View Full Version : Dark Rain Roleplaying

Lord Synical
12-08-08, 12:05 AM
http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/3342/bannercopyuu7.png (http://s1.zetaboards.com/darkrain)

Greetings from Dark Rain Roleplaying!
The Community of Dark Rain was pretty stoked when we recieved our invite from Christoph and our thanks for that. We at Dark Rain have long held strong to our motto, the very foundation of our community:

Dark Rain: We'll love you if you love us back, baby.

Yeah, that really is our motto, at least according to Double 'The Fun' Felix; our local bossman. At Dark Rain, we pride ourself on the diversity and hilarity of our community at large, our mentor system for newer writers helps them to better their own skills and learn from people who've been where they are. Our at War series allows members of Dark Rain to take part in a text-based strategy game and command vast hordes of cavalry, infantry and more as they wage a conflict on a global scale to build their Empire and come out on top.

Our members enjoy contests for fun prizes and banners and our Battlefield gives members the opportunity to go head to head in text-based conflict to test their writing skills to the limit. Our Moderating team (lead by yours truly) is always on hand to help with any inqueries or technical difficulties. With over 1, 000 registered members and ranked #3 on the InvisionFree Roleplaying Board Directory; Dark Rain has as much to offer as its members are willing to work for, with exciting new features always just around the corner.

So what're you waiting for? Pay us a visit and join the Community!

Double Felix
12-08-08, 12:31 AM
Don't listen to Synical, he's all caught up in our elitist atmosphere. That's why he capitalized "community".
Oh, I might as well introduce myself. I'm Shawn, but I respond to Double Felix, Felix, Flix, Phlix, Phelix, Gruntaloob, Grunty, ExA, ExplosionAnomaly, Explosion Anomaly, Hey, and A Spoon. I'm not the creator of Dark Rain, but people call me the "head admin" or something along those lines. I prefer the term "facilitative admin", but that's a personal preference. Whatever pseudonym you choose, though, is fine by me.

I shall now flaunt my forum.

Dark Rain's another roleplaying forum, except more of a classical style, and one interesting history. Whereas many forums now have set storylines and areas to roleplay within, Dark Rain has maintained the idea that members can hack out their own stories. We give you a few basic settings (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Historical, Comedy, etc...) and let you at it. This is what makes DR special, as a forum. You can do almost whatever the hell you want.
What makes us amazing, though, is our members. If I was going to classify our members into some sort of clique, it wouldn't be your stereotypical roleplayer. We've got people who sign their own hats, douchebags, nubs, sugar-crazed rodents, "serious stuff" people, everything. With that in mind, I'd have to give Dark Rain members a sort of "incesty-diverse family, kind of like planet Earth except missing a few vital organs" label.
And what are those vital organs, you ask?
You are.
(Damn, I did it too)


12-08-08, 01:28 AM
Well hello there weary travelers. How are we all doing there today? Good? That's nice. I'm Kupo! Resident Mog and ruler of the golden gun, but enough about me, I am here to promote a website that's just the fricken bomb! Go check it out sometime! It's got great contests, banners (For some reason that's important.) and awesome people with amazing stories. Best of all we got Moderators who help out the newbies with extensive judging criteria to help improve ourselves. And best of all...

IT'S FREE! Just register a character and make your own story, or join up with others. With an amazing system of balance and regulations it's awesome to see your skills grow!

So join up in a quest, grab your favorite hiking boots and go find lost artifacts, hidden spells, or make your claim in the amazing lands to battle upon at THIS AWESOME WEBSITE! (http://www.althanas.com)


12-08-08, 01:32 AM
1000 members? Invisionfree? Douchebags welcome?! My god...

We have a guy named Godhand, he'd be perfect for the position...

Why do we even have this area? Shouldn't people prove their site's worth through rping? I think so, and I know there are others that belive the same thing... see above...

12-08-08, 01:34 AM

I totally forgot Godhand...He's a gentlemen and a scholar. A great add for any RP site. Althanas is lucky to have him. (NO SARCASM INTENDED, I do respect the guy...)

12-08-08, 01:47 AM
Your PR department must really suck. All that advertising and you didn't even include a link?

