View Full Version : Urba

12-16-08, 02:31 AM
Name: Urba

Age: 654 years old

Sex: Male

Height: Same size as a elephant (i dont know how many feet that is)

Weight: weights about twice as much as a elephant.

Hair Colour: none

Eye Colour: Fiery red and yellow

Occupation: He kills stuff

Race: Demon

Appearance: Red fiery eyes, Huge strong teeth as hard as iron backed up by powerfull jaws that could break a bear in two. Urba is a Red fiery demon the same size as a elephant, His red skin is as strong as leather while covered in molten rock and ash at small parts of his body, like his belly, half his legs and half his arms (see picture for more detailed description about that matter). the skin is strong enough to survive weak arrows and sword slashes without suffering any big wounds perhaps some minor cuts. His mouth emits the very fires of hell itself as his body consists of this element inside of him.
picture: http://www.sumo.fi/files/images/aiciezqateloleig.png

Personality: Urba is a evil/neutral being, it is often asked upon if he's evil or not but the question is often never answered with anything but death. His childish way of talking resembles in a lack of brain but he does have the inteligence when it comes to fighting.

History: Urba is a Demon that was born during the great wars of Gehelots and Grombags in the realm of Zahandihr. His birth was caused by a great fire that burned down whole Husm city, killing over 2000 citizens. During the first years of his excistense he fought many Gehelots and Grombags, learning much in the ways of fighting from this he often slayed most of them who challenged him to a fight. One day, when he was hunting bears he met a great wizard that was looking for him. Before Urba had a chance to react the wizard threw a spell on him, sealing him inside a round iron ball. The ball sent him into a new dimension, filled with demons and familiars from many different dimensions. Urba found many secrets here, including his weapon that he could turn up the heat on until it catched on fire without it melting. Occasionally, Urba would be thrown trough small rifts in the dimension throwing him into a new realm inside a iron ball wich is about the size of a man.

Weapon: A giant steel club on

Armor: His skin, covered by molten rock and ash in some places. picture: http://www.sumo.fi/files/images/aiciezqateloleig.png

Special Abilities/Powers:
- Urba is a strong being and his strength is about 3 times stronger than a normal person but this on the downside causes him to be five times slower as a normal person because of his enourmos size. (average)
- He specializes in club fighting with various club like items, he commonly uses a giant steel club (average)
- He can superheat his body, since his inside consists of fire. Using this he could heat things up by touching them with his hands and such. At his current mastering of this teqnique he can only heat himself up to the heat of a small camp fire. (below average)
- If he opens his mouth and breathes while focusing on releasing his inner fire he could in fact breathe fire for a short distance, about 30 feet. (average)

(( change the things that doesnt add up on this one ^^ ))

12-16-08, 12:27 PM
Hey there and welcome to Althanas. Just a few things to fix and then we'll be done and you can have at... whatever it is a demon that big does... terrorize the villages and eat bears (apparently).

Anyway, lets get to work. The weapon you have I'm going to assume is big enough to look like a normal weapon compared to the demon, so be careful not to drop that on someone's head and stuff... smashing innocent PC's without their consent doesn't bode well. Lol.

Your armor, I'm not sure if you're hell bent (bad pun) on having the molten rock. But I'm somewhat reluctant to allow your entire body to be covered by molten rock. How about if your skin is as strong as leather and you have the really hot rock as like... a breast plate and shoulder pads?

As for your jaws and teeth, make 'em as hard as iron and that should be cool.

And finally for the strength, since you are really big, and that's about your only real skill, make your strength 3 times stronger than a normal person (just for clarity's sake) but your speed is slower than a normal person by .5 times. (You can add the speed thing into the skill just after the jaws and teeth).

12-16-08, 01:19 PM
i did some more editing than what you specified so look over it again to see if it works out xD

12-16-08, 07:35 PM
Hahaha, looks fine. Good luck with the playing and be careful not to powergame!

Other than that, have at the innocent and the weak with your clubs and teeth, and bears (nasty creatures).
