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07-06-06, 11:37 AM

The sun was shining in the Brokenthorn woods. The trees over Ogodo’s head cast pleasant green shadows across a well-worn path. A cool breeze rustled the leaves and birds flitted about overhead, tweeting their merry songs. In the distance, one could hear the waves crashing along the shore, and if one had an exceptionally sensitive nose, as many gods masquerading as eight-year old boys do, one would be able to smell the faint scent of the ocean, an aroma intertwining with the fresh smells of the green forest. A bunny rabbit stopped ten feet ahead of Ogodo on the path.

Ogodo stared down the cute little bunny rabbit with his contempt-filled eyes and narrowly resisted the urge to smite it. He trudged along the pleasant path, trudging along despite the fact that his feet were in fact a full inch off the cool, damp earth. A large butterfly fluttered in front of him, and Ogodo’s apathetic scowl turned into a disdainful grimace. Why did I even bother making you ridiculous butterflies? Completely pointless creature, just fluttering about, ruining my scowl. Ogodo whacked the butterfly with his staff, which promptly broke in two pieces.

Oh god! he ironicked (a term he had just invented for thinking ironically to ones self while feeling utmost contempt for other living beings) while he put the pieces back together.

Finally arriving in the city, Ogodo found himself surrounded by peopel milling around the streets. Among the crowd, one wcould make out a large staff contemptuously weaving through the crowd. Ogodo created a few small marbles, and after throwing them on the ground ahead of him, relished the mayhem they caused as people slipped and fell. He wasn't sure where he was going, at this point just checking out his various creations and feeling sorry for himself.

As he walked toward the docks, the crowd slowly changed from friendly people going out for some lunch, to somewhat drunk fishermen, still friendly, just a bit worse smelling. One particularly hairy man staggered straight into Ogodo and fell backwards onto the ground. Sitting up the man said, just a bit too loudly for comfort, “Sorry little chap. Didn’t see you there. Y’ought to be more careful. Wouldn’t wantcha to get stompled on now would we.” Ogodo gave him a taste of the Godly Stare, but his scornful gaze did little to upset this merry drunken sailor. As Ogodo walked away the sailor continued to yell at him, apparently not realizing that his new friend had already started to walk away.

Trying to remember his reasons for creating humans in the first place, the immortal creator in all his indifferent eight-year old glory turned into a dingy alleyway, hoping to escape the terrors of more human contact.

07-11-06, 11:46 AM
Darkness swirled around him as he walked about his mind, an all too familiar sense of both comfort and vulnerability. His fortress of knowledge.

Dehkan walked about the towers of books while in his mind, not looking for anything in particular. He sometimes finds himself there when either bored or waiting for something, but not this time. He glimpsed a scene in the future where an ageless being would appear.

He approached a certain book tower, the one containing knowledge of otherworldly beings when a book flew at him. The title was simply; Ogodo. Apparently this book contained all knowledge he had ever accumulated on this being. He flipped through the book, which contained mostly riddles and badly worded clues, or they seemed so until he reached the ending. He would appear today.

In a flash, the minor godling Dehkan dropped the book and exited the library of his mind. He thanked the only sober sailor he could find earlier and paid him as promised. He had guarded him while 'sleeping'. Mortals are gullible. The sailor left, opening a path of sight that allowed him to see this godly creature who was entering the port. For some reason, he had chosen the form of a boy. Strange, he thought.

The port appeared busy, but wasn't. It was overrun with bumbling drunks whose combined babbling drowned out the more pleasant sound of the ocean. There was a fight over to the left, the boy to the right, and loads of cargo ready to be loaded ahead. Due to the state of the workers, Dehkan observed, that cargo will be there a long time, and there will most likely be hell to pay.

Dehkan started to approach, but a drunken man, quite large, barged past him and almost kicked the god. But after a few words, the boy just left down an alley. He was too amazed to listen to what they said, if anything. Finally he had found someone older than him.

From the end of the alley, the scribe watched the child float down the way, strangely quickly. Either he was in a hurry to get somewhere, or to get away. Dehkan entered the rotting street of the city, hopeing that the god-child would notice, but at the same time hopeing to keep secret from this strange being from beyond time.

07-11-06, 05:06 PM
Ogodo continued walking down the alley, though he sensed that someone had entered behind him. The alley was filled with the unwanted refuse of several shops; boxes, crates, and banana peels were strewn about the sides of the narrow alley. Quickly glancing back, Ogodo saw a tall, somewhat girly-looking man in fitted armor. Hey now, this tool here looks vaguely familiar.