12-08-08, 01:54 AM
Now Now, let's be polite here guys. We are trying to make everyone feel welcome...

12-08-08, 01:54 AM
Now, now. This is no way to treat guests. This is an inter-community event, for goodness' sakes, part of the point is in promoting your own community to try to attract new members to help air out the site. Clogged ponds stagnate and die, running rivers stay fresh.

If we cannot be polite to the people we have invited to our board to participate in this event, it does not reflect well upon us as a community, does it?

That said.

Welcome, Dark Rain, and I hope all your representatives find our forums a hospitable place and have fun with our community and world.

12-08-08, 01:56 AM
oh. No, forgive me. I didn't mean to be rude to you. Was simply curious as to the use of this section, as well as giving you a plausible member... lol. I'm very happy that we have new places coming to Althy, and if you'd like to link us then we'd have the opportunity to look at your site.

12-08-08, 01:56 AM
Now Now there, We are just showing our vocal side of the community. It's like the little brother who speaks out of turn. We still love him.

That said...really guys. A link would be great so i can check out your comedy side of the site. Sounds interesting.

12-08-08, 02:17 AM
Hahaha, Godhand, I love you. It's official!

I'm laughing my ass off right now, no joke.... hahahahahaha

EDIT: And I assume Canuk means something along the lines of Canadian... though I've been born and raised in Florida. I'm purely American. Well, 1/4th Jew/Irish, and 1/2 Norse... if that makes you feel better. Not sure what one liner you have for those though...

Maybe something against jews, hahaha, can't wait to see. Lol.

12-08-08, 03:44 AM

This is our lovely site of Dark Rain. I am the resident Fox of the place =3 I look forward to this event. I already have posted a character to be approved. I really like the look of Althanas, it is unique without being confusing. Most likely after this tournament, I shall frequently visit.

Tainted Bushido
12-08-08, 03:46 AM
Welcome to the site guys, glad you took some time to look at the various forums. As one of the Features Admins its nice to see that at least some of our tournament forum went right to use. ;)

Feel free to look around, Lord Synical, Double Felix, are you guys participating, or supporting in the subforums of this thing?

Viola Conda
12-08-08, 03:46 AM
Welcome to Althanas, and we hope your stay is enjoyable despite our more...wordy antics...of our people. If you ever have questions please ask any of us.

Enjoy your stay and good luck!

12-08-08, 03:52 AM
I'm here to participate, get right into the intoxication of battle and what not. This really sounds like its gonna be big, really looking forward to it =3

12-08-08, 04:14 AM
I've read a little of what's on that site, out of curiosity, and I look forward to what you will bring to the tourney. Thought he words are a little small, though that might just be because I'm getting old, it looks like you'll be fun to write with!!

12-08-08, 04:33 AM
Hello and a warm welcome to the members of Dark Rain! I've perused your site when Christoph told me about it some time ago, and I liked what I saw. Warrants the capitalization of community, at the very least!

Oh and, by the by, Althanas has a number of background templates that go from dark to very bright, and to the people using the default template, your advertisement did indeed look like a block of white. To remedy that, the default text color automatically adjusts with the background being used, so we don't frequently color-code here - though from what Felix said, neither do you guys, haha. Still, I apologize for the inconvenience.

Syaoran, I'm glad to see you so enthusiastic! And yep, this is going to be a huge event with everyone's participation, so I'm looking forward to it too. In the meantime, feel free to browse around, and if you have any questions (and this applies to everyone), don't hesitate to ask! If you feel the answers to your queries could also be important to other participants, then you may voice them in this thread: The Information Kiosk. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17678)

With that said, I'll let you guys go back to advertising. Sorry for the mini-hijack!

Kially Gaith
12-08-08, 07:41 AM
Hey, as an event manager for this time and a marginally active member of this community, I'd like to welcome you guys to our site.

I can't say we have a massively active 'comedy' side to our community, but what we lack in comedy, we sure make up for in communal love. We're a pretty tight knit community of friends and writers, but we still keep some open rips to let you guys sew yourselves into our hearts.

So, even if your welcome so far has been a little...Odd...To say the least, I'ma offer you a big warm hug and a plate of cookies!

If you don't like cookies? Pfft. What are you doing in my house?!

