View Full Version : Whatchya' Playing: The Umpteen Billionth Subscriber Edition

12-17-08, 09:25 PM
Blah, blah, blah, video games, blah blah blah.

What violence-in-young-person-inducing, epic questing, high polygon count bits of escapist media are you currently hacking away at?

What vidjagames are your favorites of all time?

Who's better, Kefka or Sephiroth? (The correct answer is Kefka, just so you know. Sephirot killed a flower girl from behind like a coward. Kefka became a god and destroyed the world.)

I'm currently on my first run through Final Fantasy 9 (shame on me for taking this long!), and I'm nearly done with both Final Fantasy 4 (the SNES version) and Dragon Quest 4 (on the DS). Personas 3 and 4 are lined up next to my PS2, and I've got about four or five DS games I still have to clear through. I managed to score the SNES version of Final Fantasy 6 and the original NES cart for Dragon Quest 3 earlier today, so you can add those to the list too.

Good thing I'm on winter break from school.

My favorite game of all time is The Guardian Legend on the NES, hands down.

12-17-08, 09:34 PM
Sephiroth is much more badass... And Aeris should have dodged... I mean, he took long enough to fall, and all she did was sit there and look at Cloud like a love-struck teenager.

Besides that, the Persona Series, Final Fantasy (of course), anything by Atlus, Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Silent Hill (not Homecoming, it sucked), Oblivion, Fable 2... And I'll post more as I think of them

EDIT: Major edit, Kefka looks and acts like a clown, and that laugh is just simply annoying.

12-18-08, 01:06 AM
Currently just finished Half Life 2 (I know, I know... I'm way behind on that front. But witnessing awesome is better late than never), and I just started HL2 episode one. Still playin Call of Duty 4 in multiplayer.

Favorites of all time? Hmm... that's a tough-y. FEAR definitely ranks up there. But only the original. Not the thinly veiled attempts by Sierra to extract as much money as possible out of a lucrative franchise by recycling old bits tacked to a terrible story and calling it a "stand-alone expansion pack" (which is an oxymoron) in order to take advantage of a loophole in their "don't make more games without the original developers" contract.

Call of Duty 4 is probably one of my favorites of all time. I'm still playing it. It's just amazing all around. Awesome.

I was addicted to Final Fantasy XI for a large chunk of my life. Like a year and a half. Still only got to level 60. <.<;;

I also really enjoyed Final Fantasy X. So that's on the list.

Myst series is awesome.

OOH how could I forget Portal? Definitely high up on the list.

That's all I can think of at the moment.

12-18-08, 01:18 AM
Currently playing Fallout 3, although I tapered off it. That, however, will be changed again when some good mods start getting cranked out.

Some of my many personal favorites are... Beyond Good & Evil, Katamari Damacy, Skies of Arcadia, Mystical Ninja (if anyone remembers THAT little gem), and Banjoo Kazooie. God, I miss my childhood. And my 64. I could list a hundred "favorites," and not even be close. But now I don't game much, so I've missed out on probably 99% of all the good games that came out in the past four years.

12-18-08, 08:49 AM
Goemon FTW, Mathias.

12-18-08, 08:53 AM
Well, since our PS2 died and we are too poor to buy a next gen console I am hankering for classic Res Evil (GC remake). I never got the chance to complete FFXII because we were doing the Hunts. >_> So many games I miss... Baldurs Gate, Tenchu, Silent Hill, God of War, Metal Gear Solid, all my RPG's! :(

So yeah, I wish I had all my Zelda's too. Being poor sucks. But hey, maybe Santa will bring me a PS3 and my much loved titles! :D

EDIT! Oh! Oh! OH!!!!!!!! Anyone here a fan of LEGACY OF KAIN?!!!!!

12-18-08, 10:07 AM
I've been Heroes of Might and Magic III lately. At first I thought my yearning for it was just nostalgia but it turns out that I really do like it better than the newer versions.

12-18-08, 10:13 AM
Totally posted in the wrong topic!!!

Anyways, um, any Warcrack addicts here?

