View Full Version : Xaul Knofker

12-17-08, 10:48 PM
Name: Xaul Knofker

Age: Unknown and unidentifiable. Xaul looks anywhere from 25 to 45 under his scars and tattoos, and does not know his own age thanks to the time period in which he was under Resheph’s influence.

Race: Human

Height: 6' 2"

Hair Color: Grey-black.

Eye Color: Deep Blue.

Weight:187 lbs.

Personality: When he is not fighting, Xaul is intelligent, honorable and loyal, but only for those who win his trust. When he is in a fight and his Kounnar activates, though, Xaul is insane. He is feared by the entire world in this state, if only because he is completely unpredictable. A demon in every sense of the word, Xaul in full bloodlust enjoys slaughter and torture, and will fight whomever he wants. This is due to Resheph’s influence on Xaul.

Appearance: Xaul is a thin, shadowy presence swathed in a tattered leather trench coat. He has dusky black skin that is almost transparent with black hair and dark eyes, legacies from Resheph’s influence. Also, his entire body is covered in ritual scars from the many modifications made to his body to allow him to contain Resheph, as well as normal scars that accumulated from the years of fighting. Xaul normally wears dark tattered clothes that hide him almost completely when he is in darkness. In the day, these clothes are shabby and ugly, but do a very good job of hiding the chain mesh that he wears underneath. Over everything, Xaul's favorite item is a beaten, battered, and oft-repaired dark leather greatcoat.


Basic: Ten throwing knives, six bags of caltrops, and a light net. With no magical effects to any of them, these weapons are Xaul’s backups. The net is about three feet square, and is kept folded in a pocket of Xaul’s coat. Each bag of caltrops can cover a four foot diameter circle, piercing the foot of anyone careless enough to step on them. The throwing knives are small and light enough to be thrown very quickly and accurately, although they lose some damage because of this.
Drshil and Haingre, two hooded splitting Katars (favored weapons). These are linked to Kounnar, with the increasing level of rage fueling their effects. Both are basic steel katars that have been warped by Resheph’s presence.
Drshil causes a wound to hurt more than normal, increasing with time. At higher levels, Drshil can cause pain simply from proximity, and even cause old scars to re-open. Xaul is immune to this pain. Drshil’s blades are jagged and sharp, with cruel spikes covering the top and sides of the hood.
Haingre causes a wound to instantly begin rotting, and leaves a horrific stench in its wake. This rot can be stopped by removing the affected area, through various curative processes, or any method of sterilizing the wound. Xaul has become used to the smell after years of use. Also, Haingre can cause metal to rust, and wood to rot, simply through contact. Haingre’s blades are twisting and sinuous, twining their way down to the hood, which has an open, slavering mouth thrusting out of it.

Armor: Xaul eschews heavy armor, preferring instead to simply move out of the way. To this end, he wears several layers of ragged shirts, hoping that enemy weapons will catch in the fabric.

Coat: Xaul's favorite coat is magically enhanced to offer some protection from all forms of energy, granting 2.25x resistance to magic and energy-based weaponry. Can take a maximum of three shots from light hand weapons. (Anything other than light hand weapons or the magical equivalent will get through.) The ripped, torn, and repaired coat drapes itself around Xaul’s shoulders, the shadowy colorless hide making him look not unlike a carrion crow.
Chain Mesh: Light steel chainmail that can turn knives and some arrows. Unremarkable other than the fact that it is hidden under the ragged shirts.
Boots – standard leather, but have treaded soles for grip, and have thin metal plates in the soles to allow Xaul to ignore his own caltrops.

Bio: In his small village, Xaul lived a peaceful life. He was a good farmer and a fine man, and nothing would change that. One day, though, he was out in the fields and saw smoke…

They came tearing across the fields, laughing brutes on wild horses. I was overrun, beaten to the ground as they whirled past me, their torches blackening the sky. I could hear the screams of those that were already dead, those that had not yet realized the truth of their wounds. Worse were the screams of the living, the women and children that were ripped from their homes, torn from their pasts and taken to a new life. They were the ones who were worse off. I lay in the field among my plantings, among the ruins of my old life, and raged silently at fate as I slipped away.

When I came to, I heard voices. “Brother,” one said, a woman, but not human. “This one is not fully in my realm, nor is he in yours. What say you?”

This time an inhuman man spoke. “His time is not yet done, sister. Leave him, he will be yours later.” They left soon after, and I could not call to them, to ask them what had happened.