12-08-08, 07:57 AM
Just a note: Advertisement threads aren't designed for this sort of discussion -- the Waffle House was designed for this sort of thing.

That said, I'm glad to see the Dark Rain representatives here so soon. Hopefully this turns out nicely for both of our sites.

Lord Synical
12-08-08, 08:38 AM
Oh shoot me.
I DID forget the link.
Wait, no I didn't! Click the pretty picture!

EDIT: Sufficed to say, edited my introductory post.

12-08-08, 05:22 PM
our mentor system for newer writers helps them to better their own skills and learn from people who've been where they are.
So you mean me, Arius, and Hydro bashing noobs? Oh wait. I'm not supposed to say that.

But really, DR is a great place to hang out.

12-08-08, 05:36 PM
Lol@you guys.
Really, they're all horrible people. They're just trying to make a good impression, particularly that Syaoran. No, really. I'm serious.
I hate 'em. All of them. =p
And yes, if you had flicked your mouse over our banner, you would'a' noticed the change in mouse type to a link-form - so, yes, we did include a link. (Or not, hes confused me - does it really matter though? =p)
And about the supporter-stuff - I was beginning to look for the forum that read 'Groupies.' :P
And yes, despite being one of the most important Admins ever *Cough* (Gawd, even my direct staff don't agree with that. My team's moral is low xD), I'm only supporting, largely because I'm too old and lazy to accustom myself to a new site (Hence the low moral) but also because I have my exams currently.
Though, I don't know when this thing starts, so I might join in if one of my wubberly DRainians hasn't got a partner or if the start begins to leech into the arrival of the holidays.
We'll see, eh?
Anyhow, I'm not sure if I should give an introduction of the board or myself. (I mean, I'm never mentioned in these intro's am I - suxx to be behind the scenes. ;) ) But, considering Felix and Syn have already given you the briefing, I'll leave it out.
See you on the battlefield! (And others places to) May the best Player-named-after-a-colour-Win.

Edit: As a sub-note (Yes, I am here to question you guys on everything you do) how come you moved this thread? After all, it was originally intended as an advertisement ;)

12-08-08, 05:40 PM
Like me.

12-08-08, 06:44 PM
Edit: As a sub-note (Yes, I am here to question you guys on everything you do) how come you moved this thread? After all, it was originally intended as an advertisement ;)

It's still here. Advertisements is a sub-forum of the Waffle House, and so if it contains the newest post in the entire cluster of Waffle House threads, it will appear as "Waffle House"'s most recent post. This could have been the cause of confusion.

Lord Synical
12-08-08, 06:51 PM
Ignore Isaac.
He's making up for his own failures.
Wait, wait, you actually count developers as a team?
They're as bad as my l--
No wait, they're worse.
At least we Mods have a common goal: Punt as many ickle nubs as possible as soon as possible.

Kially Gaith
12-08-08, 07:03 PM
Ignore Isaac.
He's making up for his own failures.
Wait, wait, you actually count developers as a team?
They're as bad as my l--
No wait, they're worse.
At least we Mods have a common goal: Punt as many ickle nubs as possible as soon as possible.

We do that, just more politely.

"No, you can't have a laser sword that blows up universes. Please make it steel and earn enchantments later."

We call them 'RoG' staff.

Tainted Bushido
12-08-08, 07:10 PM
We do that, just more politely.

"No, you can't have a laser sword that blows up universes. Please make it steel and earn enchantments later."

We call them 'RoG' staff.

Hey hey hey, I RESEMBLE that remark...

So how do thinks work on your site guys? I mean a brief rundown of how the site runs might convince a few others to join.

Lord Synical
12-08-08, 07:17 PM
Well... it's really just us doing whatever we feel like.
Our Administration team consists of three 'Assigned' Admin and one facilitative Admin to watch over the others and keep them informed of stuff.
For example; I'm the Moderator Administrator, Darky's the Developer Administrator and Hydro14's the Mentor Administrator. Double 'The Fun' Felix is our bossman.
The site itself is basically a free-to-RP board. We have a couple forum-wide Roleplays; Dark Rain, Rome at War. But we don't really have a set style per se.
I'm not really the best at explaining this, I still log on sometimes and wonder how the hell I made Admin. I'm the biggest ass on the site.
But if you want a detailed analysis of our site, best you ask Arius or Hydro or something. I'm just there to lay the hurt on idiots and be the 'bad guy' scapegoat, really.

