View Full Version : Jacob Rivers

12-20-08, 11:48 PM
Name: Jacob Rivers

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Hair: Black

Eyes: Green

Height: 6’2”

Weight: 145 pounds

Appearance: Though Jacob was once very athletic and a promising student of the martial arts, his long battle with an incurable disease has reduced his once lean, whipcord-strong frame to a frail shadow of its previous form. He is a slender, pale, and sickly youth, yet his eyes still burn with vitality and defiance against inevitable death. His hair has grown a bit longer, to the irritation of his sensei, but his face remains clean-shaven, giving him a boyish appearance. He has taken to sporting a heavy grey greatcoat to obscure his weak and vulnerable body.

Noteworthy items: One extremely sharp four-inch dagger and one four-foot bamboo cane.


Frail and Sickly: After years of suffering from his illness, Jacob has become weak and fragile. His physical strength is below average and his disease ravaged body can only withstand a couple of strong blows before giving out. His physical stamina is also unimpressive. Unaided by psionic means, he can only sprint or engage in similarly strenuous physical activity before collapsing in a fit of bloody coughing.

Student of the martial arts: Jacob has studied under his sensei, Silas Gesse, for a few years, both before and after becoming ill. Though his illness limits him physically and he still has much to learn, his training has made him about twice as agile as an average person. He is also reasonably skilled with a variety of defensive techniques and simple offensive strikes, though his lack of strength limits the effectiveness of the latter.

Psionics: After the loss of his physical prowess, Jacob discovered a new gift: his mind. In the few short years since unlocking his hidden psychic abilities, he has become very powerful. Silas Gesse has worked with him to control these skills and balance them with his physical training.

Precognition: Jacob’s supernatural mental acuity allows him to see flashes of impending attacks up to two seconds ahead of time. It doesn’t always happen and he doesn’t have full control over it. Can only be used once every two posts.

Short range telepathy: Jacob can transmit very simple thoughts to any target within twenty feet. These can consist of no more than one or two words, and are often simple instructions or warnings.

Telekinesis: This is by far the most significant of Jacob’s abilities. While the definition of telekinesis is simple, moving objects with one’s mind, his level of potency opens up a variety of functions. He can swiftly lift and hurl non-living objects up to a total of 500 pounds at once (which can be split between a number of smaller objects). Living targets can struggle to resist, but with their bodies and minds, and are all-around far more difficult to keep a hold of for an extended period of time. Similarly, he can apply that same amount of force all at once in any direction, such as in a strike or a shove, though it can’t be focused over an area smaller than three square feet. As such, when used against a living target, it can’t cause much physical damage on its own, but it can knock most people back a few feet.

While unwilling living targets are difficult to pick up and move, willing targets (including Jacob himself) are far easier. The obvious implication of this is that he can use his powers to hover around (albeit slowly).

Advanced techniques: With more focus and time, he can lift up to six thousand pounds and perform amazing feats, such as ripping up asphalt or concrete or tearing lampposts out of a sidewalk, as well as amplifying the telekinetic tasks already listed. Depending on the scale of the feat, these sorts of abilities bring about telekinetic fatigue, as outlined below.

Telekinetic force field: With an effort of will, Jacob can create a half-sphere barrier in front of him with a diameter of ten yards. It can absorb most heavy blows, including light gunfire, but it drains his psychic energy with every hit it takes.

Telekinetic blade: to focus the amount of force he can apply to smaller areas takes more and more effort as more force is applied to smaller and smaller areas. The telekinetic blade is the logical conclusion of this method. By applying modest amounts of force very thin surfaces of space, Jacob in effect creates invisible blades of telekinetic force. These range from tiny shards flying lightly through the air to a deadly, razor-edged sword slash designed to cut through armor, with the latter causing a considerable drain on Jacob’s psychic energy.

They typically appear as strange distortions in the air with what appears to be crackling static electricity coursing through them. Once formed, a telekinetic blade is used as a single-use projectile with a range of up to twenty feet, though the force diminishes after five. Depending on the sharpness of and the force applied to these blades, they can punch through steel, and even Delhar armor, and even Damascus with immense, self-destructive effort. As implied, these abilities incur various degrees of telekinetic fatigue, as outlined below, and the larger, sharper versions take a post to create.

Telekinetic Fatigue: Given the nature of telekinesis is to manipulate force, energy in the form of pressure and motion (kinetic energy), practicing it to the extreme degrees that Jacob likes to can take a toll on the user’s mind and body. Not only are his psionic energies slowly (or quickly) drained, heavy use of telekinesis can cause a variety of negative physical effects to his already weak body. These include nosebleeds of varying degrees, dizziness, minor headaches, physical tiredness, extreme migraines, and even unconsciousness.

History, the abridged version: (coming shortly)

12-21-08, 06:19 PM
Alrighty, done and done. Powergame and I'll eat your soul, no joke. Lol. Good luck.
