View Full Version : Sorceress of the Seraphim

Wings of Endymion
12-12-08, 11:17 PM
Name: Yuka "Elerrina" Kanamai
Age: 23
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black-Brown
Height: 162cm (5'4")
Weight: 50kg (110lb)

Occupation: Sorceress, Healer, Ranger

Personality: Yuka's personality can be summed up in one word - bright. Never without a smile, her ability to keep on doing so even under extreme pressure is her most endearing quality. A sympathetic listener and enthusiastic speaker, her friendly manner and charm mask a keen intellect and innocent honesty. A playful streak helps her to be loved by young children everywhere. Diligent and hard-working, kind and always willing to lend a helping hand, at times it seems as if she tries almost too hard to be liked.

If caught in a conflict, she often hesitates to give her opinion, fearing hurting or alienating someone. She has a slightly loose tongue, known to unwittingly let slip caustic comments at times, and also has a tendency to hide her true feelings and emotions behind a dam in her mind. Behind her lively facade, she conceals secrets and pain far deeper than anybody could suspect.

Appearance: Dark shoulder-length locks frame lustrous pale skin, her eyes like lively obsidian jewels beneath firmly-sculpted brow. Yuka is pretty in a plain fashion, unlined forehead a tad too wide sloping into a snub nose, delicate cheekbones forming in a subtly rounded chin. She is not a beauty in appearance alone, but somewhere in the sculpt of her face lies an exquisite sense of attractiveness and peace. Her build is slender and athletic, not at all glamorous - a fact that she sometimes feels extremely self-conscious about.

Yuka favours simple clothing - usually white tunic and blue leggings, with a simple denim jerkin to keep herself warm if necessary, worn under a large hooded cloak of the sort favoured by travellers for its versatility. At first glance, she is little different from the multitude of other travellers journeying the land, staff in hand and haversack slung over her shoulders. The only things that may set her apart at a closer look are her distinctly Oriental features and the similarly outlandish shortsword worn in the ornate saya at her waist, beneath the folds of her cloak.


Sorceress: Yuka showed a natural aptitude for magic from an early age, able to manipulate winds and mana leylines in ways that her contemporaries simply could not match. Her power swelled as she matured from girl to woman, and it was testament to her levelheaded willpower that she never once lost control over it. However, at the same time, she has never been able to tap into its full potential, even by the modest standards of most Nipponese magi. At the moment, her skill with the arcane is below-average compared to a standard Althanasian wizard.

Unlike her friend Ingwe, whose magic consists of drawing upon power and then melding it to his own specifications, Yuka's powers are more primal in nature, lacking the conjugation aspect in favour of pure manipulation. Yuka has also mastered the basics of sigil magic; by tracing certain characters upon her palm, she is able to call upon various powers without drawing upon vast quantities of mana.

- Sylph's Bolt: Fundamental wind manipulation - forms a sustained and focused gust to hurl at a target. Yuka's as-yet low level means that the spell is not nearly destructive enough to lastingly damage even the lightest-armoured of foes.

- Lorelei's Bolt: Similar to Sylph's Bolt, only water- rather than wind-elemental.

- Sigil of Shielding: By tracing a sigil (守), forms an arcane barrier that can ward off attacks for a very short period of time (a few seconds or a few attacks at most).

Healer: While Yuka’s sorcerous magic is a natural talent, her healing abilities stem from years of long study and effort. At the moment, however, they consist of little more than basic first aid and medical knowledge, and can be classed as below-average. Her skills are also thoroughly unsuited for battlefield treatment, being cumbersome and time-consuming.

Ranger: Although not her speciality, Yuka is also trained in the arts of the ranger; given her natural athleticism and stamina as well as her upbringing, it is not surprising that she has quite the talent in this area. She has exceptional (above-average) physical agility and endurance, as well as some ability (below-average) with the bow, although her magical inclination means that she uses arrows made not of wood but of magic. Her skills in close-combat with any weapon, however, are extremely poor, and she much prefers to play to her strengths and stay out of melee.

- Sylph's Arrow: Weaves an arcane arrow from the winds of magic, which can then be launched from the staff-bow. Arrows thus created are naturally more accurate (do not suffer from wind resistance, etc.) but disappear upon impact and cause less overall damage than comparable normal arrows.

