View Full Version : For Those Who Care..

12-01-08, 02:43 AM
Hey guys, I'm back. VA, BG, FB...whatever you knew me by. I went through some hard things in my absence that kept me from coming back to you. My second home. As an old Althanas friend of mine once told me, "You'll be back. They always come back." I guess she was right. For a while there I had almost lost the fire to write, or even live for that matter. I was walking to a dark place with no flashlight, and all I wanted to do was just grab a bucket of water and extinquish what little flame I had left.

But I didn't, which is obvious since I'm posting here. Someone had saved me. She brought a can of gasoline and a match and reignited the flame. My guardian angel. So here I am, back with a thunderous fury, seeing the world with clearer eyes than I could have imagined. The one thing I love about this place, about you, is the complete and utter endlessness to your understanding.

So here I am, ready to rock the fucking world, all over again.

12-01-08, 03:23 AM
Man, how come everybody gets a guardian angel that takes care of the problem? Is there like a shop somewhere, do they grow on trees? Cause I could use one as well to get me back to writing.

But that aside, welcome back. I believe we wrote a few times together, but never really finished anything.

12-01-08, 03:31 AM
Well, I think I dramatized it a little bit. She was more like the helping hand, the open ear, the shoulder to cry on. But I like to call her my angel. Without her, I may not have been here today. But I know the feeling Letho.

Yeah, we did write together. xD And no, nothing was finished. I wouldn't mind trying something new, or maybe continuing from where we left off?

12-01-08, 08:48 AM
Welcome back. ^^ It's always good to see people returning from the dark abyss of the real world and all it's scary monsters.

*gives Letho an angel for Christmas*

Tainted Bushido
12-01-08, 05:04 PM
Welcome back. ^^ It's always good to see people returning from the dark abyss of the real world and all it's scary monsters.

*gives Letho an angel for Christmas*

Better make that a Red Headed angel...

Welcome Back man, good to see you didn't give in. Now you get to reap the rewards of persistence.

12-01-08, 08:35 PM
hello and welcome back, Mr. VA!


12-01-08, 09:34 PM
Hey VA! Glad to hear from you again, and big kudos on finding the pyromaniac after your own heart.

Looking forward to reading your stuff again!

Viola Conda
12-02-08, 01:01 AM
Letho, I know you got the writing spirit brother, just let it out once in a while you jerk. If I even have to carry you on my shoulders with Karel, Wilfred, Vladimir, or anything else I'll do it Letho! I'll break you of this spell and let that creativity flow from your fingers again!

AND WELCOME BACK! It's always nice to see people return!