View Full Version : Need a partner? Post here!

12-09-08, 08:22 PM
If you’re still in the market for a comrade in arms for this epic competition, you have come to the right place! This thread is where you can spray your literary pheromones to other prospective roleplayers. The process is simple – merely follow the format below. If you see someone in this thread who you would like to team up with, please communicate via private messages. Once you’ve found a partner, mark your post accordingly.


Tournament of Champions character (including a link to the profile)

*Home forum

*Favorite genre

*Link to a roleplaying thread that you are proud of



Let the match-making begin!


List of those still looking for a teammate:

Bob (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17728)
Virgil (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17767)
Quintrel (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17771)
Ol' Grensch Livereater (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17791)
Miehm (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17811)
Axel Demetra

12-10-08, 11:10 AM
Tournament of Champions character: Lice Grumalth (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17727)

Right now I'm in the midst of the approval process, and I'm also looking for a partner.
If you don't feel like reading my entire character profile (although if you are seriously considering me as a partner I would recommend you do) here's a brief summary:
Lice is a goblin divine spellcaster. He pays homage to no gods or goddesses though, instead he leeches off the residual holy magic that is everywhere. He uses this magic to do all sorts of things that clerics can do (turn creatures, smite, and so on.) He's also highly resistant to all holy and unholy abilities, such as those from a vampire or a holy warrior type character. He takes their energy and uses it to heal himself and replentish his own energy.

Lice is also an excellent healer. In combat he is not the strongest, but he can buff his own speed to give himself an advantage. Then he swoops in with his trident (heck yea he uses a trident) and "neutral smite"s for the kil.

Lice is at best neutral, not goodor evil. He's most certainly chaotic. I'm just going by the classic d&d character steroetypes for convenience. So chatoic neutral. Strangely enough he tends to be very distrustful of other neutral characters, as he can't use his cunning to deceive them nearly as easily. You can grab a good character by the guilt, an evil character by the ambition, but what about a neutral character? Probably by the self-interest.

In any case, my summary ended up being longer than I expected. It's alright though.

Note, the profile in my signature is NOT the one I am using for this tournament. The profile I am using for this tournament is This one. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17727)
Never mind that, I also have the tournament profile in my sig now


12-10-08, 11:18 AM
You can go ahead and post while you're going through the approval process.

12-10-08, 12:05 PM
ToC character : Bob (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17728)

Um, yeah. Fighter here, looking for somebody to kick ass with me. Bob is generally good at swinging a sword and taking hits that are meant for you. He also gets chicks, so you can probably get laid if you stick with him. He gets the first pick, though. He generally like black-haired chicks with a good rack, but if the pickings are slim, he'll go for anything. Oh yeah, he's also lucky, but not smart enough to use that luck in a game of poker. Still, if you team up with him, his luck becomes your luck as well.

Hmmm... I guess that's it. Did I mention that he gets chicks?

Kylin Rouge
12-11-08, 02:45 AM
ToC character: Kylin Rouge

I'll only make a registration if I have a partner.

Kylin is the nicest guy you'll ever meet. Despite being trained in the arts of shadow and assassination, he wouldn't hurt a fly. Don't let that fool you, though. When his friends are in trouble, he comes through for them.

Despite my lack of credentials at the moment, this character has been on previous iterations of Althanas and is almost 7 years old (Althanas started January 2002 or so).

edit: Found one.

12-11-08, 11:10 AM
O.O Holy cow...there's someone I didn't expect to see resurrected.

12-13-08, 03:27 PM
ToC Character: Virgil (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17767)

Forum: Althanas

Quest: Ten Weeks to Tercio. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17605) My only quest so far.

Looking for a partner for ToC, doesnt matter who or what kind of character you have, I'm open to anything. Virgil is a fighter all out, thats all he does, no special majic or anything, he's just there to kick ass.

Pm me if you wanna team.

((Found a partner, thanks.))

12-13-08, 03:38 PM
ToC Character: Braden Larn (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17770)

Home Forum: Althanas, for about two years now.

Favorite Genre: Fantasy/Sci-Fi

Threads I'm proud of:
Into The Fray (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=3748), as Braden.

A sceond venture into the Citadel (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=1840), as my first character, Anenfel. It was early on in my career, but it was nominated for Best Battle of '06, so I'm proud of it.

Description of Braden: He's a shade trying to prove to himself that not all creatures of shadow must be evil. He doesn't like fighting with evil characters but will if he has to. He's somber and quiet outside of battle, but in battle, he transforms into a new person. If you are his enemy...don't expect to be given mercy.