Double Felix
12-08-08, 08:01 PM
To answer the question, "Will you be participating" that was asked earlier, my official answer is:


I'm trying to finish this semester with a 4.0, so I barely have enough time to browse Dark Rain. As well, I've never been into the whole "text-based combat" thing, which is evident in my early character profiles: http://z13.invisionfree.com/DarkRain/index.php?showtopic=70&st=0#entry479495. I'd probably wind up getting myself and my partner killed immediately -- for the sake of realism. It's a vice. It's a problem, I know.
But we shall see.

Sunset Theatre Co.
12-08-08, 08:14 PM
'de hell is a nub?

Whatever happened to newbs/noobs?

Here at Althanas, proper spelling and grammar is important--doubly so with internet slang.

Double Felix
12-08-08, 08:16 PM
By "nub" we mean "those found wanting in somatic extremities".

Sunset Theatre Co.
12-08-08, 08:18 PM
So you all are into a lot of ball kicking...

Good thing I have a steel cup that I usually wear at work for when I piss cuss'mers off.

Lord Synical
12-09-08, 12:44 AM
It's more of "I'm going to take this shiny sword of Admin WTFBBQPWNZOR and shove it in your goddamn moronic face" followed by a "GTFO my Forum" and a quick "Banned."
But that's only for the griefers.
I know this one guy, Will, who's a total (can I say fuck? If I can't say fuck then I'm sorry and will edit this post) fuckwit according to a couple of my Mods, but eh...
Until he annoys me, I'm just going to treat him like I do everyone else: Baseless, mindless, infinite hatred.

12-09-08, 12:25 PM
Fair enough, that might have added to my confusion. =p
And Syn's pretty much summed it up really -
We have a selection of forums, each with numerous player-created role plays. Most of the time they're free-for-all, but thats up to the thread maker. The most active forums are Fantasy and Futuristic (Funny that...), although we do have others such as Modern and Comedy roleplays.
To add to those, we often do our best - Developer and Staff in general - to spice things up once in a while. We've had many different events on Dark Rain, but the most succesful and longest-running event has been the at War series.
Rome at War II, as Synical said, is currently featuring. As you can assume, we've had a Rome at War I as well as a Europe at War. Were hoping to expand on these, improving and 'spicing' them all the more, the next in line is likely to be a GaW (I'll leave you guessing ;) ) but theres so much potential behind the very essence of the game.

We have a Character forum, similar to nearly every roleplaying site, however, these characters can be killed, reborn, shot, moulded, turned upside down - whatever you like - and no one really minds. Its just a little, well, I'd like it call it a Database but its a bit far off that, thing for our members to store their favourite and least-favourite characters in. If they so wish, they can ask for almighty approval of a Mentor or Admin and so earn a little-awesome Perfect Character banner for their signatures.

And to top it off, we also have a Battlefield forum. Again, its a free-for-all much like the Fantasy and normal role playing forums. Players can choose between the 'generally-accepted' Text Based Combat system or our own slightly rendered version. Most of the time, Members of DR will choose our version of the TBC system and thus it goes to a vote for the best roleplayer - not just the winner of the fight. (Thus, Felix often dies in a realistic fashion =p)

BUT, thats just the Roleplaying section of the forum. It has a lot more to offer - promise - all you have to do is get to know it!

Edit: Oh and I call them my "Team" to sound awesome-and-flash, ofc. Or hadn't you guessed? At least we do more than your Mods ;) -Well, at least when they're active. But hey, I do most of the Developing work by myself, who needs active useless people. =p

(And yes Teal xD By Person-named-after-a-Colour, I did mean you funnily enough.)

Lord Synical
12-09-08, 06:11 PM
... Oh shit, you were serious.
Man, Hydro and I are going to tear shit up.

12-09-08, 06:15 PM
You and Hydro? Ouch. I just lost almost all of my moral.

12-09-08, 06:16 PM
So its a multi genre site? I have one of those (click to see (http://www.notp.thenetherrealm.com/forum/), I could be totally off base here), no where near as popular though (you guys have done an awesome job btw).

