View Full Version : Natu Utan

12-14-08, 02:20 PM
Name: Natu Utan
Age: 18
Race: Human
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5'4
Weight: 101 LBs

Clothing Generally a light tan shirt, a few tears along the sleeves. Long white, silk pants that extend to his feet. Dirt stains are usually seen along these pants. Mocosin style shoes are worn on his feet. Around his palms are bandages, covered by gray gloves that extend down his wrist. The finger tips of the gloves being open allowing his fingers to the air.

Natu is of a slim build, his body being smaller than most. Short, thin, with some muscle behind his arms. On his chest, there is a scar that lies diagonally along his pictorial. Usually, small patches of leftover ice can be seen around his body due to the unique frozen nature of his techniques. There usually is a shine in his eyes, showing his own confidence in himself and his judgment. His body temperature is lower than most. Being almost cold-blooded. Natu's breath being constantly cold, as well as his skin.

Exori: An extremely thin blade but very deadly and heavy except to the owner who bears it. This blade as the powers to control and manipulate water, snow, and Ice. Able to make it as well as enhance manipulation powers. Down the sides of the blade, Marks representing Snow, Water, and Ice shine. The blade resides in the cold dimension, the plain where everything is of absolute zero temperature. Upon the request of the wielder, it can pop into the known dimension, to be used.

Armor: See Skills/Abilities

Other Equipment: N/A

Swordsmanship: The sword is the only real weapon that Natu has ever used other than his abilities. His tactics with the sword being quite skilled. Almost to a mastery level.

Zero Control: The basis of all of his abilities. Natu is able to manipulate ice to his whim, allowing him to do virtually anything that he wants with it. As well as being able to pull water out of the air, the humidity. Using the water molecules in the air around him, he can make ice out of it. He can reshape the ice, make it larger, smaller, colder, warmer. Virtually, anything.

Zero Armour: Being a manipulator of ice, the user pulls in ice from the air around him, coating his own body in it. Having full body armor, made of ice. Natu can make the density and strength of the armor change to his wish. Ranging to be as strong as steel, iron, plate mail, to diamond. But, the harder he makes the ice around him, the slower he will get.

Zero Immunity: Due to his control over the ice and being with it so long, Natu has 50% immunity to any kind of cold or ice based damage.

Zero Split: Pushing the mind and physical body into two different places, the user can split his body into two sentient beings. Splitting his power as well to whatever percent he wants among them. One can be 90% the other 10% and so on. The two beings have all of the same attacks of the user but are significantly weaker. For the two to come back into one, they must be touching in some way.

Zero Wall - Channeling ice into or on any object, usually the ground, the user can bend the ice to where ever it needs to be, building pressure in it. Releasing the pressure the ice erupts from where ever it is, forming a wall of ice where it was. The user is able to change the shape and size of the ice and move it around quite easily without damaging the terrain that it is on. The wall of ice is roughly as strong and as dense as Dehlar.

Zero Shatter: The user forms a ball of ice within his hands. Ice pulsing through the ball, condensing together. When the user is satisfied with the sphere, he throws it. The sphere exploding on contact with anything it touches, exploding with the force of a large frag grenade covering a radius of 5 yards (10 yard diameter), while the ice blows out of the ball, like shrapnel, able to easily piece leather and clothing. As well as thin steel and other metals.

Zero Defense: The user spins around in a circle, emitting a soft mist and fragments of ice off of his palms and legs as they float about the user. The rapid spinning along with the ice and water pushes through the material or energy of an attack coming at him, literally 'eating' away at it as it comes. Essentially, making the oncoming attack useless. Only works on magical attacks and projectiles.

History: Natu grew up in a small village known as Moonshint. The village was peaceful and quiet. The village being out in the woods, far off away from other towns and society. The town grew their own food, gathered their own supplies. No help from outside villages. The town received few visitors, and the ones who came, often stayed in the quiet little town. Everyone was happy there, due to the great weather, the little traffic, and virtually no crime.

Natu grew up in a decent household. He had all he needed, all he wanted. He never wanted much, always preferring to live as simple as he could. You see, Natu didn't like being a burden. He was always self sufficient, always doing what he could on his own as to not disturb anyone else. Preferring himself to go out and get his own materials, as soon as he was of age. Natu was smart as well, constantly out smarting the rest of the village. Soon enough, he grew tired of the little town. Not that he didn't like Moonshint, he loved it. It was just that he grew tired of the same people, the same routine. He longed for something different, something new.

He ran away.

12-14-08, 08:05 PM
Your blade is made of jewels? Diamond edged sword is going to be sharp, but the sapphire and emeralds are going to be shattered if they get hit by another weapon at anything faster than a normal swing. Also, since it manipulates the same thing as the manipulation you have listed later, I'm not sure what else it does.

Sword skill needs to be some actual skill: above average, skilled, advanced, ect.

Zero Control: I need to know what you can do with ice and stuff, like reform it and move it and stuff I assume. But, can you create it? Or do you have to have water already around?

The armor needs to be something... different. If you want to make armor out of ice that is -50 F sure, but the way you have it set up makes it seem that a sword that hit would be frozen instantly. Meaning broken if it's used again.

I'll allow you to have a 50% immunity to cold damage at this level.

Zero Destruction: A spinning ball of ice that hits and coats the target is fine, but I can't let it tear through whatever is coated in said ice. If it hits an arm it'd tear the arm off immediately... too powerful.

Zero Split: You can only create one clone. If you create one that has 10% of your original power, a single strong blow could technically destroy it at will.

Please remove the Absolute Zero spell.

Zero Wall: Needs to have a relative strength compared to metal and density.

Zero Shatter: You can have the explosive tendancy of the ball of ice, with the shards, but the explosion can be no greater than a 5 yard radius and it can't freeze whatever objects it pierces.

Zero Defense: Needs limits on what it can block and can't block. I think that it's fair to say that it should be able to stop certain types of attacks, magical attacks aimed at the character, and projectiles. But blades and other melee weapons, as well as spells that are based on fire (since this is ice) shouldn't be able to get blocked.

I must say, these abilities are very strong for a level 5, so I'm trying to help out and make this all work. However, I'm going to have to ask that you chose to remove one more skill other than the teleport skill, since the skills listed are very strong.

12-14-08, 08:46 PM
I made the necessary changes you wanted. I completely removed the Zero Destruction ability.

I made a different change to the armor, gave it a drawback. The armor I had originally was the man basis of Natu's entire fighting style. Without the armor, he's pretty much dead.

I'm used to having a bunch of abilities and variety to choose from. It may take me a fight or two to get used to the new limitations.

This character is pretty much the same character I've used for everything for years. I've never heard of this site until I got the email from GT League, so I had no idea what a level 5 could and couldn't do. I was hoping you would tell me what to make weaker and such. ^ ^ Thank you.

12-14-08, 09:31 PM
For the Armor: Diamond is too strong

Zero Shatter can punch through leather and clothing, as well as thin steel plates and weaker metals, if you'd like.

Zero Wall can be as strong as Dehlar as well, which is denser and stronger than steel or iron.

Hopefully that helps out. trying to get you some more power without sacrificing everything, also making it relatively fair compared to other players who are coming in at level 5.

12-16-08, 02:38 PM
I made the changes to Zero Wall and Shatter.

With the armor, what I was going with when it was as strong as diamond, Natu would be incapable of any kind of movement. Being frozen in place due to the density of it. But I can change it to make it weaker if needs be.

Other than that, anything else?

12-16-08, 07:29 PM
That's it! Thanks for your cooperation. Welcome to the tournament, keep your hands and feet inside at all times (there are those that lurk althanas that would eat them) and have fun!