EDIT: Looking for a partner with experience.

EDIT2: Partner found. Thanks to all those considering me.

12-14-08, 01:27 PM
Quintrel (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17771)

Quintrel is a battlemage who excels in the second rank. he can more than hold his own in hand to hand combat, but serves his comrades best when he is able to move about and support with his repeater or with spells. His magic is most potent in the manipulation of fire and electricity.

As you can probably guess this is not my home forum I am previously from Myth-weavers, before that dndog, and before that Ghost orb. If your interested in working together but have questions or want to see some examples of my writing just send me a PM.

Good luck all.

12-14-08, 01:35 PM
Just a quick note: if you've found a partner, please mark your post accordingly. Thank you.

12-14-08, 05:57 PM
ToC Character: Ol' Grensch Livereater (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17791)

SBM of decidedly fishy quality seeks a tournament partner that is not easily traumatized by scenes of intense violence and gore. Turn ons include stabbings, stealing children from their homes at night and eating them, drowning people in the river, and thieving anything with value or a shine. Turn offs include humans and elves, people who can't enjoy the nice crafts he makes out of teeth, ears, and fingers, deserts, fire or ice magic, vegetarians, spears, and did I mention humans and elves? Prefers a partner that is non-human, non-elf, and possibly of a neutral or evil disposition for maximum level of cooperation in wrecking total ass.

Aerin Penna Seleratus
12-14-08, 10:40 PM
ToC Character: Ol' Grensch Livereater (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17791)

SBM of decidedly fishy quality seeks a tournament partner that is not easily traumatized by scenes of intense violence and gore. Turn ons include stabbings, stealing children from their homes at night and eating them, drowning people in the river, and thieving anything with value or a shine. Turn offs include humans and elves, people who can't enjoy the nice crafts he makes out of teeth, ears, and fingers, deserts, fire or ice magic, vegetarians, spears, and did I mention humans and elves? Prefers a partner that is non-human, non-elf, and possibly of a neutral or evil disposition for maximum level of cooperation in wrecking total ass.

Aerin grins at Muck, shaking her head. "I finger paint with body fluids, pal, but you have Xenophobia issues... Not what I am looking for in a battle partner." She lovingly pets the hilt of one of her daggers with a wink. "This lil' human is, however, looking forward to meeting you on the battlefield though..." she says, tilting her head slightly to the side before bringing a lone well-manicured fingernail to her lips, licking it ever so gently, and then tracing a line from chin to crotch slowly, pantomiming splitting Muck open from - as she puts it - 'appetite to asshole'.

"This lil' elf-loving bitch takes her time, baby...and loves to make men say what they don't wanna admit freely. When I am done with you, you will be professing your love to me so loudly that those who hear will carve it into your tombstone as eternal testament." With that, she unsheathes one blade and kisses the tip lightly, the varied edges and vents casting a shadow upon the face like a tribal tattoo in the firelight.

"Till then, sweetie..." With a wink, she blows him a kiss off of the blade and fades back into the woodwork to continue training for the tournament and awaiting a partner.

12-15-08, 11:23 AM
Found a partner. Cheers, and good luck in the tourny! ^^

12-15-08, 02:02 PM
ToC character: Kylin Rouge

Despite my lack of credentials at the moment, this character has been on previous iterations of Althanas and is almost 7 years old (Althanas started January 2002 or so).

Thought you looked familiar. Where did you run off to?

Artifex Felicis
12-15-08, 04:37 PM
Mostly to make sure that one poor sap doesn't go without a partner as needed, I'm going to offer Leon up for someone else to work with. I won't really write a profile just yet, at least not until I have a partner.

Contact through AIM or PM if I'm needed. So on and so forth mates.

Genre Favorite: Fantasy and splashes of Punk

Home Forum: Althanas

Battle: Why not the one in my sig. A view at a slightly more brutal Leon then normal, but fair enough for now.

12-15-08, 04:49 PM
Dom Kupo is searching for religion to help him over his alcoholism and needs spiritual guidance. Must be able to tolerate insanely retarded sheep and antics of the most obscure nature.

Oh, and can't touch the pom pom...

Interested? Seek me out... Or you could just...ya know post later. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=134860#post134860)

Father Snew
12-15-08, 04:51 PM
Why such a fine upstanding character as yourself can join with me! Consider me your partner my friend!

