View Full Version : Hamar so`Bergliin, Warrior and Runescriber

12-11-08, 10:36 AM
Name: Hamar so`Bergliin
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Height: 5’ 7”
Weight: 140lbs
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Brown
Occupation: Runeworker and crystal artisan

Personality: Hamar is a quiet and attentive man. He speaks only when he must being as sparing with his words as he would be with fresh water or dried food. Hamar works carefully and gently and treats friendship in the same manner. He often seems troubled as though the weight of the worlds rests on his shoulders.

Appearance: Hamar looks frail compared to many of his fellows. He never quite grew into his frame with what muscles he has hidden by thick polar bear pelts. His black hair is swept back in a small braid to keep it out of his eyes when he is working. His beard is also deep black but many white hairs stand out and overall it is rather thin. Hamar is rather sensitive about this and ties his beard into two braids that frame his chin to hide how little hair there is. He wears a simple snow owl feather on the left side of his hair and he wears it low. A heavy war hammer is slung over his back. Hamar glitters as he walks as the light reflects off the many crystal amulets and rings that he wears.


Haldor: Haldor is a one handed war hammer with a solid oak haft. The head is carved of Trothgardian crystal in the shape of the revered Hiffogryph. Its’ squared off beak forms the bashing head while its wings are drawn back to form an armor piercing spike. Both the head and shaft are inscribed with runes to give them the strength of the frosty mountains. (Strength of Redwood and Delyn, I think.)

Crystal Stylus: A thin wand of oak topped by a Trothgardian crystal. This simple implement allows Hamar to write glowing runes in the air.

Armour: Hamar wears a suit of leather armor taken from the hide of a wily ice bear. This bone white armor is rune scribed to protect its wearer from cold of the arctic winter.

His boots were crafted from the hides of mountain goats and enchanted to make him as surefooted.

A wide band of seal leather held a round crystal to Hamar’s forehead. It was inscribed with his personal rune and bolstered his will against attacks on his mind.

Skills and Abilities:

Warrior Training: Though he prefers a life of crafting and study, Hamar did fight on the front lines at the Sack of Rimmerhold. He has above average skill with the war hammer and average skill with throwing hammers and hunting spears.

Runescriber: Given time and the proper materials, Hamar can enchant anything he can carve or write a rune on to. His specialty is carving the magical crystal of his homeland. He is an expert rune scriber and a master carver of crystal and stone. He is also an average blacksmith and tanner.

Runecasting: By studying the runes drawn forth from a pouch at his belt, Hamar can try to divine the future. He is only an average augur for he consults the runes only when he must.

Arctic Survival: Hamar is adept at wringing shelter and sustenance from the windswept ice of his home. He is an expert at survival in an artic environment.

Sight of the Hippogryph: A lifetime of carving and splitting Trothgardian crystal has given Hamar an innate sense for the strength and weakness of the world around him. Given a post to concentrate, Hamar can sense any structural flaw or weak spots in material objects and magical barriers.

Battle runes: Though most runes must be carved into stone or sewn into cloth to function, Hamar has learned runes that can be scribed upon the air itself with his stylus to release magick into the world.

Strength of the Mother Bear: This rune enhances Hamar’s strength to four times normal for a few minutes. If coming to aid of one he is pledged to protect, the strength increases to 8 times normal for one strike and the magick immediately ends.

Wrath of the Blizzard: This rune conjures forth a withering blast of cold upon his opponent. The ground around the opponent becomes sheathed in ice for a short time making footing treacherous.

Shield of the Glacier: The rune conjures forth a thick shield of ice that moves at Hamar’s command to deflect incoming attacks. Alas it can only take a few shots before shattering and only one shot of a fire attack.

Warmth of the Healing Sun: This soothing rune dulls the pain of wounds and heals a moderate amount of damage to one touched with the stylus.

History: His father knew Hamar's destiny at birth. He was destined to follow in his father's footsteps and become a blacksmith even more famous than his father. He even named him after the tool of his craft and the symbol of his clan, Hamar. As soon as Hamar could walk his father took him into the forge and tried to teach him the arts of smithing and Hamar was proud to help his father by pumping the bellows or fetching water. However as Hamar grew up to be short and thin of frame despite the back breaking labor he grew up with, even his father had to admit that a life at the forge was not for his son.

This was not to say that the time was wasted or that Hamar was poorly named. For the keen eye and steady patience that Hamar learned at his father's side served him well with another kind of hammer, that of the crystal artisans. Hamar was apprenticed to one in the Jofrio clan and there he happily learned the craft of cutting and shaping the gift of their Ice Queen. He wanted nothing more from life than to make beautiful things and maybe attract a powerful woman that would consent to take him as a husband.

Destiny had other plans. One of the wise women suggested that he might have the gift for magick and should present himself to the priestesses for training in the arts of runes or at least the skills allowed to the men. He was asked to gaze at a complex rune and tell them what he saw. After many minutes, Hamar saw a path through the rune that ended in a wall and the priestesses drew back in shock and fear. Only once in a generation does one see the Ruud and the Vaal. Before he knew it, Hamar was on a sled heading deep into the frozen lands with a wise woman and hunter for a guide, seeking the road to the wall and secret powers that only he could wield though it would drive him mad.

In those lands, Hamar found the man Skaali, the last man to walk the Ruud. It was said that the ice wyrms boiled away at his glance and Hamar could well believe it. He had a vision of a land where men were not second class citizens slaved to the whims of the women and the Ice Queen they worshipped. He served the elder gods trapped in the Vaal and it was time for them and the men to be freed.

So, Hamar turned his back on his people and joined Skaali. He fought at his side when they took the crystal mines and it was by Hamar’s hand that it was carved into talisman’s to protect against the Ice Queen’s magick. Hamar even led the charge into the Temple of the Ice Queen and brought down the wise women that sent him out into the wastes to die.

Yet he did not feel satisfied. The men Skaali had banded together were rough and coarse. They were perfect to bring down the Kona but men such as these were useless for building a new home and order. Hamar had his revenge on the old order but nothing new rose in its place. He retreated to the icy wastes to study and carve in solitude. When the portal appeared on the glacier one day, he was all too happy to leave his cave and answer the challenge of the world beyond.

12-11-08, 05:06 PM