View Full Version : Damion Shargath, lvl.4

Damion Shargath
07-06-06, 10:33 AM
Name: Damion Shargath
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Age: 19
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 160 pounds
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Distant Grey


Damion Shargath has semi-short mahogany brown hair which for some reason always stays laid back as if affixed with some sort of gel. Down his keen and actually attractive face runs a series of brutal scars, the largest directly beside his left eye. His upper body is clad in plain and extremely cheap iron chain mail, which itself is covered by high quality multi-plate armor of steel. The full torso armor is separated into a multitude of plates to supply the necessary agility for Damion’s style of combat. His shoulders and arms are also covered by the steel armor except for miniscule spots between shoulder pad and the continuation of the arm protection – somewhat like gauntlets. His legs do not carry as heavy a protection, for they are only clad by steel thigh guards and burgundy linen trousers, that “poof” outwards somewhat a little like pilot-pants before reaching knee guards connecting to the steel boots. The bottom of the Damion Shargaths glinting steel boots is another masterpiece of craftsmanship. Around the ankle the boot once again turns into an astoundingly brilliant yet small section of multi-plating, before connecting into a melded and fused hard-leather sole – once more allowing maximum agility for one in such armor.

Beneath his armor Damion Shargath poses to have extremely well defined muscles. Large, strong, and bulky enough to support his armor – yet nimble, slender, and agile enough to allow his very individual style of combat, which is quite the unorthodox yet very effective way to handle a halberd.


The words aloof, intense, impulsive, competitive, and the somewhat more hidden trait of deviousness describe Damion Shargath rather well. He is extremely intelligent yet always ready to laugh almost hysterically at the weaknesses of others without taking his own into perspective – whereas his biggest weakness would probably be the overestimation of his own capabilities. There are practically no limits to his inhumane cruelty, he seems not to have any bounds that tie him to the slightest ethic or moral norm.
Damion Shargath’s most precious talents lie within the field of combat, be it the actual and direct exchange of hits or the development of a larger strategy. A true master of improvisation come it to that.
“You are inferior, die!” / “Your inferior being has contributed nothing to hone my skill, now perish for you incompetence.”


- A pack of cigarettes + matches.
- A thin deck of cards, the pictures on these are rather ominous and intimidating to people who are not all too fascinated by the art of battle and it’s sometimes extremely cruel ways and endings.


Halberd with a simple but keen steel blade. The pole itself consists of brown lacquered steel (simply looks like wood).
- Total Length: 190cm = ca. 74” (Shorter than the average halberd for increased maneuverability.)


“Is for the inferior ones-“


High Endurance – Damion can sprint for an extremely long time before showing slightest hints of fatigue, even with his armor on and halberd in hand, this gives him the opportunity to set the pace in battles most of the time.
Specific Information:
- No exhaustion indications (such as heavy respiration) for 30 minutes of extreme activity (Battle/Sprinting/...).

Falter Resistance – Damion Shargath’s mind appears to be a book with seven seals (translated expression, German: Ein Buch mit Sieben Siegeln.). It is already a great difficulty, for those with the necessary powers, to read his mind – let alone influence it with mind affecting/confusing or vision blurring spells or other such things that result in such a status. He always keeps a clear, cold mind when fighting, always ready to spring back into action and tear his opponent up if he expects no more resistance due to such a disabling spell.
(Resistance at level 2 – even more likely to resist mind affecting spells or objects.)

High Pain Tolerance – Damion has a rather high pain level, simply meaning he can take more pain that the usual warrior norm. He won’t seem unaffected when something cuts a gash into his stomach and such, but he appears completely unaffected by a punch square in the face or a hard jab in the side. Cuts he can take without a flinch, but when it begins to gash, he will like any other, withdraw slightly, maybe not just as fast as he can suppress pain rather well.

Unholy Rage – This is a status, similar to some sort of trance, that Damion falls into if he is angered immensely or wounded greatly. His physical attributes multiply in a sense sheer unthinkable to any normal human being. With ease Damion Shargath will be enabled to smash and drive his fist through objects of very dense (hard) material. Damion’s reactions also enhance, basically his entire physical aspect multiplies itself for a certain amount of time. The downside of awakening from this fit of rage when being wounded greatly is that he will then feel the full effect of his wounds, if not more, just as any other human meaning that his actually abnormal pain tolerance will be good for nothing. The result of this could possibly even be fatal depending on the dimension/extent of the damage done to his body.
Characteristic Information:
- It seems that his eyes become glazed with some sort of mucky fluid, almost pitch black of color when he becomes the victim of his rage. Another thing that will increase is his thirst for blood(shed) and his drive for violence which will result in the favoring of using his own body to butcher and dispose of his opponent – rather than using his primary weapon, the halberd.
Specific Information:
- Example of Power: Damion Shargath is, under the effect of “Unholy Rage” able to smash his fist through a basic concrete wall with ease. (as mentioned above)
- Duration: Four posts. Duration and power both increase proportionally with each gained level.

Damion was born into a legendary army. His childhood was harsh, his youth even worse, always having to perform his highest level – whilst being hammered with insults and war cries. Never did he receive praise nor approval or warmth from a single person, although he was constantly always roaming the camp and even the battlefield, in his teens, as one of the most talented soldiers of his force. Growing tired and bitter of this treatment he turned into a violent, distancing, and cruel being. The better he became the more he hated the others insolence towards his skills. The more wars he parted in, the more people he killed, the more lives he ruined, the crueler and colder he became. Cruelly executing hostages and helpless peasants in the most violent manners possible to him was daily routine.

The fact of his brutal ways caught him in a web at the line of being expelled from the army, or even being executed for he had reaped so many innocent lives. One night he was wandering through camp, silently listening to every conversation, realizing that he was under the disapproval of almost every single one of his “comrades” – ninety-nine percent of the generals in command. After returning to his quarters in a hasty manner and packing the few belongings he possessed as well as strapping unto himself his armor he managed to leave unnoticed and swore he would return to kill them all one day - with his own army - following his lead, his commands, and his moral standards...

(Rather short, but I feel that a longer profile would destroy further interest in this character.)

PS: Dug out this characters profile a short while ago, thought I'd have a go with him again. I remember having a great start at level 0...a 100 exp bonus :D, I hope it's entertaining to read once more.
Anyhow, as the moderator viewing this you have probably noticed that I am re-registering him as the level 4 character that I stopped at, as far as my knowledge goes re-registering a leveled character is not a problem - that's what I was told at least. How much money I used to have? No idea, 100G will do if you like - if not screw it.

07-06-06, 10:54 AM
Could you put a more quanitative measure to your high endurance skill? "Extremely long time" is vague.

Damion Shargath
07-06-06, 11:01 AM
Edits Made

07-06-06, 11:03 AM
Looks good. Approved.