12-15-08, 04:52 PM
*Observes snew* Care bears?



Father Snew
12-15-08, 04:56 PM
Ah yes, and once again the Lord Jesus provides to those that merely ask!

12-15-08, 04:57 PM
Dear god that's going to get annoying really fast priesty boy...


Aerin Penna Seleratus
12-15-08, 05:13 PM
I guess I should make a proper 'looking for' post here.

Single Human Female seeks partner for Althanas Tournament Of Champions. Candidate should be smart, easy on the eyes (preferably another female, but will take the right candidate, gender notwithstanding) and have a reasonable tolerance for the following: Sadism, humor, women with loose or questionable moral fiber, desecration of the dead, some blasphemies, and occasional cannibalism.

Would prefer a fellow Tazlurian, but am up for the 'challenge' of partnering with someone from another forum in the interest of sportsmanship.

Aerin is fairly crude and flirtatious at times, but looking for someone who can keep their head in the game and help win this thing - what comes after the victory party is undetermined. Just remember, "Coffee is for closers." (hint, hint)

12-15-08, 08:06 PM
Hello everyone!

I was planning to partner up with a friend, but he seems to have fallen off the face of the internet.

Because I this, I need another.

I play 'Hopper (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17722), a Middle-aged Planeswalker here coming out of retirement. Fun stuff.

Tainted Bushido
12-15-08, 08:08 PM
Hello everyone!

I was planning to partner up with a friend, but he seems to have fallen off the face of the internet.

Because I this, I need another.

I play 'Hopper (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17722), a Middle-aged Planeswalker here coming out of retirement. Fun stuff.

You signature is wrong, its Sicilian.

EDIT: Points on the Princess Bride reference.

12-15-08, 09:36 PM
And he calls himself THE* Sicilian. Just so you know.

12-15-08, 09:46 PM
You know you're going to die when your boasting about how being full-blooded italian makes you better and the person sitting across from you is grinning.

12-15-08, 11:12 PM
Single White Male, slightly modern, heavily used seeking partner in tournament, magic undesirable, but tolerable, as long as the mage can tolerate constant sighing and head shaking. Skills include: Killing things, and not getting killed by things, weakness include steel and bullets, among sundry others.

12-15-08, 11:21 PM

I'm combining a reference from the AD&D Planescape (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigil_(Dungeons_%26_Dragons)) setting and the Princess Bride.

Sigil is the city the setting is based around.


12-16-08, 02:08 PM
Ryu Hasigawa http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=135418#post135418

Home forum: KHRPF... I guess... don't really have one :P

*Favorite genre: don't really have one! XD

*Link to a roleplaying thread that you are proud of:

well... I don't have a lot of RPing threads i'm extreamly proud of... but I do have writing I'm proud of so I guess I'll just give the link for that instead! ^^


12-17-08, 10:06 AM
{Tournament of Champions character (including a link to the profile):}

Sara SixBlades:


{*Home forum}

???? I don't have one I guess. But I play games at Armorgames and Newsgrounds a lot.

{*Favorite genre}

Genre of what exactly? You didn't specify, so I'll go with movies. I like a mass variety, but if I had to choose one ... action/adventure.

{Why you should choose me}

I have quite a lot of rping experience on www.giveupalready.com for several years now.

I admittedly started off as a pathetic godmodding newb and have evolved into a quite highly skilled rper.

When it comes to being serious, I give caution to the little things during a tourny like this ... for example ... spelling. If you can't spell, you are definitely a newb. It isn't that hard to edit :p

I actually spend time on my posts and have them in adequate length that describes things. Overall, I use something of this format with a rping post if applicable:

Who, what, where, why, when, and how.

I have gained experience in making characters all throughout and was trusted to judge other characters.

My rping skills were rewarded in two ways. The first being a water master teaching others how to use the element of water. The second being a yearly vote (they don't do it anymore :/) of the best of the best.

I received the following rewards:

Best Water user of the year for 2006
Friendliest person of the year for 2006

{My profile on the site I am talking about:}


Examples of other characters of mine:

1: http://www.giveupalready.com/showthread.php?t=58097

2: http://www.giveupalready.com/showthread.php?t=44259

Water training thread I was talking about:


^ That was AGES ago

12-17-08, 11:10 AM
It's your favorite genre of writing and roleplaying.

12-17-08, 04:38 PM
Hey guys. Meet Emilio (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=135928#post135928). Emilio is looking for a partner. Help a guy out and give him a hand in killing and looting.

