View Full Version : Wallace "Grin" Marcam

12-09-08, 01:05 AM
Name: Wallace "Grin" Marcam
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 265 lbs
Hair Colour: Blond
Eye Colour: Pale blue
Occupation: Sword-for-Hire

Personality: Wallace is known as 'Grin' for his bizarre habit of facing every fight with a wide, wicked grin on his face, often laughing as he throws himself into battle as if the very idea of killing and dying amuses him no end. This strange, sociopath behaviour does not appear to exhibit itself outside of combat as he is a respectable, honourable man with only the vices of a little drink and a taste for women that is to be expected of men of his profession. He will put himself in harm's way to help those he deems deserving of it, meaning the innocent and the good, or if the person or item he is attempting to rescue or protect is essential for some cause he is trying to aid. If he fights someone, there's a good chance he'll take it all the way to the death as he doesn't like the idea of people coming after him later on with a grudge to bear.

Appearance: Wallace is your classic Nordic sort: Tall, broad shouldered and muscular, with a broad cleft chin, a charming smile and hands big enough to easily grab an adult Human's head with one. He is the epitome of masculinity without being a grotesque exaggeration of it. He is clearly muscular to a great extent, but his muscles are magnificently toned and it gives him a powerful sleekness like one of the species of big cats, rather then the 'condom full of walnuts' look of someone who weight-lifts without athletic training to balance it. His body has a large number of scars across its full length and breadth, but they are rarely seen as he is almost always wearing his armour. The few scars on his chin, cheeks and forehead are more often visible but they're nothing that stands out too greatly. His hair is cut to chin length to avoid it being a problem and has a gold-silk colour which goes nicely with his ice-blue eyes. He is practically always in his armour and usually has a large leather backpack on his back (1 foot deep, 2 feet wide and 3 feet tall).

Weapons: Wallace's primary weapon of choice is a Damascus Hand-and-a-half Sword with a slightly broader, thicker blade then usual, crafted to excellent quality. The sword is enchanted to be protected by a thin layer of magic that increases it's durability and edge retention and makes it lighter and easier to carry and wield while making it strike harder when swung or thrust, as if it were increasing the strength of its owner. The blade is razor keen, as is the magical layer along the edge, allowing it to cut with greater ease then normal.

Wallace's back-up sword is a three-foot long steel 'shortsword' with a three and a half-inch broad blade. It is more accurately described as a three-foot cleaver then a sword and allows Wallace to deal quite a lot of damage in more confined spaces or in the event that he is disarmed of his primary weapon. Again of excellent quality, but lacking enchantment.

A simple steel dagger, a foot in length, is also sheathed on his belt, but it is rarely used as an actual weapon. That's not to say it would fail to work as one, especially given Wallace's strength.

Armour: Wallace wears full platemail, including hinged joints on the elbows and knees, a T-slit Barbute helmet and Gorget. He has a chainmail suit under the platemail, a layer of waxed leather with holes punched in it to allow ventilation and a layer of simple cotton clothing under that. The armour is enchanted like his primary weapon, making it more resilient to damage and to feel lighter for the wearer. He has several pouches on his waist-belt for holding his flint kit and potions, etc.

Wallace rounds off his defensive equipment with a shield of Delyn. It is a rectangle three feet tall by two foot wide at it's edges, though it is gently curved horizontally and reinforced with wood and thin strips of steel. It will only absorb a few direct magical attacks before breaking with a blast of the combined spells it has absorbed.

Misc: Flint and Tinder kit, Grappling hook and 30' knotted rope, Water flask.

Skills and Abilities:
Swords: Wallace has mastered swordsmanship, although his style suits his armour and weapons, he is a formidable force against most foes.

Axes/Maces: Wallace has Advanced skill with these weapons due to his strength and understanding of their factors and usage.

Heavy Armour: Wallace wears his armour like others wear linen. It does not seem to impede his ability to run or slow his movements or fatigue him as it would most. He has long mastered wearing it and suffers no penalties for doing so.

Shields: Another of the few areas Wallace has dedicated his life, his ability with a shield is second to few.

Unarmed: If need be, Wallace is a powerful and brutal unarmed fighter of proficient skill. He'll usually use this skill in conjunction with his weapon and shield during a fight to expand his variety with elbows, knees, headbutts and kicks.

Tremendous Strength: Due to his constant wearing of his armour and extensive training, Wallace is able to lift and carry 700lbs on top of his standard equipment. He can jump four feet straight up while in full armour and treat two-handed weapons as one-handed.

Marathon Endurance: Wallace ancestery and lifestyle have provided him with an endurance far above normal. He is capable of staying awake for up to three days with no loss of ability or awareness, can maintain a high level of physical activity non-stop for several hours and endure injuries and a level of pain that would incapacitate or kill a normal man.

History: Wallace Marcam grew up in the harsh environment of a highland village and was swinging a wooden sword around before he was even able to walk. A fast learner and naturally strong, he was surprisingly quick to begin walking and talking and would often get into mischief climbing things (Trees, buildings, etc), getting into places he shouldn't be or getting into brawls. Most children's fights are nothing of great concern but Wallace picked up fighting early on and would often send those who fought him running, staggering or crawling away, bloody and crying. He was not adverse to picking up a stick or rock as a weapon during a fight, although he was equally successful with his bare hands. His father worked as a guard for the village and was eager to get Wallace some professional training and put his ability to handle himself in a fight to a good cause. He became an official member of the village guard when he was fifteen and when he was twenty, he quit, packed his things and left, moving on to a bigger town. He took on private protection contracts which paid his rent, his food and left enough over to repair or replace his equipment when need be and every once and a while he had enough saved to purchase tuition from more skilled warriors.

His dedication to the art of heavy armour made him a formidable opponent and often just the sight of him would deter would-be thieves. Those who thought they'd have the advantage of speed and agility over the heavily armoured man regularly found themselves regretting their arrogance for the few moments before his sword ended their lives. His lack of hesitation to kill anyone who threatened what he was hired to protect came from the belief that any opponent he left to see another day would eventually come back at him with vengeance in their heart. Better to be without such problems in the future. He eventually widened his business to bounty collection, doing the odd legal hunt and the occasional private collection, although he would only hunt criminals and preferred protection jobs, since they earned him a comfortable sum and required less travelling on his part.

12-09-08, 01:04 PM
Hi there and welcome to the Althanas Invitation. ^^ I'll be going over your profile with you and asking for any necessary changes.

Delyn Shield - the shield can only withstand a few direct magical attacks before it starts taking on heavy damage and will eventually break.

Axes/Maces - He can have Advanced skills with these.

Unarmed - He can be proficient with this skill.

Make those changes and you should be good to go.

12-10-08, 12:52 AM
In regards to the shield: It's primary purpose will be as a standard shield, but I would like it to protect him against direct magical attacks to some extent. What would you recommend I have it made out of? Will Delyn withstand physical attacks well? I don't mind it breaking after a few direct magical attacks, I would just like to make it as worthwhile as possible.

12-10-08, 09:42 AM
Delyn is fine, it will take a few direct magic attacks before it breaks. But it tends to release any stored magic it has protected the user from when it does finally break, kind of like a mini magic explosion. If you don't want Delyn go for Dehlar, but it's a very heavy metal.

12-10-08, 08:09 PM
Oh well in that case, I might just stick with Delyn. I'm sure a grenade-shield will come in handy ;)

12-11-08, 07:36 AM
All right,