Um, I have never come across your forums before but if I had I would definitely have asked for an affiliation with you for both the Nether Realm and Nightmare of the Phoenix. If you are interested then feel free to drop me a PM here or email me at phoenixbyrd31@hotmail.com

Of not then that's cool. Good luck to your teams in the tournament!

12-10-08, 02:51 AM
Hey hey hey, I RESEMBLE that remark...

Do you mean resent? Or did you mean that's what you look like? O.o?

Lord Synical
12-10-08, 03:04 AM
I think he means that describes his vocation at the forum.
Also, it's morale Teal.
Moral is another word for ethical.

12-10-08, 06:33 AM
... Oh shit, you were serious.
Man, Hydro and I are going to tear shit up.

Well actually, I was going to support the lot of you :P But seeing as you're so high and mighty already, Bradleigh my dear friend, you just lost da b3st Cheerleada n da wurldz.

12-10-08, 06:53 AM
I have yet to see you in a miniskirt with pom-poms, Darky, so your claim is baseless. :P

12-10-08, 09:01 AM
I have yet to see you in a miniskirt with pom-poms, Darky, so your claim is baseless. :P

Maybe it'll be hot pants. And oh yeah, DR is a place where awesome grows in abundance. You can skip through the fields of awesome and it's so awesome, skipping won't make you look like a girl. Unless you are one.

The Whistle
12-10-08, 01:36 PM
I'm representin'.

Lord Synical
12-11-08, 09:05 AM
<Inserts Gangster Pose in above post>
<Nods in satisfaction>
And Isaac, the mere thought of you in a mini-skirt and pom poms makes me shudder violently.

Aralak Mogra'thir
12-12-08, 03:16 PM
Sorry it took me so long to get here, guys. I wanted to talk tactics with Syn before I chose what character to use, and since character names are tied to usernames here... well you get point. Oh, and for those of you who don't recognise the alias, it's Hydro. :cool:

Not trying to appear stuffy but I'm a bit disappointed with how you guys have represented Dark Rain, 'best behaviour' clearly lasted for all of 2 hours. :rolleyes: Contrary to popular beleif we do not attempt to educate new roleplayers with a sledgehammer in the art of writing.

Anyways, I'm here to uphold Dark Rain's honour upon the field of glorious battle. Hopefully by the time this tournament is over I'll have sent a few more souls to feast with the divine warlord in the Halls of Preparation. Best of luck to everyone, including those I meet in combat who'll be becoming very well acquainted with my axe. :eek:

And yes, I do overuse smilies in out of character chat.

12-12-08, 04:18 PM
I don't know how much people actually listen to the suggestion of tying usernames with character names. I mean, I've got another character named "Orun Ingar", an orc, and the username attached to it is "Green is the New Black." Except... I guess that is still somewhat linked. >.>

12-14-08, 07:05 AM
I always try to link my username with my character name in some small way. The only exception is my first name here, Vampiric Angel and my character was a half-elf named Anenfel. >.>

But that's changed now.
Shisui - Character name.
Farmboy - Character was raised on a farm.
Bearded Gnome - A dwarf character.

Lord Synical
01-01-09, 01:48 AM

Due to recent events and a breach of our security, Dark Rain Roleplaying was hacked and our data deleted. However, we have isolated and rectified and issue and are back in business at our new URL! Please click the banner below for a link to our new site!

http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/3342/bannercopyuu7.png (http://s1.zetaboards.com/darkrain)

01-01-09, 06:44 AM
Dayum... have you lost everything permanently?

Duck Lord
01-01-09, 07:15 AM
Not permanently, no, but it will be several months before all the data is restored.

01-01-09, 10:57 AM
That's a sexy new banner link, though. Hopefully all of your teams will still compete, as I look forward to facing some of them. ;)

Lord Synical
01-01-09, 03:36 PM
Oh hell yeah, we're all even more pumped for the tournament.
Need to vent some NerdRage.

01-01-09, 05:41 PM
Meek and I finished, and I think Sy and Wild are done too. And then there's Synical and Hydro. So three teams have finished registering.

01-01-09, 09:29 PM
Excellent. I'm glad to hear it.