I came to again, staring at a god. The bloody being, his form indescribable, leaned down and laughed at me. “You should be dead. You should be, but you’re not. Strong little man.” I blinked at him, and tried to speak, but only a pitiful croak left my mouth. He laughed again, his mirth booming across the field where I lay. “I’m dying too, little man. Little Xaul. Did you know that? Did you know that gods could die? Here we are, two dead beings, waiting for the sweet end… Except, I’m not ready for that. Neither are you. Unfinished business, yes? Want to find the people who killed your family? Let me help. Accept me in, and I will give you my power. In return, you will give me the chance to live on, with you as my avatar.” Tears streaming from my eyes as I thought of my village, I nodded, and the god Resheph flowed into me.

The next thirty years saw one of the bloodiest wars in history, especially considering that one side consisted of only one man. What do you expect, when someone cannot die? What do you expect, when spells simply slide around their intended target? What do you expect, when you make the perfect fighting machine hate you? What can you do, but die? Xaul and Resheph went on a rampage across the lands, mercilessly slaughtering every bandit and brigand they found.

Eventually, Xaul realized what he was doing. Waging a battle in his own mind, he traveled across the lands, fighting to regain control of himself from Resheph. Somehow, he found his way to the Monks of the Banir, who, for their own reasons, took Xaul in, caring for him and quenching the pyre of hate that had fuelled his very existence. At the hands of the Banir, Xaul learned about Honor and Chivalry, ideals that he took to heart. The Banir are the people who laid the Kounnar spell on Xaul, and they are the ones who kept him sane. While he knew hat he owed them much, they simply told him to repay his debt by “aiding others, as we have done for you.” With this new purpose, Xaul went out into the world once more, this time his own man.

Soon Resheph began to whisper in Xaul's ear once more. I may have lost control of you, little Xaul, but I'm still here. You know, there is a way to rid yourself of me. Go through the Rift, and fight in the tournament. Win, and get one wish. Xaul raced to the Rift that had appeared in front of him, not hearing Resheph speak again. Lose, and you will have to unleash me once more...

Fighting Style: Xaul is constantly in motion during a fight, always landing light hits and harrying his opponent, until he sees an opportunity, in which case he will dive in and strike. Also, he will often pull items like caltrops or a net out of his coat's pockets and use them to his best advantage. Xaul will employ lateral thinking in many fights, allowing him to gain the upper hand through an unorthodox move or three.

Katars – Mastered, but becomes beyond masterful if Kounnar is activated enough.
Knives – for throwing, Xaul is advanced. If held, Xaul is merely a low above average.
Unarmed – given that the motions and techniques for using katars closely mirror unarmed combat, Xaul has become an expert with this skill, using powerful, brutal strikes to quickly incapacitate his foes.

Dual Nature: Xaul can allow Resheph to exert a little more influence over him in order to effectively add another presence to a battlefield, distracting and disorientating mages and ESPers who are sensitive to that sort of thing. This skill can only be used a few times, however, for fear of Resheph breaking free and returning to the world.

Kounnar: Xaul has terrible, horrible rage, another legacy from Resheph. This manifests mostly in fights, to the point of taking over his body. When his rage manifests, glowing red sigils tattooed all over his body appear, an enchantment laid onto Xaul with his consent by the Banir. Without these tattoos, Xaul would revert to a state of pure fury, and Resheph would have full control over him. When the Kounnar is active, his fighting style becomes fiercer and more chaotic, to the point where it is very difficult to predict his movements. (One observer was heard to describe Xaul as a "Whirling Ragdoll of Death.") The Kounnar is linked to his two magic weapons, and directly affects the level of power that they have. It is notable that while fully possessed by Resheph, Xaul could apply these effects to any weapons, but this is no longer within his power.

12-17-08, 11:39 PM
Hey there TwinDeath, and welcome to both Althanas and the ToC!

Just a few things we'll need to go over before your profile can be approve:

Coat: Xaul's favorite coat is magically enhanced to offer some protection from all forms of energy. (Anything other than light hand weapons or the magical equivalent will get through.) - I must admit to some confusion here. You mention there's some protection to all forms of energy, then you say that that anything can get through, except for light hand weapons and their magical equivalent. Can you also give me an example of light hand weapons and their magical equivalent, just to be sure I had the right idea?

In any case, if he's going to have a coat that gives him protection for all types of energy, it can't be an immunity, but only a moderate resistance: about 1.5x the resistance of an average human to these energy forms. If the resistance is more specific (as in, providing resistance to a smaller number of energy types), you can increase the multiplier to 2 or 2.5x.