Ogodo searched his infinite memory and realized that he did know this guy. A few (or maybe five thousand, which Ogodo considered to be a few) years ago, some of his secretaries had gotten into a fight. I only hired those secretaries so that I wouldn’t have to deal with so many petty problems. His three secretaries of time past, present, and future had gotten into a fight over who was the most attractive. They argued non-stop about who had the nicest hair, the nicest eyes, and the nicest smile, until this farmer came along and told them that they were all nice looking. And then I gave the stupid farmer a few powers to keep him quiet, I didn’t actually think I’d ever meet him.

And now Derkin, or Darkorn, or whatever his name is, is gonna see me, and want to thank me, and then I'll have to talk to him. And then he'll probably even tell me what he's been doing since I gave him his powers and he'll be so disgustingly grateful. Ughh... mortals are annoying, but former-mortals are just plain exasperating. Why can't they just leave me alone. Don't they understand that I don't like them.

Ogodo, in his hope to avoid this girly, used-to-be-mortal from fawning over him decided that he would try to hide in hopes that Derkin would be no match for his nimble eight-year-oldness.

Thinking quickly, Ogodo suddenly dove to the side of the alley, expertly disguising himself behind a crate. But will this be enough? I mean, he’s looks pretty dumb, but maybe he’ll be stumble upon this expert hiding spot. And so Ogodo, created with his now finite creation powers, a few small coins and threw them out into the alley. See, I’ll just wait for him to come by, and when he stops to get the coins, I’ll whack him in the head with my staff...

Smiling at his excellent plan, Ogodo laid in wait for the stupid former-mortal to fall into his brilliantly conceived trap.

07-13-06, 11:43 PM
"Double-blasted, thrice-burned son of a leprous, horse-kissing, wart-covered . . . pig!"

Eltarri Jordel could feel hot blood rushing to her limbs. She had never been so angry in all her life! Eyes blazing and fists clenched, she stormed down the street, ignoring the surprised and annoyed looks of those whom she pushed out of her way.

"No," she amended with a snarl, "pig isn't nearly good enough for that . . . that toad! If this dadblasted sword would let me start fights, that moronic dwarf would think twice before trying to swindle me over a pair of boots!"

The loud declaration swiftly diffused her anger, and the half-elf looked around herself sheepishly, suddenly remembering that there were impressionable people around. The tall brick walls of the buildings that bordered the road cast dark shadows across the cobbled street. Refuse littered the stained stones, feeding the insects that swarmed around the rotting piles of fruit. Eltarri looked up to see a tall figure approached her from the other end of the dank alley, but her gaze landed on a small boy who crouched behind a crate on the side of the street, obviously on the lookout for his hide-and-seek-playing comrades. She winced, hoping he hadn't heard her foul language. Her mother would die of shame if she ever discovered her daughter using the curses she had learned from a book of bawdy tales that had "disappeared" from the elf's personal library.

Eltarri's stride was jolted when her foot landed on a small pile of flat, glittering objects. Her ankle twisted as they shifted under her and the heavy sword on her back only helped to speed her swift descent. Eltarri yelled a particularly ripe curse as the ground rushed up to meet her.

07-17-06, 04:09 PM
“You stupid, imbecilic little girl,” Ogodo muttered under his breath, in a curse that seemed to contradict his young frame. “Ughhh... now what am I going to do?”

Ogodo had just been crouched there behind his crate, waiting to whack Dorkin with his staff, when an enraged, cursing elf girl came storming down the alley. That stupid girl managed to fall right on top of my trap. Who doesn’t notice that they’re walking straight onto a bunch of coins? That idiot. Screaming as she fell to the ground, Ogodo realized that his plan to escape quietly from Dohkoon had been foiled by this angry, oblivious girl. Maybe if she wasn’t carrying such a ridiculously big sword, she wouldn’t have lost her balance and fell. What is she doing with a sword that big anyways?

Ogodo thought back to an ancient time when young elf girls didn't all carry around gigantic swords. In fact, a time when people only carried weapons at all for hunting animals. My oh my, what is this world I created coming to? In more peaceful times, things were quite nice. In those ancient times, I actually cared. I actually cared about the happenings in the world. I actually cared about the good people just living off the land. But all around him now, Ogodo saw nothing but dirt, depression, and downright evil. People cheated other people; people hurt other people; people even killed other people. The world that he had spent so long planning and then finally creating was fast becoming nothing more than a steaming cesspool of evil and corruption.