Preferred would be anyone not exactly in a sane state of mind. Joker-ish, if you will. Gender and skill matter not, as long as it isn't too outrageous. Note: He might not seem too friendly, but teamplaying isn't necessarily a bad thing to him. As long as kicking ass is the preferred option, a great partnership could be achieved.

I'm from the RoleplayGateway, haven't been there for too long though. Mostly been RPing here and there. I prefer SF or realistic, though certain kinds of fantasy appeal to me too.

So, yeah. Pretty please?

Also, I haven't exactly been approved of yet, but I don't think there should be any problems. Just a heads up.

Aerin Penna Seleratus
12-17-08, 06:07 PM
Sorry, boys, but this gal is now taken. Partnering with a fellow Tazzie, Hamar! We will try to take it easy on the rest of you....

....and by that I mean not drawing out the suffering to the point where you are begging for death, just to the point where you shriek like cheerleaders and/or die pretty much instantaneously...

12-17-08, 06:55 PM
I am still looking for a partner.
My tournament profile is in my signature.
A piece of writing I'm proud of can be found...here (http://aztersil.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=259&p=16131&sid=68668db974dcfb8a58fd22e831845c02#p16131).
More about Lice can be found here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17754). Just scroll down and you will find the back-story of why he is in the ToC.

Artifex Felicis
12-18-08, 12:12 AM
Well, might as well make this official.

Leon Timyon is looking for a partner. Generally anyone would do, though he would prefer it if they came from the same plane as him. He's a reasonable fighter, far from picky and generally will go along with about anything. He's generally looking for anyone, preferably over 5 feet or so in height. Mostly due to a bad expereance with shorter people being on his team.

\ToC Profile (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=135970#post135970)

Genre - Fantasy/Punk

Home Forum - Althanas

12-18-08, 12:44 PM
There's just no Goblin-love on this forum.

12-18-08, 07:21 PM
Still no partner.

noodleguy .. you are such a tease.


12-18-08, 08:35 PM

12-18-08, 08:41 PM
nvm for me as well.
I believe me and Artifex are teaming up.
Sorry Vegna...

And there is goblin-love here! There's uh, me...and...MadGoblin and...
Yeah. Darn.

12-18-08, 11:44 PM
In that case ... still need one. Even with my "resume" I still don't have takers.


IMO, I hate team tournys for these reasons:

1.: You sign up but don't get a partner = you get screwed over

2.: Your partner doesn't post = you get screwed over

3.: Your partner becomes inactive when you get close to winning = you get screwed over

4.: They changed their minds = you get screwed over

5.: You did a great job with posting and etc ... but they don't and you lose because of it = you get screwed over

The list goes on and on and on


I'm getting irritated now ...


...partner ... must have ... now


12-19-08, 12:39 AM
I'm sorry that you feel that way, Vegna, and I understand your frustration. There are measures implemented to keep inactive teammates from bogging others down, though.

Alright, I've updated the first post (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17721) with a list of all those who are still looking for a partner (and who posted here). If you posted here but are not on the list when you think you're supposed to be, please, do tell! Conversely, if you are on the list but already have a teammate, say so as well.

Also, for those who put up their applications, have you tried contacting those who've posted here before you? If a majority of people are waiting for a potential teammate to come to them, then not a lot of people are actually going to do the first step. Private messages can also be helpful when looking for a partner!

12-19-08, 02:19 AM
ummm... I don't think your link links to where you think your link links Ataraxis?

12-19-08, 06:08 AM
Yes, Fitz is right, the first link goes to some entirely random person's profile

12-19-08, 11:41 AM
Yeah, uhm, I kinda have a partner.

So yeah, I guess I should be taken off the list.

12-19-08, 03:05 PM
The link goes to a profile ... and I have tried pming.

Time is running out too.

F*&^ing sucks.


12-19-08, 03:21 PM
Sorry about that, been busy with meatspace.

If you still want one, you've got a partner.

12-19-08, 03:49 PM
Vegna, I know how frustrating finding a partner in life can be...

Are they pretty? Do you they have anything in common with me? Will they like me? Can I trust them? Do we kiss on the first date, or do we just hold hands? Should I call them in three days or can I call them the next day? Do they like to walk or are they lazy bums? Do they have another partner I may not be aware of or are they just teasing with me and using me for a thrill while they look elsewhere?


Whoops...lil to real there for a second...


12-19-08, 04:02 PM
Got one!!

[QUOTE=Mikeavelli]Hey there!

