View Full Version : Ya Zhen

Ya Zhen
12-19-08, 09:38 PM
Alrighty then. To start off i'll admit my character is pretty over powered for my new status here. I tried to tone it down but it was pretty difficult without another opinion. So feel free to give me any constructive critisism. It would be much appreciated.

Name: Ya Zhen
Age: 13, looks and acts 18.
Sex: Male
Height: 6'2"
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Crimson
Occupation: Occasional mercenary work to pay for food and shelter when he doesn't feel like taking it
Personality: Ya Zhen is bluntly put, a sadistic bastard. He feels no empathy for any one and very much enjoys causing pain and suffering to any who are unfortunate enough to come across his path

Appearance: Ya Zhen is covered almost completely in black. The only thing that is not covered in clothing of some sort is his face which stands as a stark contrast being pale and a bit gaunt. He has long raven black hair, that reaches just past shoulder length. It is often worn in the samurai style, but otherwise is allowed to hang free. He wears on all of his body a augmented set of japanese armor. Much of the leather in its original construction is replaced with a more medieval europe plate armor construction, but on the base level it appears to maintain its eastern appearance. His boots and gauntlets are both also the same style. It is black with a red trim. Around his body he wears a simple black cloak of silk.

Weapons: Ya Zhen has only one true weapon. It was originally a katana, but after it was reforged it's physical and metaphysical aspects changed drastically. The handle once ornately decorated with jewels was made more drab and dull. The blade, once like most, was curved more and widened a bit so that it became similar to a cleaver or scimitar. It is normally hardened steel but the demon fang has made it much more powerful, around the hardness of titanium.

Armour: His armor, as detailed above, was also augmented with pieces of the fang but less so, giving it the hardness of fine tempered steel.


Ya Zhen is of average strength and speed, but has above average stamina, and intelligence. He is also above average in many kinds of sword styles involving curved single edged blades.


Ya Zhen is a master in the art of darkness. He can make an area roughly the size of the average cathedral draped in utter blackness, without anything casting it. This "Living Darkness" can be penetrated by metaphysical light. He is as blind as anyone else in the dark, but has a sort of sonar ability in it. He can only detect places where their is no dark, but matter. He can also project darkness out of his hands as energy, or out of his sword acting as a focus. He can create a fissure to a realm of utter darkness in the air. He usually uses it to quickly absorb an attack if he cannot dodge. Doing so however drains him of much energy and is a last ditch effort. When in area's frought with death and suffering his powers increase slightly, dependant on how much so. If it is in the optimal of the aformentioned conditions he is capable of summoning a gaggle of demonic allies to aid him. These creatures are mostly bestial and the majority of time are used as cannon fodder. Vice versa when in places of great light and happyness his powers decrease. Because the demon's fang used to make his sword and armor was augmented with his own energy it has a type of bond with him. If it is broken, as long as some part of it still exists, he can stab himself with what is left and upon pulling it back out it has been reconstructed. This causes him incredible pain and uses up much of his energy, so he usually does it after a battle.

History: In the year 1500, a small child of eight years old was to be sacrificed to a demon who dwelled within a well. This was a common practice in the village to keep the demon from unleahing its horrible powers over the villagers. Unfortunately for the village chief, it was his own son who was to be sacrificed this year. Also unknown to the chief, his son had a dual personality, the second personality taking on a sociopathic tone. This duel personality would kill villagers in secret, and due to the lack of forensic evidence, had gotten away with it. The child would then reawaken, not knowing anything had happened. The child used to take small objects for himself, so he could play being a village chief until the day his father retired. On the day he happened to be lowered into the well, he was clutching a smooth, tear shaped, round stone, with a sharpened edge, actually being the fang of a demon. He always carried it around with him, as a good luck charm. When in the well, the three beings; the demon, the child, and the sociopath; began to merge due to the demon's fang offsetting the demon's conception of what it was absorbing. After three days of this incubation process, the sociopathic side became dominant, aging to 16, remaining so for the rest of his life, due to the demon's longevity. He climbed out of the well, slaughtering the villagers one by one with the relish of the evil thing he was. After he was finished he went to his former fathers tent and took up the sacred armor and sword the village had kept for centuries. Using the Demon's fang he had been clutching, which had mutated with the incubation process becoming long and exhibiting the same foul aura he himself, and the hilt of the mostly rusted sword and armor he refashioned it to his liking. To finish the process he dragged several corpses to a nearbye temple desacrating it and making it a host for the darkest shadows. He harnessed these shadows into the blade and armor defiling their former holy energy. It was after this that he cut a bloody swath through fuedal japan.

12-20-08, 08:35 AM
Hey there Ya Zhen! I'd like to welcome you to Althanas and the Tournament of Champions!

This is a good profile you have here, and the only things that need changes or precisions are these:

His weapon cannot be at Mythril or Adamantium levels. Considering his other abilities... I'd allow Titanium (http://www.althanas.com/world/showpost.php?p=108524&postcount=3).

I need to know more about this gaggle of demonic beings. Personally, I think he should be able to summon no more than 4 demonic beings, and they last for a maximum of four posts. If you could tell me what kind of abilities these demons have as well, I would appreciate it. If they happen to be quite strong, I'll probably have to reduce the duration of the summoning.

And just to be sure, about this darkness that can cover a cathedral... he can see in it, right? If so, I'd like it if you put a maximum duration for this spell, something like 1 to 2 posts. As an outside opinion, though, reading about a battle where none of the characters can see anything, except Ya Zhen, can become a bit tedious if not done right. If there were holes in his ability (like allowing light the permeate at certain places) and if his sight was also somewhat reduced in this darkness (not as much as his opponents, but enough to make it interesting), then it'd be perfect.

After these changes and precisions, I think you should be good to go!

Ya Zhen
12-20-08, 05:02 PM
Okay, I think i've covered it all now.

12-20-08, 05:45 PM
Alright, this looks good! You didn't include the maximum summon time of these demons, but I'll consider it at 4 posts max, or until they are destroyed.

You are hereby approved!