View Full Version : Davion York

11-29-08, 07:30 PM
Name: Davion Godfrieg York
Age: 19
Race: Human
Hair Color: Dirty blonde
Eye Color: None
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 189 lb
Occupation: Former Aristocrat, Fortune teller, Mercenary

Personality: Davion could be described as eccentric in his mannerisms and the way he conducts himself. He is one of long speeches and grandiose gestures, seemingly out of place no matter where he goes. What could be mistaken for drunkenness however would be more accurately described as insanity. Davion’s ability to distinguish reality is somewhat skewed, be it in the way he seems to just know things, or the way he talks to himself, you just get the feeling something is not right.

Appearance: Standing tall at six foot three; Davion has dark blonde, almost brown, hair which he keeps neatly trimmed in the back and on the sides, on the front however it extends down to the top of his lips over the right side. He’s clean shaven; his eyes and eyebrows are covered by a strip of white linen. He is not very muscular but is quite thin and could pass for athletic. His lanky frame is mostly hidden by a long white treated leather coat that comes to his ankles and has plenty of pockets inside for most of the things he carries. Under the coat he has white denim slacks and a white linen turtleneck with the collar turned up so that it comes to his lower jaw. His feet are protected by black treated leather boots that extend to just below his knee. He wears his bow and sword when not in use across his back, the sword passing under the quiver. Another odd thing about him is that he rarely cuts his fingernails resulting in them usually extending a good fourth of an inch past his fingertips, they do have a tendency to break but they seem to re-grow quickly; it’s not at all uncommon to see him with mismatched lengths though.

The house of York, rumored to be a cursed house among some circles, was an aristocratic family in Corone. Although the held no real economic or political power, they were wealthy enough to masquerade as if they did. Seeing that they were of no real consequence, no one that actually held power cared, they left them to go about doing as they pleased.

Now like any noble family, the house of York was rather large; the youngest member being Davion. Davion was the last child ever born to the house of York, and the reason that their family is now rumored to be cursed. Growing up, Davion was a bully. When one has six older brothers who have designated you as the hate shield of the family, you tend to lash out a bit where you can. This is what Davion did. He would be obnoxious, hostile, and just plain rude to anyone who was not a blood relative to him. Unfortunately, one day, young Davion spit in the wrong old mans face.

In an interesting karmic bitch slap, the old man turned out to be a powerful summoner who conjured spirits to possess the house of York; so did the house of York come to be cursed. Davion however, was not possessed; he was to be taught a lesson. Davion’s eyes were removed by his mother, under the control of the new master of the house of York, and Davion was banished from the house. These actions had some unforeseen consequences.

Unknown to the summoner, Davion’s father had also been the youngest of seven children, all male. Now had the summoner known this he probably would have just killed Davion outright rather than setting him loose. For it’s a well known myth in magical circles that the seventh son of a seventh son would be granted powerful magical abilities. It’s also no big secret that when someone loses a sense, such as sight, they often will overdevelop one of their other senses to compensate for it. Well, for Davion, the sense that he compensated with was his dormant magical abilities. Another interesting side effect of Davion’s punishment was that it accomplished exactly what it was meant to, that being, it pretty much ingrained in the young York that being rude to people was a very, very bad idea.

Thus Davion left, taking with him his fathers bow and sword. With his course of action unclear, he set off to gain a better understanding of his new found abilities, perhaps even a proper instructor. For lack of a better destination, he found himself headed to Scara Brae.


Archery – Davion is an archer, and a pretty good one at that. This can be attributed to his use of wind magic to steer and increase the range of his shots. (Above Average)

Swordsmanship – Is laughable. His skill with a sword is rudimentary at best; that which a nobles son would be expected to know. (Below Average)

Physically – Davion is fast, agile, and precise. He has a fairly keen sense of balance and is good at dodging blows. His strength however is not too great, better suited to fight from a distance than in melee. (Average endurance and strength, Above Average speed, agility, and balance.)

Fletchery – Davion understands enough to repair his bow and construct new arrows should he need them. (Average)

Blind sight – Davion ‘sees’ things by their magical alignments and the displacements they make in the natural latent magical energies around them. This enables him to easily notice things that other people might miss; In addition, darkness does not hamper his ‘sight’ at all. However he can only make out shapes, not patterns on the shapes. Words on a book for example would be invisible to him unless the ink was enchanted and was of a different color attribute than the book itself.

Wind Magic – Davion is attempting to harness his magical abilities over the wind, as this is really the only school he has any real talent in so far. His abilities so far are limited to redirecting his arrows in flight up to fifteen feet. He also has slight freeform control in the forms of small breezes. (Average)

Insight – Davion sees the inner workings of the universe which affords him an understanding of a great many things; people, motivations, machinery, magic, he just knows how things work. However the nature of his vision combined with recent events has left him with a very blurred line between what is real and what is surreal meaning that not all of his insights are true. An interesting side effect of this is that Davion can understand any language he hears, although he can’t speak them. (Above average counterbalanced by insanity)


Ulder Shortbow

Canvas Quiver

60 Oak Arrows

Iron Bastard Sword

Leather coat

Other clothing

Familiars: Davion has quite a few traveling companions, none of which have any name or any form. It is unclear as of yet if they are spirits of some kind or merely hallucinations.


Alright! Let's see how many things I have to change before this gets through. D:

11-30-08, 09:56 AM
Wind Magic - considering all your other skills, I need you to get rid of the the expoding part of your wind magic and limit the range you can effect arrows to fifteen feet.

Once you do that, you should be good to go. See, not that much to change. ;)

11-30-08, 02:20 PM
But...but...booms. =<

Done, and done. You've made me a sad panda by robbing me of my booms. =<

12-01-08, 08:16 AM
Learn it in a quest and then you can get your booms back right away. ;)
