View Full Version : Edmond Vanico - TNR Team 1

Rodgin Kemph
12-09-08, 05:56 PM
(This character is adapted from a dead character at The Nether Realms. His origional character sheet can be found here. (http://www.thenetherrealm.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2066)

Name: Edmond Vanico (Vanity)
Age: 23
Sex: Male
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 160
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Emerald Green
Occupation: Mercenary, former Soldier

Personality: Edmond is a cynic and a pessimist. While this drives most people to be grouchy, it pushes him the other way. Rather then dwell on the negatives, Edmond lives life to the fullest, knowing one day the world will crash down around him. From time to time melancholy catches up with him though, and it is crippling. He sits in his room for days, contemplating his life, eating and drinking little.

Appearance: An average height with a slighter build, Edmond can blend in most any place. In fact, if it were not for his hair and striking emerald eyes, Edmond could almost be said to be non-descript. Instead, he stands out when he wants to, wearing his hair long and meticulously groomed. He has acquired many fine suits over the years, though he still tends to stay with his old soldier armor, a mixture of studded leather, painted and ribbonned in red and black. He is rarely ever seen without his sword on his hip, and his dagger sheathed on his wrist.

Weapons: A standard issue steel hand and a half sword. Light enough to handle one handed, strong enough to take a beating. And a dagger, intricately built, with a large emerald as the pommel.

Amour: A mishmash of studded leather, built for the purpose of stealth and speed. It offers some protection but definitely doesn't protect like metal. Painted red and black and adorned with ribbons. A man doesn't get the nickname Vanity for no reason.

Skills and Abilities: (I'm confused with the difference of the two.)
(Skill)Swordsmanship: Edmond is only a step or two away from being a sword master. If he had spent more time practicing rather then chasing women, he could perhaps be there. As it is, he can still best the majority of the world.

(Skill)Dagger Throwing: Being the pastime of his unit, Edmond is an excellent thrower. He has been known to do dagger tricks just because he can. The intimidation factor is also a plus.

(Skill)Stealth: As his unit was built around stealth, so is Edmond's training. While he can't hide in plain sight, and is no where near a ninja, he can make himself scarce when needed.

(Ability)Fast Talker: Edmond can talk fast and think fast, however, when it is all said and done, it doesn't always gain him much more then a reason to hit someone. Or get hit. Either way works for him.

(Ability)Brave Drunk: The boy can drink, as they say, and when he does, he is willing to do things that he has no business even thinking about.

(Ability)Speed Slash: It lacks the killing power one would expect, but a half a dozen slashes are sure to put his opponent in a bad mood.

History: Having grown up in Fenlar, Edmond knew the military traditions of his land. However, a fight with his parents put him on the road at the ripe age of 15. His next year of travels took him to Cendes, where his quick tongue and need for cash found him in the service of the Emissars.

6 years of fighting had given him his fill of fighting. Over that time he had spent all his money on flashy weapons, expensive clothes, and outlandish parties. If there was women and wine, Edmond would be at the center of it.

Now he freelances, taking any job he wants to pay for his next bout of fun.

Max Dirks
12-09-08, 06:12 PM
Skills are inherent character traits (like speed, or stealth), abilities are actions that can have a tangible effect on your character or another (like magic or spells). Speed slash is really the only one of your moves that I'd consider an ability, and as such, you're approved.

Good luck!