Sorry I took a little while, but if you're still looking, I'd love to partner up with you for the tournament.

Whispers in the Wind works for me, too.

I.E.: I've got a partner now.

12-19-08, 04:29 PM
Well, I feel bad for posting this, considering I've already PM'd Bob- but time is running short and team registrations are starting to go up. So I figure I ought to sound off for a partner.

ToC Profile: Zhang Konji (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17851)

Being a wanderer-'twixt-the-boards, I don't have an immediately available link to any sort of thread I'm 'proud' of (mostly due to the lack of exciting experiences in roleplaying over the past year or so). But I'm open to just about any sort of partner, so don't be shy. Zhang's of a pretty welcoming sort.

Sling me a PM if you're interested.

12-19-08, 05:11 PM
Vegna... I did send a PM to you a while back XD... o well...

I'm still open for PARTNERSHIP! ^^

12-19-08, 05:12 PM
Yes, yes, time is running out...

I'm still needing a partner, for anyone looking. I at first called for non-human and non-elf, but I am more than positive that I could easily work out a way for old Fish Lips here to partner up with one.

Honestly, all I'm looking for is, preferably, someone with a more violent, or evil-minded personality.

12-19-08, 06:03 PM
Partner found! Thx Atle! ^^

12-19-08, 06:27 PM
You're quite welcome, Ryu.

I only hope that Bob can find a partner of his own- if he ever returns.

12-20-08, 09:18 PM
Thank you Fitz and noodleguy, I corrected the mistaken link, and I've updated the list. Again, if you think you should or should not be on the list, do say so!

And to all the new people, if you're looking for a partner, look around here. Time is running out! You have until the 28th of December to submit your Team Registration and write your Trial!

12-20-08, 10:44 PM
While I originally thought of seeing if Zieg needed a teammate, I'm sure he probably has one already. So I figured I would post here while I had time.

Zerith (http://http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17848&highlight=Zerith) is a general fighter, and would work well with either another fighter or a spellcaster. However, I he probably wouldn't cooperate well with an evil character, unless he didn't have the choice. Of course, then he would probably only do it for his own personal reasons.

So hey, if you think the halberdier would make a good partner then feel free to add me. If you want a writing sample, let me know and I'll see if I can find one.

12-22-08, 07:24 AM
Nikolai Redmond is also looking for a partner,

He is an overal fighter with what may seem like Magical abilities. While not necisarily evil himself, he may be percieved as such because of his Arrogance and Haughty ways.

12-22-08, 04:07 PM
While I originally thought of seeing if Zieg needed a teammate, I'm sure he probably has one already. So I figured I would post here while I had time.

Zerith (http://http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17848&highlight=Zerith) is a general fighter, and would work well with either another fighter or a spellcaster. However, I he probably wouldn't cooperate well with an evil character, unless he didn't have the choice. Of course, then he would probably only do it for his own personal reasons.

So hey, if you think the halberdier would make a good partner then feel free to add me. If you want a writing sample, let me know and I'll see if I can find one.

Want to partner with me? Former hierarchs ftw.

I'll tell you right off the bat I might not be on my A game because I'm busy and rusty, but I'll try my best to stay active.

Slayer of the Rot
12-22-08, 04:35 PM
Well, I already PM'ed someone, but I'll put this up anyway.

Dan Lagh'ratham (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17937) is a well known sociopath who pretty much earned the nickname of The Red Beast by ending battles completely drenched with blood. I think he'd work best in the role of main offense, and he'd work well with another fighter that likes to make their opponents bite the curb, or a mage in support position. The only real drawback is that when Dan bites a nice meaty chunk out of someone he may or may not freak out and mutate into a gross red monster with double rows of teeth that just wants to eat and eat.

I'm in the same boat as Numbers Boy above me, but I managed to shake some of the rust off writing at other sites; otherwise I wouldn't have even tried coming to the ToC. I'll edit this in a bit with thread examples.

EDIT: Never mind, I believe that I got me a partner.

A murder partner. For murdering.

Kylin Rouge
12-22-08, 06:19 PM
Yeah, I'm with stupid up there.

12-22-08, 06:23 PM
Syaoran Li (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17695)

My partner may be dropping out right before the big deadline...I may require a partner very soon. My character is an elementalist...well, look at the profile. I made my character to be mostly a support caster for a brute. Note that my partner may not drop out.

