View Full Version : Next Vignette Contest

12-06-08, 03:14 AM
Is there going to be another Vignette contest for December? I was wanting to participate in one, and just wondering when the next one was.

Tainted Bushido
12-06-08, 02:37 PM
Funny you should ask. We're currently cleaning up the past ones before we move forward with a new one. Keep your eyes open over the next few days.

12-06-08, 05:29 PM
In the meantime, I plan on bringing back my Vignette thing I did back in 2006 or 2007, called "Twas the Night." It was user run and done, and it came out pretty well.

Kially Gaith
12-06-08, 06:14 PM
Arséne, is that going to be the vignette this month? If not. Could I write the vignette proposal this month, please? ^_^

12-06-08, 11:34 PM
I think you have to be a mod to do that.

Kially Gaith
12-07-08, 12:01 AM
I think you have to be a mod to do that.

Give it time, my pretties...Give it time.

No no no...Don't hurt him...Let me corrupt him slowly...Shhhh.


Oh. Hey. Didn't see you there.

I've tended to take part in quite a bit of the back end stuff round here these past two years, so I always try to throw in my ideas where I best can. ^_^

12-07-08, 12:05 AM
Eh, just saying. Back-end stuff or not.

I almost became responsible for creating more detailed Dwarf information and another settlement in Alerar before another one of my disappearances.