12-18-08, 01:46 PM
I'm a big fan of Suikoden. one and two were both great. I was a fan of three, and we just won't talk about four or five :(

Otherwise the classics from Black Isle and Bioware shall always be close to my heart. For this reason I am looking forward to Dragon Age: Origins (please god let them finish it before they ship it.)

I suppose shooters and turn based strategy games would fill up any gaps in my time. along with countless games I am neglecting to mention at the moment.

Erirag the Poet
12-20-08, 12:33 PM
I don't keep favorites, but am currently playing Persona 4, Valkyria Chronicles, Little Big Planet and Animal Crossing: City Folk

Lord Saladin
12-20-08, 12:43 PM
At the moment, I am playing through FFXII... Rather slowly as I only give a half evening or two to gaming nowadays. But, I find that, now adjusted to the game, it is very good. At first, I was a little put off by the combat system - apparently, according to reviews and what not, it is more MMORPG in its styling, but I wouldn't know.

I love any Final Fantasy game, truth be told... Perhaps my favourite is FFVIII as that was my first FF game of all time, and it just blew me away when I played it.

I also love the MGS games, though have yet to play 4 as I am a cheapskate and won't buy a PS3 until the price drops a bit. And, thus far, for myself, MGS4 is the only game worth playing on PS3 - I outright refuse to spend about £400 on a console just to play one game!

12-20-08, 01:59 PM
At the moment (no, really, as we speak), I'm playing Gears of War 2, playing Horde by myself. Quite hard. I already finished the campaign on Hardcore, so I figure this shouldn't be too hard.

If only.

I'm quite fond of shooters and/or fighting games, though the occasional survival horror or RPG is fun too, 'specially the Zelda games and Final Fantasy.

Anyway, back to the Horde. Can't stop the Train, baby.

The Whistle
12-20-08, 02:38 PM
Halo 3 is hands down my favorite game.

I'd have to say other than the Halo series, the Elder Scrolls is my favorite. The environments are just so big: there are so many tiny details to explore that it's virtually impossible to get bored, if you don't want to. I still play Morrowind. Oblivion is great, too, but it feels smaller than TESIII. I read somewhere that TESV is coming out in 2010, but I'm not sure if it wasn't a very reputable source and I'm not sure if it's true.

12-20-08, 11:54 PM
Current Game: Finished Rise of the Argonauts last night. Fallout 3, Half-Life 2, Portal, Dynasty Warriors 6, Call of Duty 4, Rock Band.

Favorites of All Time? Legend of Dragoon, Otogi: Myth of Demons, Star Wars: KOTOR, Final Fantasy Series, Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone, Warcraft series (WoW included), Diablo, .hack series, Metal Gear Solid series, Dynasty Warriors series, can't think of any more.

Who's better, Kefka or Sephiroth? Sephiroth.

12-21-08, 12:19 AM
Thank you, Shisui!

I do enjoy the Zelda's and MGS, though...

And here's a not-so-often remembered treasure, Starfox! Only the original and the 64 version... None of those spinoffs

12-21-08, 04:39 AM
Otherwise the classics from Black Isle and Bioware shall always be close to my heart. For this reason I am looking forward to Dragon Age: Origins (please god let them finish it before they ship it.)Black Isle and Bioware fucking rock. They were the authors of most of the games that take the top spots on my "best ever" games list. Fallout 1&2, Baldur's Gate 1&2 (and NOT the actiony console version), Icewind Dale 1&2, Neverwinter Nights, KotOR, these are the games I always wind up returning to. Just the other night, I started Icewind Dale again. Given the fact that I have games like Call of Duty: World at War, Crysis: Warhead, FarCry 2 and the new S.T.A.L.K.E.R. waiting to be played, it shows just how much Black Isle still kicks ass.

I recently finished Fallout 3 (not too shabby, but not as deep as the original games), Mass Effect (kicks ass, but that was expected since it's also Bioware's baby) and Neverwinter Nights 2. And before that, The Witcher. If you haven't played The Witcher yet, you absolutely should because it's the best RPG for the PC in years. If you have the Special Edition, I will most probably come to your house, beat you with a baseball bat and steal it from you.

