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12-07-08, 04:10 PM
was this the right place?*

Full Name
Zarah Altis




Hair Color

Eye Color
light purple

Skin color
pale white

Height / Weight
5'10, 112 lbs



tarot cards that summon the animals pictured on the card (there are four cards- earth, which features a panther; water, which features a shark *it does not have to be in water*; fire, which features a dragon; and wind, which features a giant eagle. the difficulty level to summon them goes wind, water, earth, fire; wind being easiest to summon and fire being hardest. to summon them she must be in a battle; if not, then they are just normal cards that she uses to read fortunes. in a battle, all she has to do is throw the card to the ground and mutter a chant to awaken the cards animal. at first, all she can summon is the wind card. as she levels up, she can summon water, then earth, and finally fire), and a flute that can control males and beasts but not females

thin clothing/ no armor

Skills / Items
her dancing heals people, and she can see the future (she can only see the future when she is sleeping, although it doesnt happen every time she is asleep. usually, her visions predict things that will happen within a week, and they always involve her in some way)

Gold Pieces


Max Dirks
12-07-08, 04:41 PM
Can you please elaborate which animals are on the tarot cards that can be summoned? Also, please give a range and effect of the healing ability (i.e. how far does it heal, how fast does it heal and what ailments does it heal). I need for you to expand on your character's "future reading" ability. Is this a premonition (i.e. she sees things before they happen, as they are happening), are they random, or does she have to be unconscious to see the future? Finally, can you add in a bit of a history? It doesn't need to be very detailed.

I'm going to move your thread in Scara Brae to the Recruitment forum in the RPC. That is where it belongs. Remember, you aren't able to RP until your character is approved. So, please edit your changes into your original post and post a reply once those changes have been made.

12-09-08, 08:19 AM
Full Name
Zarah Altis




Hair Color

Eye Color
light purple

Skin color
pale white

Height / Weight
5'10, 112 lbs



tarot cards that summon the animals pictured on the card (there are four cards- earth, which features a panther; water, which features a shark *it does not have to be in water*; fire, which features a dragon; and wind, which features a giant eagle. the difficulty level to summon them goes wind, water, earth, fire; wind being easiest to summon and fire being hardest. to summon them she must be in a battle; if not, then they are just normal cards that she uses to read fortunes. in a battle, all she has to do is throw the card to the ground and mutter a chant to awaken the cards animal), and a flute that can control males and beasts but not females

thin clothing/ no armor

Skills / Items
her dancing heals people, and she can see the future (she can only see the future when she is sleeping, although it doesnt happen every time she is asleep. usually, her visions predict things that will happen within a week, and they always involve her in some way)

Gold Pieces


12-09-08, 08:30 AM
sorry i forgot to add this in so... here ya go heh *

her dancing heals people (only physically i.e. if a wounded, tired soldier went to her and she danced for him, it would immediatley rid him of his tired feeling. he would feel refreshed, as if he just had a great nights sleep. the wound, on the other hand, would take more time to heal. usually her powers can only heal small wounds, not large or deadly wounds, and what she can heal turns to a scar. she can not heal any sicknesses or poisons). as for being a werewolf, she can transform anytime she likes and she will look exactly like a brown wolf with a red shimmer to its fur. she has full control over herself. during full moons, she is forced to turn, and these transformations make her look more humanoid than wolf. she stands erect on her hind legs, covered in dark brown fur from head to toe. she loses all conciousness, and her wolf form takes over.

12-09-08, 08:41 AM
oh jeez sorry i forgot about the history too...*

Zarah was born in a gypsy caravan to a beautiful young mother who died giving birth. her father was not from the gypsy clan, he was from a village the caravan passed through on one of their journeys, so he had no clue he even had a daughter. the gypsy cheif took care of her her whole life, until one day, when she was 17, a werewolf attacked their caravan. the gypsies stood no chance. it tore their tribe apart. thinking it had killed them all, the werewolf left to find new prey. days later, Zarah woke feeling better than ever. she was in the middle of a desert with no one around and no clue as to how she got there. nevertheless, she found her way to a town, danced and read fortunes for a year and a half to raise money, and finally earned enough by the age of 18 and a half to buy all the supplies she needed to travel. and, alas, here we are.

ok, heh sorry bout all the posts... is that good now?

Max Dirks
12-09-08, 04:16 PM
Given the crux of your other abilities, I'd like to see the tarot card summoning limited to "wind" for the time being. You can add more cards as you gain levels.

Please edit all of the changes into your first post, limit the summon to "wind" and you'll be ready to go!

12-21-08, 09:51 PM
-all right, is that better?-

Full Name
Zarah Altis




Hair Color

Eye Color
light purple

Skin color
pale white

Height / Weight
5'10, 112 lbs



tarot cards that summon the animals pictured on the card (there are four cards- earth, which features a panther; water, which features a shark *it does not have to be in water*; fire, which features a dragon; and wind, which features a giant eagle. the difficulty level to summon them goes wind, water, earth, fire; wind being easiest to summon and fire being hardest. to summon them she must be in a battle; if not, then they are just normal cards that she uses to read fortunes. in a battle, all she has to do is throw the card to the ground and mutter a chant to awaken the cards animal. at first, all she can summon is the wind card. as she levels up, she can summon water, then earth, and finally fire), and a flute that can control males and beasts but not females

thin clothing/ no armor

Skills / Items
her dancing heals people, and she can see the future (she can only see the future when she is sleeping, although it doesnt happen every time she is asleep. usually, her visions predict things that will happen within a week, and they always involve her in some way)

Gold Pieces


Max Dirks
01-16-09, 01:25 PM
Yep, its fine.

Go ahead and edit your profile into the first post (just copy your previous post and paste it in the edit area of your first post) and I'll approve you.