, and the previous statement is completely false. The news monkey wouldn't lie to me, right?

11-29-08, 04:27 PM
Heya. Welcome to Althanas.

12-01-08, 06:17 AM
Aha, another World Builder from the far reaches of the IntarWeb. Too bad you'll just have to live as an insignificant being here for a while.

Welcome to Althanas! If you have any questions, us Moderators are only a PM away. Oh, and don't forget to stop by at the Bazaar if you're looking for new gears for your traveling. We sell everything from sandals to space ships. (Minus the space ship, since the last one I could think of was salvaged by the original owners back into orbit.)

12-01-08, 08:54 AM
Welcome to Althanas!

Please keep your arms and legs inside the forum at all times or they may be removed by rabid, zombified characters. Do not feed the following people: Serilliant, AdventWings, Christoph, Bloodrose, Taskmienster, Ataraxis, Viola Conda, Tainted Bushido and Arsene for they may become dependent on you afterwards and are hard to get rid of. Any screams you may now be experiencing are the sounds of dying characters. Do not be alarmed for they shall be revived in new and inventive ways the following thread. Have a nice day. ^^

*offers fresh, chocolate chip cookies right from the oven. Careful, they're hot.*

Jack Lancer
12-01-08, 09:23 AM
Wow... Healer/Necromancer... Never thought I'd ever see those two words that close together.

Welcome to Althanas by the way.

12-01-08, 04:09 PM
Thank you for the welcomes everyone. As to being a lowly being here, fine. I have my own worlds to tinker with if I need to be a god again. ;) And keeping my arms and legs inside the forum at all times should be fine. I'm good about that and the screams of the dam-er, doomed have never really bothered me all that much. A COOKIE! o_o (gnaws on it like a rabid squirrel)

Wow... Healer/Necromancer... Never thought I'd ever see those two words that close together.

Welcome to Althanas by the way.

To quote Zakar (eventually, in some form), "Magic is a tool. A tool can be used for good or for ill. Application is everything. The necromancers of lore used the same magics I use, this is true, but they only used a portion of the magic. They neglected the side of the healer. For all the dead were once living, and all the living will be dead. It is a cycle. Appreciate it for what it is, and remember that not all of us are waiting to rip your spine out and use it as a sword for your reanimated corpse to gut your wife with! Isn't that reassuring?"

12-02-08, 09:33 AM

omg, I love him already! Let's quest! ;)

*gives more cookies*

12-03-08, 06:11 PM
Welcome to Althanas, Mate.

Unfortunately I don't have a cookie to offer. But take a bum, we've got plenty laying around.

12-06-08, 03:25 AM
You were spawned from a chicken and a zombie death-breathing dragon of burnination.
Welcome to Althanas.
Hope you enjoy your stay.
But know this. Once you come...
...she gets pregnant.
So I hope you like your babies raw.