View Full Version : Hi Guys

The Perfect Star
12-12-08, 10:25 AM
I just joined this site a few minutes ago. I'm a long time roleplayer and came here through randomly clicking while trying to find a new place to write. Luckily, I also had this character idea on the backburner and I'm thinking of unleashing him here for his maiden voyage. Still working the kinks out of what he would have that would make him awesome, but I'm sure that he'll come through... eventually!

12-12-08, 11:30 AM
Grittings and welcome to Althanas!

Accept no foodstuffs from any of the other forum members, for they might be poisoned.

12-12-08, 01:47 PM
Welcome to Althanas, TPS! Hope you'll enjoy your time here with everyone, and I look forward to reading your works (including your profile in the making)!

Also, if by chance you ever come across our forum rumpus room, feel free to stock up on radioactive chips! They're epically pernicious!

12-12-08, 02:26 PM
And be sure to swing by the Althanas Invitational forum and check out what it's all about.

12-13-08, 12:09 AM
Welcome to our private little corner of the galaxy. If there's any advice I can give starting out, it's....HAVE FUN DOOD!!

12-13-08, 02:50 AM
Ahh... And time for my usual greetings...



*Gnaws on your leg*

Welcome to Althanas! We're dedicated to improving your writing and letting you explore the unknown worlds of literary adventure! If you have any questions, throw us Moderators a PM and we will answer your inquiries as quickly as we can. You've also come at a great time to witness the showdown in the Tournament of Champions! Watch the madness as it unfolds while learning the Way of the Words.

For general RPing in Althanas Proper, visit the individual regions and check out each of the different cultures. If you're just starting out and unsure of where to go, Scara Brae seems like an appropriate place to get your bearings. Or you can drop by in the Peaceful Promenade for a quick IC introduction with fellow RPers.

If you need to buy gears, trinkets or that next piece of hardware for your Uber Tank Suit (patent pending), visit the Bazaar. Each region has different perks and specialties, therefore if you roleplay your character entering a shop in a specific region you will be given special discounts and/or considerations for your purchases. There are also rumors of an underground trade business, but so far it has only been more or less "just rumors."

Oh, yes. There's also a straightjacket being sent to you in the mail. It should arrive at your doorsteps within the week.