Haingre: It can cause rot, but unless Kounnar is in effect, the rotting rate is rather slow. Moreover, the spread of the rot can be stopped through curative abilities, cutting the infected area, burning the wound, etc.

Katars: When Kounnar is in effect, his skill with them becomes beyond masterful, not legendary (as that term would imply nigh invincibility and mythical prowess, something out of reach for the power-range in this tournament).

Unarmed: Instead of a master at unarmed combat, make him an expert (one rank lower than master, for precision's sake).

Kounnar: It cannot be 'impossible' to predict his movements, though 'substantially more difficult' for those well-versed in reading their opponent's movements is fine.

Make those changes and you'll be approved! Just be wary of powergaming these abilities, as the judge will dock points in those situations. It's in your best interest to focus on the writing rather than how badly you maim your opponents!

12-18-08, 09:28 PM
Thanks for the welcome, glad to be here. Down to business:

Coat: This is the only sticking point. The idea that I had was for the coat to nullify anything like a small pistol or a hand laser, in order to hopefully cancel out any sci-fi/realistic opponents. (Yes, powergaming. It is only here because I have lost a tournament before to an assault-rifle toting powergaming psychopath.) This immunity would only absorb two, max three shots, and anything larger than a light pistol would penetrate with ease. In Xaul’s world, the coat could intercept about ten arrows (kinetic energy), a single fireball spell (heat, light, and kinetic energy), or one of any kind of combat spell. More than one kind of energy to absorb and nullify causes the spells on the coat to give out faster, and sustained fire would do the same. If this is not acceptable, then the coat shall merely absorb kinetic and heat energy, for a multiplier of 2.25x resistance.

Haingre: Accepted and edited. This was exactly what I had in mind, actually. I would, however, like for the spread of the rot to be harder to halt at higher levels of Kounnar.

Katars: Accepted and edited. This was merely my not being aware of the connotations of the levels of ability.

Unarmed: Accepted and edited.

Kounnar: Accepted and edited, with some commentary. In all fights, one of the main advantages comes from knowing the fighting style of your opponent and being able to predict their next move from that. The more fighting styles one knows, the harder one is to ‘read’. The inverse is also true, however. If someone has learned no fighting style, then they have no basis to plan their moves off of. While in Kounnar, Xaul begins to lose his humanity, his sanity, in favor of bloodlust and instinct. Along with the loss of his humanity comes the loss of a fighting style, and therefore there is nothing for an opponent to read.

Thank you for the help, and I look forward to participating in the Tournament.

12-18-08, 10:23 PM
For the Kounnar, I perfectly understand. I only meant that he probably shouln't fight in a way that makes him impossible to block or counter, as that takes out a lot of interest from a fight. The term 'impossible to predict' made it sound like that. As long as you don't powergame (and I know you won't), then it's perfectly fine.

And the coat: I understand far better now. I'm okay with an all around resistance. As a compromise, why not: a general 2.25x against magic, meaning the coat won't abosrb' a spell, just mitigate its effects by over a half. As for ballistic weaponry, I'm fine with the numbers you gave out. Lasers would be analogous to focused fireballs here, so that'd fall into the 2.25x resistance as well. The point of having everyone at the same 'level of power' is a way for us to see that no matter what background the characters came from, they'll all be able to have fair matches.

Summary: Coat grants 2.25x resistance to magic and energy-based weaponry. Can take a maximum of three shots from light hand weapons.

So just edit in the resistances to the coat, and you'll be approved!

12-19-08, 04:31 PM
Edited to fit, and thanks once again for working with me on this.

Would it be possible for the material of the katars to be upgraded? The thing here is that I'm not looking for specific material strength conventions. The idea: that Resheph's influence on the katars, which were once steel, has made them into something... different. Tainted. Not wholly of this reality. The exact term that i came up was nysattva (or nesattva, depending on the spelling conventions used) which literally translates as "non-being" or "not real". what would this equate to, and would it be acceptable?

If so, I will edit at the next available opportunity. If not, then it would seem that there is nothing else to change. Either way, I would like to ask to have this profile moved into the archive as accepted ASAP, so my partner and I can begin our team registration.

12-20-08, 01:26 AM
As long as they won't be able to damage materials stronger than Dehlar (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=13211) or its equivalent, you can call them however you want. It's quite likely that no important weapon will break in this competition unless the writer chooses to have his or her character break it, either way.

And it's not necessary to edit this detail into your profile, so all that's left is to say...

You are hereby approved!