Wings of the Seraphim: Many Nippon mages are associated with a guardian spirit to match their personality and their talents. Not all are so lucky, and some will spend their entire lives fruitlessly searching for such an entity. Yuka has very recently - and largely through her friend Thomas's research on the matter - discovered her association with a winged astral spirit known as a Tensei (literally, celestial saint), resembling an angel with six wings. At the moment this ability is in stasis; it does not have any noticeable effect whatsoever.


Weapons: What looks on first glance like a simple walking stick that Yuka carries at all times is in fact an intricate combination of bow and staff. Since her arrows are formed of her magic, it needs no drawing string; at the same time, the delicately balanced wood helps to focus and channel her powers. Made of high-quality Nippon yew, supple but slightly fragile, it is not an ideal melee weapon but will serve in a pinch.

Her secondary weapon is a short kodachi worn in an ornate silk-lined saya at her waist; with a finely-crafted steel blade of approximately sixty centimetres (twenty-five inches) length, it is a good lightweight defensive sword, although Yuka has no skill with it beyond the ceremonial. Yuka wears no armour, as to do so would hamper her natural agility and her spell-casting.

Pendant Chain: A golden locket that Yuka wears on a light silver chain around her neck. The locket itself is in the shape of a pair of outstretched wings, while a small soothingly blue stone is set in the middle. The locket itself, said to be imbued with some small amount of magical essence (the claim remains as yet unfounded), is one of only two like it in the entire world. This is an item of some sentimental value to Yuka.


Officially, Yuka was born into a relatively affluent middle-class merchant family in the eastern islands of Nippon. Unofficially, however, her family was but a front for an underground assassin's organisation, and she was trained from a young age in the basics of their art. The signs were plentiful that from a very young age, Yuka Kanamai was destined for greatness; the elves called her Elerrina, "Crowned with Stars", for she was by far the brightest that year of the children that came for their blessing.

As she grew, she did little to prove her nickname wrong; despite her upbringing, she was intelligent and kind-hearted as well as athletic. Her parents and superiors, sensing a valuable opportunity in her talents both martial and magical, broke off her induction at a crucial stage and instead decided to mould her into a legitimate front for their organisation. It was no surprise when she progressed into the foremost academic institution in the land, the Toho Institute of Higher Learning, along with a close group of friends - amongst them 'Ingwe Helyanwe', Thomas Motokaji, and Yoshi Sanada. Her personal history, however, she kept a quiet secret, relying greatly upon her friends to maintain her fragile sense of self.

Her skill grew noticeably day by day, and there were very few within the student body who could match her prodigal talent. Through it all, however, she never let her abilities get to her head, and there were very few within the student body who could match the effort she poured into her studies either. Yet over time, the seeds of dissent were sown, and a silent rivalry developed between two of the few who could match her in both talent and effort - Thomas and Ingwe - that would eventually tear them all apart in one fateful night.

Why she followed Thomas to Haidia, or whether she even did so of her own free will, remains shrouded in mystery. All that is known is that she is alive and well, and that her powers still grow boundlessly, nurtured by the skyless fires and fathomless tomes of the underworld.

12-13-08, 12:03 AM
I understand your view and what you are arguing, however, for a level 0 it is still way too many skills. I understand they aren't all for the use of fighting, but in reality almost all of them could be. That being said, please cut half of them out, since you're at 12 skills/abilities right now.

Wings of Endymion
12-13-08, 12:18 AM
Aw, shucks ^^.

Hopefully... done!

12-13-08, 12:48 AM
You still have 9 skills listed, including one "above average" skill for endurance and agility. If you could edit that down by 3 skills/abilities that would be fine.

Wings of Endymion
12-13-08, 03:04 PM
Urk. Serves me right for trying to do things at five in the morning.

As she is now, Yuka has the following abilities:

Below-average spellcasting.
Below-average healing.
Above-average agility / endurance.
Below-average archery.
Poor melee skills with both staff and sword.

Hope this works; apologies for the repeated nuisance... >< Any specific suggestions would be greatly appreciated; I'd prefer to keep the spread of skills without sacrificing her gifted athleticism if possible.

12-13-08, 03:23 PM
That's fine. I see you took out the healing, which in all reality is what I was going to suggest removing. Healing spells are a bit powerful for a starting character, unless that's all they have. Anyway, it looks fine now. Have fun and welcome to Althanas.