I don't play much on my PS2 or PSP lately, I'm afraid. I still have FF IX, XII waiting, a couple of Shadow Hearts games as well, Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, but I just can't find the necessary time these days for the hours upon hours of level grinding typical for such RPGs. I got 50+ hours on FF XII twice now, and every time I realize there is just too much to do and I grow tired of it. The Hunts are ridiculous sometimes and no matter how much time I spend raising my levels, I always seem to be just strong enough to win the next big battle. I don't like that. I like to kick ass and take names. That's why FFX rocked, probably my favorite FF of all time. Turn-based battle system, a great story, interesting characters and not too difficult if you invest some time in building your characters.

The Whistle
12-21-08, 01:12 PM
I like RPGs where you can just barely stay ahead of the curve.

Slayer of the Rot
12-21-08, 01:17 PM
I've been playing with myself a lot.

12-21-08, 01:33 PM
I like RPGs where you can just barely stay ahead of the curve.I like to have a choice whether or not I want to barely stay ahead of the curve. Any RPG you can beat with relative ease by investing some time into level grinding can also be played by just staying ahead of the curve if you choose to do so. But it doesn't work the other way around for RPGs where the environment adjusts to your level. So then instead of leveling up you have to worry about NOT leveling up so the enemies don't become too hard.

12-21-08, 03:15 PM
Oooh Legend of Dragoon, awesome. Loved Star Ocean too and Onimusha.

12-21-08, 05:13 PM
Battlefield: Bad Company.

That is all.

12-21-08, 06:22 PM
I've been playing with myself a lot.

As evidenced by your avatar.

01-05-09, 12:14 PM
Recently picked up The World Ends With You, actually.

Artwork is pretty amazing. Gameplay gets annoying later on (six Noise on constant attack while having to worry about that useless wanker Joshua as well is not cool), but still pretty inventive.

Also inspired me to do some moar shitty drawing.

01-05-09, 12:29 PM
Back in the day when I first moved out of my mom's house, I had (past tense) copies of Dragon Quest 8 and Beyond Good and Evil.

People usually lose something worthless when they move--I lost those two games. Don't know how.

But I found them both at GameStop for a combined total of ten bucks a week ago, so here's to actually beating them.

Also, my mom scored me a copy of Earthbound on the SNES. That's the game I'm tearing through right now.

01-09-09, 07:30 AM
Recently played the main storyline of Fallout 3 to completion. Was so disappointed I nearly broke the game disk into several pieces underfoot. Those of you that haven beaten it, I won't repeat the obvious reasons why. Those of you that haven't, I won't ruin it for you.

01-10-09, 12:40 PM
Been playing Oblivion and it's expansions, and my ever constant Battlefield 2142, which I've been playing for close to two to three years now.

Ya Zhen
01-21-09, 02:56 PM
I just borrowed the orange box from a friend of mine. I have no otherwise experience with half life but all things considered its a pretty good series. Portal is awesome too. Don't have X-box live right now so I can't play team fortress 2.

01-24-09, 10:51 PM
I picked up Civilization Revolution again a couple of days ago, and have been beating it like a drum on my Xbox 360. The poor computer must sincerely hate me, especially when I allowed it to take all but a few of my cities, because I knew that with my culture maxed out, and with the Hollywood wonder constructed, I would have them back in a few turns anyways.

The sad thing is, I had tanks and bombers out the ass. I just pulled them back for a little fun. I could have beaten them a few centuries ago, when I had a cruiser and riflemen way early. I like to drag things out....

01-24-09, 11:00 PM
I've been running through all the Megaman games from the first. I'm on 4 right now.

01-24-09, 11:05 PM
I'm still plowing through Final Fantasy 9.

I should've beaten it by now, but I can't just sit down and play through a game. A chunk here, a week or two off there.

But I was able to beat Moon on the DS within the week that it came out. >.<

I've also started over in Super Mario 64, and I'll tackle a few stars every night before I go to bed.