View Full Version : Braden Larn

12-12-08, 11:33 PM
Name: Braden Larn
Age: 24
Race: Shade
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: His eyes are now a pale grey.
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 149lbs
Occupation: Wanderer

Personality: Braden has changed much since his days as a farmhand. Every day he struggles with the choices he has made and what he has become because of them. He is now a creature of shadow, and as such is looked on as evil. Braden tries to resist the label that both history and civilization has put upon his kind, working hard to show that he can be a hero. To both civilization, and himself.

Appearance: He still has a lithe frame, with well-toned muscles from years of working on his family's farm. His hair is now black and falls down onto his shoulders. His oddly colored eyes have turned into a pale grey. His skin is dusky and pale. He now wears black hardened leather armor, and Midnight can be seen strapped to his back.

As a shade, shadows leak from Braden's form, protectively surrounding him in a shroud of darkness. They react to his emotions, since they are a part of him. They flare when he is angry, gusting around him like a whirling tempest. With effort, Braden can cause the shadows to subside back into his body, giving him the appearence of just another handsome rogue.

History: Braden has gone through a lot since his days as a farmhand. He rescued his sister, Josie, from the Syndicate only to have her recaptured by shadebeasts and taken into the Realm of Shadow. With the help of a shade that he had met named Lassiter, a one-time ally of his deceased father, he learned to control his father's old blade, Midnight: a present from Lassiter, many years ago. He learned that the sword was made of a foreign metal named darksteel that originated in the Realm of Shadow and bore a primal conciousness that would help the wielder in battle. He also gave Braden a set of black hardened leather armor that held small enchantments to further protect the wearer.

They parted ways for a time as Lassiter traversed the Shadow Realm for information on his sister. And in this time, while Braden wandered across Corone, that he, himself, was attacked by a shadebeast. Brimming with hatred he fought the beast. The beast pounced on him and Braden killed it as it was atop him. It began bleeding and coughing all over him, causing the black blood it held to enter his wounds and begin to transform him.

After many hours he awoke during the night, feeling better than he ever had. He felt stronger, faster, and even though he was surrounded by the dark night, he could see as though it were day. His wounds were completely healed. He began walking again in the night, but he would suddenly appear out of nowhere in different places throughout Corone. He didn't know what to make of it.

But it wasn't until he encountered Lassiter again that he began to understand. Lassiter told him that he had become a shade. Able to bend the shadows to his whim, and travel leagues in an instant. Braden began to fear what he had become, but Lassiter told him that there was nothing to fear from being a shade and began teaching him how to use his abilities.

Not too long after, Braden decided to search for his sister himself in the Shadow Realm. Lassiter advised against it, but there was nothing he could do to sway Braden. Once in the Shadow Realm Braden searched for his sister, finally finding that she had become a shade, like him, but she had been transformed differently than he had. She was older now, looking nearly 19, and held tremendous power.

That was when Braden discovered that his sister had been possessed by the shade's demigod, Malsifer. Braden fought long and hard to free his sister, but in the end failed. He escaped the Shadow Realm with his life, but not much else. He discovered then that time passes by quicker in the Shadow Realm than in relation to Althanas. What felt like a few months was actually a few years. So he now looks older and stronger than he did mere months before.

Braden blames himself for not being able to save his sister and desperately seeks for a way to free her. All the while being hunted down by Malsifer's agents and shadebeasts.

Swordsmanship: Braden has become an exceptional swordsman since his time on the farm.

Silent, but Deadly: Braden, thanks to being a shade, has learned his way around shadows, being able to sneak past guards or people in general without a sound.

Shadesight: Braden can see in darkness as clearly as in day. He can even see through magical darkness.

Shadestrength: When in darkness, Braden has the strength of four men.

Shadowstep: Braden is able to call upon his connection with the shadows to transport himself instantaneously anywhere on Althanas. He can not travel to places he's never been or heard of. If given a name or description of the location, he can appear in close proximity. Ex., If given the name Underwood, (the small logging town in Corone's Concordia forest), he will appear just outside the town's perimeter. Can only use twice in a battle with a PC.

Magic Resistant Flesh: A shade's flesh is very good at resisting magic. But, because Braden has not yet reached maturity as a shade, his flesh only resists minor magics.

Shadow Healing: Shades are known for their shadow healing. With focus, Braden can make the shadows that swirl around him help heal wounds. Small cuts and bruises are healed in moments, broken bones and internal damage in minutes, and severe or life-threatening wounds in about twenty minutes. Using his shadows for this purpose can be extremely draining, so he must do so sparingly. But, due to the shade's attunement to shadows, bleeding stops almost immediately, but the pain will remain.

Invisibility: Braden is able to use the shadows around him to conceal his presence and turn invisible. He can only do this at night or in dark places and cannot attack a target while invisible.

Hardened Leather Armor: A full set of hardened leather armor, (chest, legs, arms, etc.), that has been imbued with further protective properties to help in Braden's defense.

Shadows: The shadows that surround Braden can deflect arrows or, if in a concentrated area, help further resist attacks from a steel blade. They will not stop the blade completely, but help slow it down. He can only keep this up for a few minutes, or he'll risk draining himself of energy.

Midnight: A darksteel blade that grows stronger along with the wielder, Midnight has the strength of a dehlar blade. Midnight was also imbued with the power to "eat" magic. If Braden puts Midnight in the magic's path, the spell will be absorbed into the blade and depending on how strong the magic is, can be redirected anywhere the wielder chooses. Minor magic can be stored for hours, a moderate spell can be stored for a few minutes, and strong magic needs to be released from the blade within a few moments of the absorbtion or the blade will explode. Braden can only do this once or twice a day, any more and he risks destroying the blade.

Four Steel Punch Daggers: Punch Daggers are daggers meant to be used with a fist. The user wraps his fingers around the hilt, much like bronze knuckles, and the blade sticks out above the grip. Example. (http://www.themartialist.com/images/safekeeperII02.jpg)

12-13-08, 12:27 AM
For the Shadowstep: Make sure that you don't use that in a battle, instant teleportation is easy to powergame..

For the Invisibility: Full invisibility needs to have a time limit. Or that you can't attack while invisible, or both. heh.

Shadows: You need to have a limit for that, having shadows stop missiles and slow attacks isn't fair.

That's about it.

12-13-08, 12:32 AM
Can I make it so I can only use Shadowstep once or twice in battle? The huge draw would be its effectiveness in a fight.

Other changes were made.

12-13-08, 12:49 AM
Alright, you can use shadowstep twice in a battle, since the limitation is that it is dark and there are shadows. Of course I assume that if you're in the shadows and use it that you have to come out in a different set of shadows, correct?

12-13-08, 12:53 AM
Correct, even if the shadow belongs to the person I'm fighting. XD

Changes made.

12-13-08, 01:05 AM
Alright then, you are approved. Good luck with the tournament!