View Full Version : Strange girl in a strange place

12-12-08, 12:11 PM
Open to one and all.

Why couldn't he just leave me alone?

Was there something wrong with me hanging up my weapons and living out the rest of my life in the solitude of the public eye? Couldn't he leave me alone in the library in which I worked at?

That son of a bitch chef. Nerr, there's this inter-dimensional tournament going on, and I think you should enter it because I'm a wuss and don't want to fight people who might be stronger than me. That's what Christopher Knighton said to me--or what I got from it, anyways.

I knew I should've killed him after our little Citadel scuffle when I had the chance. Jackass always has to pop up when it least suits me.

I was able to take leave of the Radasanth Public Library without much of a problem. Knives in their sheathes and wire around my upper arms, I made the trek to a little place called the Garden of Secrets. From what I was told, it's the place where this tournament's other combatants will be showing up. Figured that I'd hang out there for a little while and scope out the competition.

In all honesty, though, I was a little bit frightened. Inter-dimensional could mean that my first match could be up against some sort of mechanized abomination with energy beams coming out of its eyes or something like that. What was I going to do then? Break my knives over its hull?

The garden itself wasn't much of a sight to behold, in my opinion. It resembled your average castle garden. Well-trimmed, waist high hedges made a maze of geometric patterns. Marble benches were placed at sparse intervals. Every so often along the path were stone arches, riddled with ancient-looking runes that shimmered with blue magical energy. These must be where the entrants will be showing up from.

I shielded my eyes with my hands and looked up. Hey, at least it was a nice day out. A few fairweather clouds were scattered here and there, and an oppressing sun hung overhead. I made my way over to one of the benches that sat near a portal and took a seat. My feet were aching in my boots from the long walk. Satchel on my lap, I reached in and grabbed a cold turkey sandwich and a copy of I. Ranz' "Am’aleh Shrugged". I took a bite of the sandwich and opened the book to the page I left off on, keeping a casual eye on the garden for anyone else who might be wandering about.

12-17-08, 03:00 PM
so... is this supposed to be in first or third person? I've never been to a RP forum that allowed first! XD

World traveling.

It had always been one of my dreams to travel from world to world. To fight monsters, save princesses, to be a hero! well... I never actually THOUGHT it would happen! It had started about six months ago when I came home from school. I was suprised to see grandpa sitting there, solomly looking at my dad's sword.

"Eight years..." he had said. "That's how long that fool's been gone for..." A sigh escaped his lips as he picked it up and turned to me, his eyes shining. Yeah... it was my birthday... I was fourteen years old! Finally, I was going to start learning why dad had been gone so often on business trips... and why they lasted so long! However, before he said anything...

Monsters. There was nothing else I could call it at the time. They had killed my grandfather, they probably killed my mother and sister, and they would have killed me! To be truthful, I don't know how I survived... but after taking up the Katana from my grandfather's hands, I had been swollowed by the Shadows... And ended up... well, that's another story! Now days, I was content traveling from world to world, seeing everything I could! Meeting princesses, beating the bad guys... And now, all my world traveling has paid off, and here I am, one of the contestants for a Tournament!

I walked on the stone path that clanked rather loudly under my armored boots. The grass looked combed and cared for and the fountain spraying water lightly from its angle shaped top looked like it had just been installed.

Ryu, I don't think we came here to admire the finer points of this world's art... the deep, serpintine voice of Kedjat grumbled in my head.

"Come on Kedjat! Lighten up! I think you've been sealed in that sword for a little too long!" Ryu laughed, knowing that Kedjat dispised the condition he was in. it was a little payback for all the embarassment the dragon had put him through for the past couple weeks.

And you need to darken up Ryu. You've been a little too carefree about this. You do remember WHY we're here... right? The dragon responded harshly. I sighed as the constant nagging from Kedjat replayed in my mind.

"Yes, yes... training... you've been pestering me about that since I met you! Can't we just put it off for a bit longer? I've got the first four elements down! How hard could the others be?" I asked, smiling.

You don't even want to know... Kedjat thought to himself, imagining the struggle Ryu was going to be put through to get to where he needed to be.

Something suddenly tugged on me. At first, I didn't understand what picked my guard up, then I realized I had heard footsteps on a stone path other than my own. I looked to my right to find a woman walking through the garden. Her black hair trailed behind her as she gracefully walked. She must have been in her fourties or something like that... she looks really old... I thought to myself. However, being fourteen, I thought EVERYONE was old! I tensed as the old crow took a bite from the sandwhich she was holding. This was DEFINATLY not the type of person he was expecting to run in to... almost the opposite of a princess... if anything, she looked like she was about to sqwak at him for not having returned a library book on time (a feat I had never been very good at). She looked up at the sky as though she was looking for something. Ryu walked slowly, as to not draw attention to himelf, moving behind the water fountain.

Well? What are you doing? Kedjat asked me. It's not like she's gonna bite you!

"W-what?" I stammered for a moment, knowing what he said but not having a good explaination for what I was doing. "Oh, I know... It's just that... she reminds me of this person I knew... a librarian actually... She was EVIL!!!" I whispered, still trying to keep a low profile.

You know, you don't have to whisper! With armor like yours, she could see you from a mile away! Kedjat laughed, the sword he was contained in hummed at its own joke, rattling in its sheath. I breathed a sigh as I knew Kedjat was right.

"I can't help what it does!" I complained quietly at the laughing sword. "Besides, it's day out! Perhaps she won't notice a boy in white, shining armor!"

Yeah... right...