Ogodo quickly peeked around the wooden crate, looking down the dirty road to see how far away Dorkan was, hoping that even with his small childish body he would still have time to get away. Maybe I’ll be able to just outrun him. Glancing at his stalker's lanky frame, Ogodo doubted that he would be able to simply outrun him. He glanced back at the elf girl, now on the ground, and saw again that massive sword strapped to her back. He glanced back and forth a few more times... Dorkin, giant sword, Dorkin, giant sword. Ogodo allowed himself a rare smile, that looked somewhat odd on his usually scowling mouth. He had a plan. The elf girl’s large eyes, though now somewhat pained, looked compassionate enough, and though her dark clothing wasn’t exactly inviting, there was something about her...

Now if only he could remember how to cry...

With his plan now settled upon, Ogodo snuck out from behind the crate and went to help the elf girl off of the ground.

08-07-06, 11:26 AM
Dehkan watched the events unfold, from the child hiding behind the crate, to him throwing coins into the street. He knew I was here. How? Could he really be the origonal? Curious. Why did he pick now to re-appear?

A new person, a half-elven female brandishing a massive blade appeared to shovel the measly amount of coins into her purse. Any amount of coins is small to an immortal. Dehkan himself had millions stored away which he would never spend. His otherworldly blade and armor never would rust, hence never need replacing.

Dehkan advanced, now feeling something that he hadn't felt in a long time, especially with himself. Impatience. I don't believe this. I have waited for over four thousand years to speak with someone older than me and now I've been reduced to stalking. His thoughts stopped as the female fell, hard. The curse she yelled upon her decent was too loud to be drowned out be the noise of the coins or the port, unfortunately.

Dehkan's stride quicked as he rushed to help the female, and quickened more when the child stepped out from behind the crate to help also, but not before giving an errie smile. Had I been mortal, that would scare me.

Just to think that the day went from walking some odd thousand miles planned for later today to discovering that the one being with the potential of being the first god was reborn today. Lets hope that the day keeps changing.

08-22-06, 11:57 AM
((Bunnying approved.))

Eltarri could feel the water on the street soaking into her clothes. Her left knee was throbbing, but her pride was in an even more painful state.

That's what I get for swearing like a sailor, she thought ruefully as her palms began to sting from her landing. I start to walk like a drunken one.

Hot blood rushed to her face as she remembered that she had witnesses. She heard movement but didn't lift her head until a hand touched her shoulder. Her eyes rushed up to meet the piercing blue gaze of the once-hiding boy, eyes that held far more wisdom than a child his age should have possessed. He pulled on her arm until she rose to her knees, then acted as a crutch to support her as she lifted herself to her feet. Her throat closed with emotion at the kindness of the boy; such acts of goodwill were rare in this town.

Then Eltarri saw the tall man who had been at the end of the alley. He was closer than he had been when she'd last seen him. The girl's blush deepened as she realized that he had probably ran to help her.

Way to make an impression, you clumsy oaf. The half-elf dusted herself off, looking down to avoid having to meet the gaze of the man in front of her. She looked sideways at the boy, wondering at how he could look so young and yet seem somehow ageless. Even as she looked at him, however, she saw out of the corner of her eye that the man wasn't watching her with amusement, as she had expeced, but was staring at the boy, his gaze intent and searching, almost hostile.

Indignation rose in Eltarri like steam, clouding her thoughts. How dare he look at the lad with that kind of expression! Why wasn't he smiling with pride at the kindness of one of his own race? With a forced laugh Eltarri gave the boy a smile. "I can't believe how clumsy I am! Thank you for helping me up. My name's Eltarri."

Even as she stuck out her hand towards the boy, a gesture of friendliness that she had picked up from humans, her attention remained covertly on the man. Not all humans were evil, she knew, but it wouldn't hurt to make sure that this one left her new little friend alone.

08-22-06, 04:19 PM
As Ogodo rushed out to help the pointy eared girl, he glanced down the alley toward his follower. Damn him! he ironicked. He was rushing even closer now down the dank alley. Oh and now he’s smiling. Just great. If this doesn’t work, I might just have to kill him to avoid the deathly boring conversation that would be sure to come.

