View Full Version : Kalar

12-20-08, 04:17 AM
I'm not originally from this forum (I hail from RPGForumsOnline), but this was rather interesting so I thought I would give a crack at making a character. Let me know what needs to be fixed up. Any tips would be nice as I'm not used to having to try to balance a RP character to a 'level'.

Name: Kalar
Age: 307
Race: Dark Elf
Hair Color: White, shoulder length.
Eye Color: Violet
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 175lbs
Occupation: Adventurer, Mercenary, Wanderer

Personality: Generally laid back and good natured, with a sarcastic streak. Very polite unless forced to be otherwise.

Appearance: Standing about 5'6" tall, the dark elf in front of you is clothed in a simple black, hooded cloak which is usually wrapped all around him and is clasped at his neck by a simple cord. Under the cloak he wears a black, short sleeved tunic with red trimming, tucked neatly into a pair of solid black, well fitting pants, which are in turn tucked into a pair of calf high, black, soft leather boots. At his waist a sword belt is buckled, with a pair of short swords hanging from it. The swords are both hanging on the right side, one at the hip, on horizontally across his back so that the hilt comes out on the left side. On the left side of the belt is a small holster made for a hand crossbow. On either side of it are a little more than half a dozen bolts, of varying types. On both forearms are black leather bracers, reinforced with metal, with a pair of throwing daggers tucked into them.

His long white hair, usually pulled back into a simple rogue's knot, falls down to the middle of his back. His violet eyes are almost never still, always moving, usually very slowly and calmly as if constantly scanning an area.

Matching set of two short swords. Magically created and therefore never dull, rust, or otherwise corrode. Otherwise just a pair of very finely made short swords that he has had most of his life. (Strength of Titanium)

Four throwing daggers, two tucked up his bracers and one tucked into each boot.

Hand crossbow: 4 normal shots. Two shots with sleeping poison. Two shots with integrated vials of oil of impact that causes them to make a small explosion upon striking a hard surface.

Very fine light steel chain shirt worn under clothing. Provides minor resistance to slashing and piercing weapons.

Steel reinforced leather bracers, can be effectively used as shields to block and deflect attacks with his forearms if used correctly.

Other Equipment:



Swordsmanship: Kalar is so well versed and trained in the use of swords, the two weapon style in particular, that he has become an expert, in the use of blades of any kind.
- Shortswords: In particular he has specialized in the use of dual shortswords, and as such has raised his skill to the level of Mastery over them, almost to the point of Legendary skill.

- Hand-Crossbow: Kalar has recently begun using a handcrossbow as a backup weapon, just within the last 20 years or so. As such he is above average with it, but that is about it.

- Throwing Daggers: Kalar has been using throwing daggers as his main backup weapon for most of his life. As such he is advanced in the knowledge of their best use and application.

Reading Opponents: Kalar has been studying fighting styles all of his life, and as such has become very adept at very quickly picking up on another's style of fighting and predicting how best to counter it. He is considered an expert in the reading of an opponents fighting style. Along with his study of fighting styles, Kalar has become very used to reading people in general, even when no clear fighting style is apparent. Reading muscle movement, weight distribution, and the like gives him great insight into even the most unpredicatable of opponents general movements.


Enhanced Physicality: Due to his years of exhaustive training, Kalar's reaction time and physical stamina is highly advanced to those of a normal humans. As such he moves generally 3x faster than a normal human, and reacts about twice as fast.

Enhanced senses: Years of keeping himself alive from the unknown dangers of the wild have caused him to become acutely aware of his surroundings. As such his sight and hearing are extremely acute compared to those of a normal human.

Athleticism: Kalar is very well versed in feats of athletic prowess and agility. As such he is very good at many feats of agility, very light on his feat and able to perform flips, handstands, cartwheels, and many other such stunts, along with having a high degree of agility.

Dark Elf Racial abilities: Kalar has some of the abilities of his bretheren gained just from being himself.
- Globe of Darkness: He can, several times a day, produce a globe of utter darkness to cover an area about 30 feet in diameter. No types of normal vision, darkvision, or infrared vision work in this globe.
- Fairie Fire: He can, a good number of times a day, cause an object or creature he touches to become rimmed in a false fire. This fire can be any color of his choosing, and does not burn at all, merely illuminates the area around the target making it much more visible and easier to find. Even if the target were to become invisible after being Fairie fired, the fire would still rim their outline, visible for all to see.
- Levitation: Due to his years on the surface and lack of use, Kalar has lost the use of his races levitation ability.

History: Kalar was born the son of a fairly prominent dark elf family. Leaving the family at a young age, being one of the rare dark elves to have a heart and mindset other than that of murder, chaos, and power. Before leaving he had gone through intense training in weapons. Throughout his years he has seen and done many a strange thing. He has competed in tournaments, fought any manner of beast, and just generally lived out a freestyle life, doing good where he had the chance. Through all of his he has kept up a training regime that, along with all his 'on the job training', has made him a master of his art...and his art is combat. (yes, I realize it's not a very long character history. If you would like more let me know, its just late here and I don't feel like typing it up.

12-20-08, 09:13 AM
Hello Kalar, welcome to Althanas and the ToC!

Your character seems just fine, though I'll be giving him a few boosts to bring him up to the general level of power I've seen to this point.

With Enhanced Physicality, you may have him move 3x the speed of a normal human.

I was going to ask what material are his weapons, but I'll just allow them to be about the strength of Titanium (http://www.althanas.com/world/showpost.php?p=108524&postcount=3).

And he needs to touch a target before the Fairie Fire can come into effect, for the sake of fairness.

That's about it! Make those changes and you'll be approved!

12-20-08, 11:16 AM
Changes made and thanks for the feedback. :)

12-20-08, 11:47 AM
Glad to help!

You are hereby approved!