View Full Version : Aztersil Roleplaying Forum

Captain Silver Shea Hawke
12-08-08, 09:43 PM
Hello. I'm from a forum known as Aztersil. I received an invitation from Ataraxis inviting Aztersil and it's members here. I wanted to check out the playing field before telling said members about the proposition. So yeh, hello...

Is it legal to put a link to my site here? If not, admins I appologize and feel free to remove.



There is magic on the wind.

Aztersil can offer your imagination a playing field like no other. An original role play set in a politically dynamic setting where your characters can carve out their own adventures, and immerse themselves in the vast and varied world that has been created for you to explore.

This play-by-post community offers a comprehensive level system that rewards activity, a friendly and helpful OOC community, and a richly wonderful backdrop of unique races, guilds, cities and cultures all ready to have stories written in.

So what are you waiting for? We are always looking for new members and let your imagination and character take flight.

Aztersil (www.aztersil.com)

12-08-08, 10:08 PM
It's fine to advertise your forum here. But we sure hope you bring some members over here for us.

12-08-08, 10:42 PM
Hey there Captain! Ataraxis here, as you can see. I'm glad that you're looking around, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. There's a convenient place for that, too, so that the answers can be readily available for anyone else participating: The Information Kiosk (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17678)!

And feel free to add more than a link! A breakdown description of Aztersil, of how it runs and what types of roleplaying venues you can find there always help to have a better idea of what it looks like over there.

12-08-08, 10:54 PM
This site is quite interesting... If you don't mind me asking, what's the "Enter the World" area for? I don't see any posts there.

Captain Silver Shea Hawke
12-08-08, 11:04 PM
Yeh, I would have given a breakdown but I'm a little nervous about doing so XD I like people to make their own judgments about Az, not just read what I think about it. We are redoing our welcome message with the new layout I'm having created so when that's done I'll redo the ad thar.

MetalDrago: Enter the World is a new system we've started (which is why there's no posts in it). Basically it lets us judge your talent and skill before you being creating your character.

12-08-08, 11:06 PM
So, if I joined up there, that's where I would have to post some sort of example of my work? Sounds like an interesting idea.

Captain Silver Shea Hawke
12-08-08, 11:06 PM
Pretty much. There's a more detailed explanation post there to give idea prompts and such.

Lord Synical
12-09-08, 12:40 AM
Welcome to the Tournament! I'm here representing Dark Rain Roleplaying.
Look forward to meeting you in combat!

Captain Silver Shea Hawke
12-09-08, 01:18 PM
Oy thanks for the welcome Dark Rain ^_^

I tried to affiliate with you not too long ago I think.

Duck Lord
12-09-08, 01:53 PM
You did? :O I must apologise- our Admins are lazy. But we'd certainly like to affiliate with you and other sites that are taking part here. :D

Captain Silver Shea Hawke
12-09-08, 01:56 PM
Very nice! Email me your code at silverhawke@aztersil.com
And I'll shoot you mine.

12-09-08, 01:57 PM
I could change your title to "Aztersil Roleplaying Forum" or somesuch if you'd like.

Captain Silver Shea Hawke
12-09-08, 02:06 PM
Sure ^^; Sorry, still noobie and looking around.

12-09-08, 02:08 PM
Not a problem.

12-09-08, 04:07 PM
Your site is definitely interesting, I think I'll be taking a closer look at it.

Captain Silver Shea Hawke
12-09-08, 04:14 PM
Thank you very much Witchblade (love that series)

I'm currently doing a bit of a revamp, adding information to the races, beasts, and organizations etc. and making their pages a bit more navigate-able.

12-09-08, 04:25 PM
Your registration process is fairly lengthy though. I'm not sure if I understand the point of submitting your character multiple times when once should be enough. As the Head RoG mod here, I find it easy to make it a more one-stop kind of registration process. It's easier and faster and though I'm not expecting you to change your ways or anything, I do wonder why it is you have such a lengthy process.

Captain Silver Shea Hawke
12-09-08, 04:28 PM
We've done a couple different styles and the one we use now has been working for us well enough. Joining and submitting a sample post into the Enter board. Then starting/ finishing the character. After that's done you're free to do what you please but at some point c/p the character into the census process which is probably the most simple of the entire thing.

12-09-08, 04:32 PM
All right, I'm just used to a much shorter process, though I'm sure you guys are fast enough with your own formats.

Do you allow other races besides the ones listed in your Encyclopedia? What about people coming up with their own classes? I'm just wondering how much free flowing creativity you allow on your site or if you prefer people to stick with the options they're given.

Captain Silver Shea Hawke
12-09-08, 04:36 PM
If you check the Member Levels, linked on the forum and in the rules, that shows the limits to each level. Levels are not based on characters but based upon post count. As you'll see if you look.

Classes- You're free to come up with whatever you want. Same for powers, weaknesses, etc etc. The races give a foundation, the rest is up to you. And there's not just the races, the beasts are open for new members as well. Like I said, we are currently revamping, adding and rearranging information. The new format is under the Aether race.

12-09-08, 04:47 PM
All right, I just have one more question for now (sorry I'm asking so many, I'm contemplating joining). On Althanas we have a forum called 'Other Regions' it's if you wish to have your character from or do a role-play in a place that isn't a developed region, something that may not exist in the regions already developed. Can you create characters from regions not listed on your forum i.e. make one up?

Captain Silver Shea Hawke
12-09-08, 04:50 PM
Yep! That's allowed completely. Only thing we won't allow is if the character is from another planet. We also have a section called Undiscovered Areas.

12-09-08, 04:55 PM
Oh, I must have missed that. Thanks for all your help. ^_^

Captain Silver Shea Hawke
12-09-08, 04:55 PM
You're very welcome ^_^

Oy, I also wanted to mention I hired a website designer to design us a new web layout.

This image is the WIP version.


Edit: Changed to a link rather than an embed to prevent stretching. -Serilliant

Lord Synical
12-09-08, 06:15 PM
As for our codes, I'll get Darky to do it.
Darky handles all that PR crap.
I'm the one that punts peo-- Hey, shiny!
Right, uhm, maybe I'll PR it just this once, for you.
I'll get you those codes.

Captain Silver Shea Hawke
12-09-08, 06:17 PM
Heeheehee Thanks 8D


12-15-08, 08:52 AM
Site looks awesome, I'm considering joining...

Although, god damn it, no goblins. How am I supposed to play my absurdly underpowered characters that I so enjoy ^^

Captain Silver Shea Hawke
12-15-08, 02:29 PM
Ahh Noodle XDDD The frythans suit you well ^_~