He turned his attention back to the girl, whom he noticed was now blushing, color coming to her pale face. Okay, if this is gonna work, I’m gonna have to my best to be a sad little eight-year old boy. The immortal deity did his best to bring a sad, pity-inviting look to his small face. Reaching her, he pulled her up and helped her onto her feet. As she wiped the grime of the street off of her, she glanced down at him. He did his best to look small and innocent. She forced a nervous laugh and said "I can't believe how clumsy I am! Thank you for helping me up. My name's Eltarri." She then proceeded to stick out her hand, apparently expecting the creator of all things to shake it.

Man, I can’t believe what a sap she is. This is gonna be even easier than I thought Instead of shaking her hand, which was still rather had some of the grime of the street on it, Ogodo grabbed it with both of his small hands and pulled it in to him. He looked up with big eyes into her pale, elven face, and as he did so he could feel tears beginning to well up in his eyes. This is gonna work great. Who can resist a sad little eight-year old.

He said in a quiet, quivering voice, “Eltarri, you have to help me. That man over there,” he guestured toward the large dark man down approaching steadily down the dimly lit, refuse-strewn alley, “He’s trying to get me. I don’t know why. I don’t even know him.” The immortal started to get louded and put a degree of franticness into his small voice, “Please, please, Eltarri, he’ll hurt me. I don’t know what to do.”

His pathetic plea finished, he stared up into the girl’s eyes. He felt tears streaming down his face. This’ll work like a charm. Good work old chap. You still got it.

09-03-06, 02:38 PM
Dehkan froze as the girl reached out towards the boy. She probably thought he was just a kid. Clever disguise. But I wonder what she wants. She went for the money, now the kid? His heart skipped a beat. He's dressed like a little lord. She wants to try and take him for a ransom!

Dehkan looked around for something he could use. Anything he could use. She looked like a decent fighter. Not because of the sword, but her form as well. He noticed flaws, but not many. He would be a match at best, but not better. Dehkan looked up long enough to notice the god's facial expression change to a sneer to a pouting, almost crying form. It was happening.

Without another moments thought, his sword was drawn. He stepped no closer, but he called out to the girl. He didn't know her name, but that didn't matter. She was going to try to kidnap a god. She would fail, but he wanted to protect her as well.

"Do not touch him! Not for his safety but for yours!" Now he stepped forward, still speaking, "I admit, you have more field time with your weapon than I, but I have memorized over two thousand battle and weapons training manuals. Step away from the child." It was better to keep her in the dark about the true nature of the child. Most people didn't even know about gods, let alone meet them.

A loud thunderclap sounded overhead as the sky darkened, signaling the approach of rain. Bad news for the sailors, and for Dehkan if a fight broke out. The alley cooled down with a light wind, then there was silence.

09-03-06, 03:47 PM
A cold wave of fear washed over Eltarri's spine at the boy's frightened words and the appearance of a sword in the blond man's hand. He stepped no closer, but his face was grim as he called, "Do not touch him! Not for his safety but for yours!"

Would he kill her if she tried to stop him? Eltarri's hand fell to her side and she straightened, pulling herself to her full unimpressive height as the man took a step forward and spoke again, his voice urgent and wary.

"I admit, you have more field time with your weapon than I, but I have memorized over two thousand battle and weapons training manuals. Step away from the child."

Oh gods, the half-elf thought with horror. He is trying to hurt the boy!

She couldn't believe how blatant he was being in his attack on the child. He even went so far as to threaten her against attempting to prevent him! And what did he mean by "field time" and "weapons training manuels?" Was he just showing off his skills or did he really think she needed to be convinced that he was dangerous? The confused girl slowly lifted one hand over her shoulder to the hilt of her sword and rested the other against the harness' clasp on her chest. A crash of thunder from the sky echoed through the alley as she sent a dark glare at the man. The urge to run rose in her chest and grappled frantically with her courage, but Eltarri tightened her grip on the sword and forced herself to stand firm. It didn't matter how powerful he was or how easy he thought it would be to kill her. There was no way that she was going to just step aside and let him take the boy, and even if her measly interference cost her her life, at least the distraction would give the kid a little time to run.

Hero time.

A soft breeze brushed across her face, moist with the scent of an approaching storm, and Eltarri noticed that the sun had disappeared behind thick black clouds that were spreading across the afternoon sky. With a small shake of the head the girl took a step sideways to place herself between the man and the boy, hoping her trembling hands wouldn't give her fear away.

"I don't know what kind of child-threatening monster you are," she said in a low growl, "but if you think I'm going to let you hurt this boy, you're even stupider than you look."

06-13-09, 02:08 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.