Edward Judorne
12-22-08, 06:48 PM
Edward Judorne (www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17955)

I would prefer someone with writing skill just a bit above mine to be my partner, but at this point, I'm not picky. I'm going to have to search before I find some work I'm truly proud of, but as soon as I do, I'll post it here.

In the meantime, anyone need a partner still?

Lord Synical
12-22-08, 06:51 PM
In the spirit of healthy competition...
If anyone here still needs a partner, any partner...
PM me your character sheet, a means of contacting you (I have MSN and AIM) and what exactly you're searching for in a partner.
I'm pretty much set with my team, so I'll help you guys get yours going.
How's that sound?

Edward Judorne
12-23-08, 08:42 AM
Well, I think I have a partner now. I got a PM today, sent a PM back, just need to make sure there wasn't too much time between those two PMs. You never know, people are impatient these days. If you don't reply right away, you could be screwed.

Edward Judorne
12-23-08, 12:22 PM
Ok, I went through all the teams trying to get registered as well as all the posts in this thread and came up with this list of people still in need of partners. Hope it helps out those still searching.


This list may not be entirely accurate. (For instance, I still don't know if 016573 and Zerith are going to partner or not. looks like they will, but until it is made official, they will be on the list)

Anyway, it is there for those who need it.

12-23-08, 12:35 PM
Miehm, interested in me?

12-23-08, 12:39 PM
Me and Zerith partnered up.

Edward Judorne
12-23-08, 12:44 PM
Ok. Thanks for the info. I'll edit it ASAP

12-24-08, 07:56 AM
Now, I may be getting a little jumpy here, but I thought I'd ask for safety's sake (Ryu hasn't been on in three days and it's drawing pretty close to round one): are we allowed to sever ourselves from our current team and find a new partner?

Thanks. And sorry if you read this, Ryu- but I'd expect you'd do the same thing. Caution and all.

12-24-08, 09:29 AM
There's a list in the first post, Edward, but thanks for doing that!

And Synical, thank you for taking the initiative. Hopefully we'll get a lot of the people who haven't answered yet or made teams yet to wake up.

And yes, Atle, you are. It's safest to at least have a backup, though it's also good not to get anyone's hopes up and then ditching them if Ryu does return. It's best if you make a choice of one or the other before you seek out a new teammate.

Also, if we take into account the Fact that Fighter hasn't been on since the 17th, we have 4 people known to have no teammate. That's two teams, right there, so if all four of you are reading this, I advise you to contact each of the other three and work something out.

Well, actually, 5 as Grammar Police also does not seem to have a teammate, so if either Fighter or Ryu return, that makes 3 teams.

12-24-08, 09:41 AM
Thank you, miss Ataraxis. I'm going to give him two more days, since I'm already feeling guilty about asking the question at all- but I'm far too interested in seeing the ToC through to miss out on it.

12-26-08, 07:19 PM
Hey, i'm still available. my profile is in my sigy

12-27-08, 03:21 PM
Tournament of Champions character: Axel Demetra


*Home forum: Writers' Haven

*Favorite genre: Mystery/Horror/Action/Sci-Fi

12-27-08, 03:54 PM
You've been added to the list on the first page!

Though, do you think you'd want to team up with Gordie's Nikolai Redmond (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17695)? Considering he logged on today, I think you have fair odds of catching him quickly.

12-29-08, 08:53 AM
Found a partner, Please take me off the list

12-30-08, 11:31 AM

I've had a bad rash of Partners going MIA on me, this latest one hasn't posted in about a week and a half.

She might still pull through, but I've decided it's about time I go looking for a new partner. Anyone still looking?

12-30-08, 09:45 PM

I've had a bad rash of Partners going MIA on me, this latest one hasn't posted in about a week and a half.

She might still pull through, but I've decided it's about time I go looking for a new partner. Anyone still looking?

I'll take you up on that brudda, I till need a partner my dang self. Here is my character Red (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17922) I realize we don't have much time, so we might want to get on this a soon a possible, If you won't take me up on the offer, then good luck buddy!

Getsuaka Kato
12-30-08, 09:52 PM
Character: Getsuaka Kato


Original Forum: Well, I guess here. I originated on IRC... So forums is a new thing for me. But don't worry, with Kato as a partner, victory is almost always guaranteed.

12-30-08, 10:22 PM
At this point I don't have enough time to register, so I'll just pass on the tournnament.

12-30-08, 11:13 PM
In the spirit of allowing as many people the chance as we can, we are widening the window to New Year's Day. The tournament itself won't be delayed, though.